losing to much weight???
Hi everyone! I have a question I can't quit losing weight. I am 5 ft 6 inches and now weigh 118 lbs about 1 week ago (afraid to get on the scale now). My surgery was 01/26/09, i have no appetite hardly at all so i don't each alot and i am extremely tired and irritated not to mention my depression has been much worse the last 3 months. Just starting last week i started fainting about 4 times and once today not remembering going down or how long I had been down. I am guilty of forgetting to take my iron supplements and b12, could something be seriously wrong or i just need to really try to take the iron supplements. I also have real bad constipation, my water intake has diminished because its cold here, i did much better when it was hot out. I do get shaky sometimes. Any help would be appreciated because my doc is 2 hours away. Thanks Sue
not a doctor and would highly recomend that you go see yours not next week but tomorrow. now as soon as possible, it sounds like you are starving your body to death....you dont eat , dont take your vits , dont drink water and you wonder why you are fainting???? i think you know why....start eating and drinking water for petes sake....i hope the best for you but if you dont start taking care of your self i am worried to say that something serious will be wrong with you if it isnt all ready.... GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR TOMORROW.....DEMAND TO GET IN ...
I'm with Jan on this one you need to get to your surgeon right a way. This where your own accountability comes in to play. It's great to have surgery and starting to loose weight is great, but having WLS also means you have to do certain things to make sure you stay healthy and if you don't eat and take your Vitamins and water you are on a self destruct mode and you need help now not next week but right away. When you start hurting for no reason and take a step and break you leg you will know you have waited to long to see your surgeon. I have known a few women that thought taking their calcium once a week was all they needed until it was too late. Don't be to late take charge of your life now, if you don't want to eat a meal then fix yourself a protein shake, or drink one that is already made. There are lots of things you can do that won't be like eating a entire meal but it will be enough to keep you healthy and feeling better. I can't come and do it for you so you have to be accountable for yourself. Please take the steps that needs to be done so you will feel like enjoying your new life, or other wise what good is your new life going to do you.
If there is anything that I can do to help you please just ask, but the ball is in your court and it is up to you to make the first step. I wish you luck and I hope that your able to make that step and find that each after will get easier and easier every time you do one.
If there is anything that I can do to help you please just ask, but the ball is in your court and it is up to you to make the first step. I wish you luck and I hope that your able to make that step and find that each after will get easier and easier every time you do one.
I do not get hungry but I make myself eat. I do this because I know my body needs it even if I do not want it. I eat much more than I want but I feel great. When its cold drink hot drinks. Diet cocoa or hot cider or tea. I have trouble with getting enough fluids and can always tell when I need more. No matter what take the vitamins. Iron is different for everyone. Have you blood work done and see the doctor now.
Hi my name is Cor...you sent me a friend message and I have accepted it.
Now for your question and problems...K
Yes you are in trouble, k. you need to make yourself an appt with your Dr. right away, like the others said, here is why....
I too have lost way too much weight and have been having problems with that fact. I am only 5'2" and weigh 103 as of today....I fight everyday to gain and to make myself eat and drink....I too have "No" want to eat, drink or nor do I remember to take my Vit's. So yes I have the same problem that you have.
However, I make myself eat and try to get fluid in....I know when I dont get enough in too....I have dizzy spells where I sometimes have trouble standing upright....Everyday and every hour of the day I fight myself to eat....most of the time my mind wins or I get to doing something and just forget.....but then I remember that I havent eatten and make myself go get something....anything with protein that I can find and eat it...sometimes its in the middle of the night that I have to do this...
I alway remember everyday why I did this surgery...K....Im sure thats what is going through you mind too....but you have had the surgery and your no longer over weight...keep telling yourself that...and keep reminding yourself that "you didnt do this surgery to end up in the hospital or dead"......yes I have to do that "everyday".
So with all that being said...please get some help...Keep coming here, and PM me at anytime....K.....support is you best friend right now.....
Hugs to you..
Hi my name is Cor...you sent me a friend message and I have accepted it.
Now for your question and problems...K
Yes you are in trouble, k. you need to make yourself an appt with your Dr. right away, like the others said, here is why....
I too have lost way too much weight and have been having problems with that fact. I am only 5'2" and weigh 103 as of today....I fight everyday to gain and to make myself eat and drink....I too have "No" want to eat, drink or nor do I remember to take my Vit's. So yes I have the same problem that you have.
However, I make myself eat and try to get fluid in....I know when I dont get enough in too....I have dizzy spells where I sometimes have trouble standing upright....Everyday and every hour of the day I fight myself to eat....most of the time my mind wins or I get to doing something and just forget.....but then I remember that I havent eatten and make myself go get something....anything with protein that I can find and eat it...sometimes its in the middle of the night that I have to do this...
I alway remember everyday why I did this surgery...K....Im sure thats what is going through you mind too....but you have had the surgery and your no longer over weight...keep telling yourself that...and keep reminding yourself that "you didnt do this surgery to end up in the hospital or dead"......yes I have to do that "everyday".
So with all that being said...please get some help...Keep coming here, and PM me at anytime....K.....support is you best friend right now.....
Hugs to you..
It sounds like everyone on here posted some wonderful advice for you, tho i suspect that you already knew the answer to most of it...Let me put it to you another way, do you have children, husband, lover, parents???anyone at all that loves you and depends on you?? are they going to be devastated when you die? yes.. you say? well get to the doc and take care of yourself!!! I am not trying to be mean, but the reality is that you WILL DIE WITHOUT NUTRITION, please for the love of God and your loved ones get some help before it's too late, please come back on here and and let people know how you are doing, I am saying a prayer for you right now....done. love,susan