Daily Bible Reading - Sunday - October 25th
God wants us to have victory in our lives every day that we live and breathe. He doesn’t want us feeling defeated or lost or not knowing what to do, He wants us feeling confident, knowing where we stand with Him, knowing that He has our back, He wants us to have victory. In order for us to have victory we can’t be like the children of Israel, they had a defeated attitude, even when God had already given them the promised land they still had that attitude of defeat. Even when things look bleak and the cir****tances around me look as if I’m defeated, I stand on I Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." What a mighty God we serve!
Today’s Reading
Jeremiah 48:1-49:22
2 Timothy 4:1-22
Psalm 95:1-96:13
Proverbs 26:9-12
Daily Devotional
"The Lord your God will thrust them out from before you and drive them out of your sight, and you shall possess their land, as the Lord your God promised you"
(Joshua 23:5, AMP)
We all have giants or obstacles that try to keep us from possessing what God has promised. We have two choices: we can quit and live in mediocrity, or we can fight and take hold of the victory.
In the Bible, the children of Israel were camped right next door to their Promised Land. God had already told them He would give them the victory; all they had to do was go in and fight for the land. But, when they heard how big their opponents were, they had such a weak, defeated mentality that they just gave up. Their attitude was, "What's the use even trying? We'll never defeat those people. We might as well just stay out here in the wilderness." They settled for mediocrity because they weren't willing to fight.
A Prayer for Today
Father, today I come to You believing that You have given me the victory. I will not focus on the obstacles before me; instead, I will focus on You because You promised to make a way for me. Help me to stand strong and keep my heart and mind focused on the victory You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen