Daily Bible Reading - Wednesday - January 27th
It’s fitting that the devotional comes from James 2:20 “faith without works is dead". When reading Exodus yesterday and today we see Moses struggling to know that who is speaking to him is the Lord. Moses had to have true faith to carry out all that the Lord was telling him to do. He could of said no to the Lord and went on his merry way but he didn’t, his faith started rising up in him and he began to do all that the Lord had told him. If you know anything about Moses you’ll know he did not like to speak in public, he may have had a stammer or stuttering tongue and felt like he could not speak to the people so God said he would have Aaron help him. Moses faith rose up inside him and he was able to do what the Lord asked of him. It seemed the more Moses put works to his faith the stronger his faith became. Our faith is the same today, we have to put actions with our faith in order for it to grow and get strong. God is the same today as He was back then and He is no respecter of persons, He’ll do for us what He did for Moses.
Today’s Reading
Exodus 4:1-5:21
Matthew 18:1-20
Psalm 22:19-31
Proverbs 5:15-21
Daily Devotional
"…faith without works is dead"
(James 2:20, NKJ)
Did you know that faith can be alive or faith can be dead? There are a lot of people who are missing out on the abundant life. They love God, but they aren't overcoming their obstacles or accomplishing their God-given dreams simply because they are not putting any action behind their faith. Their faith is dead, and it isn't activating God's power.
What can you do today to keep your faith alive? It doesn't have to be something big. Just simply obeying God and doing your best keeps your faith alive. When you go to work every day and give it 100%, you are demonstrating your faith. Sometimes just putting a smile on your face when you feel discouraged, that's putting action behind your faith. Just taking time to go to church—that's faith that is alive. That's faith that activates God's power. That's faith that opens the door for God to move on your behalf. With faith that is alive, you'll rise up higher. You'll overcome obstacles, and you'll move forward into the abundant life God has in store for you!
Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. Show me ways to put my faith in action. Guide my steps and keep me close to You so that everything I do brings honor to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.