We had a great uneventful ride really , rode 323 miles today…got here and got our camp site. The rally doesn’t start till tomorrow so we thought we would get here a day early and be able to get our pick on camp sites. Were we ever fooled… the place was almost packed already. Good grief it is really growing and the old camp site is full too. I was talking to the director of the place and they are going to start clearing off more of the mountain and putting in another two bathroom and shower facilities this next year.
Got a phone call from Dr. McClains office and they said that I have a bladder infection and need to get on some antibotics. So I told her that I will go find a pharmacy and call her this morning with the name and address so I can get them and get strarted on them….I wonder why I have so many of those darn things…I know I drink plenty of water. Well today I havent , I don’t drink as much on the bike so I wont have to stop every ten minutes to go to the bathroom.
Susie….im glad that you are going to get to go to Angies funeral I wish more of us could go ….
Give Walter an extra hug from all of us ok?
Janet;;;;So you finally found the recipe again? If so you need to post it ….I cant find mine at all. Have you heard back from the Drs office yet?
John so sorry that you have the pig flu….I watched a program on that from the CDC a couple of days ago and they said that the H1N1 wasn’t really any worse than reg flu to most people but that to the ones that it is bad for it usually requires hospitalization. …and they also said that most people that were born before 1950 were sort of immune to it. Well something good from being old . Lol
Renee ….you just enjoy yourself as much as possible….Yes we know that Angie would be the first to say ….you go girl lol
Glad you are getting to do all of that. I would love to go to a NASCAR race some time.
Lana how true how true…..we never know what is going to happen do we …
JO…..well im really comfortable out here in this nice tent and heating pan on an air mattess. Fun too with all the cars etc going by lol
Sandy that does sound like dumping too…you don’t have to throw up or have *number 2* to be dumping. That is most of the time what I do . Like you described. Were you really weak after it was over. ?
We arent going to plow our garden , when we get back we are going to add 4 truckloads of horse manure to ours and then we are going to turn the chickens in there and let them dig and claw all over it plus fertalize it more too.
Take care….
Its really nice here right now. Yesterday it got up to 75 and was sunny. Still very windy. Today so far the wind isnt blowing-but of course, they are calling for rain this afternoon later/early evening! ARGH! Tired of the rainy, gloomy days!
Yesterday I had forgotten that I told Megan that I would watch Mackenzie in the waiting room while she was seeing her surgeon that did her gb. Well, she called me on the way to the doc-and I left immediately-and I was half way there and Megan called me and said they were done already and the painful incision site with the bump was just the stitches-not an infection or pus pocket! Thank God! Anyway-I felt bad. She said we have to go to Walmart, do you want to meet us there? I did and got to spend a couple of hours with ms. mackenzie-who calls me Nana now. Not grandma. Im Nana. She was like nana, nana, nana, nana! Holding out her arms so I could hold her and carry her! She just melts my heart! Anyway, a lady came up to Megan and asked how old Kenzie was-and Kenzie looked at her and said "HI"!!!!! I had never seen her do that either! Then, she tipped her head back when she was laughing at me-and her top two teeth had broken through the gums and I was the first to see those!! YAY! Megan said, Wow Mom, they werent like that this morning-but she has been really fussy so far today! Well, she never fused once the whole time I was around her! I also got to see what kind of toys she liked! She didnt even fuss when we would take them away from her and put them back on the shelfs! This Christmas will be all about the boxes and bows.....wrapping-not the actual presents-lol...Next year-thats when its gonna count for her!! So, we better enjoy this one!
I have to bathe the pets today. I am babysitting Stephanies kitten and she has fleas! ARGH! Steph said, yeah-I took her with me to my friends place-and they had fleas there......poor lil kitty has sores on her head from scratching. So, her and my dog, Molly are getting dipped today and then the kitty has a flea collar that Steph bought her. She is such a loving cat-she even comes when you call her name, but we just arent cat people!
******recipe for: YOGURT PIE***********
1 box (3 oz) sf flavored jello (your choice)
1/4 cup boiling water
2 containers (8 oz) Fruit flavored yogurt (same flavor as jello)
1 container (8 oz) frozen sf whipped topping, thawed
1 prepared 9" reduced fat graham cracker pie crust
Fresh fruit, if desired-for topping pie.
In a large bowl, dissolved gelatin in boiling water, with wire wisk. Stir in yogurt. With wooden spoon, fold in whipped topping.
Transfer mixture into pie crust. May top pie with fresh fruit of your choice. Refridgerate 2 hrs.
Our favorites are strawberry and Key Lime....Yummy! Enjoy everyone-this is really, really good!
Well, I am going to get going! It was so good to see Renee, Sandy and Lana back on the board! Sandy, it does sound like you had a bad dumping experience! That stinks! I have dumped just like that before!
Renee-I cant wait till your home either! Im just glad your having fun with Larry! Thats whats important that the two of you have some bonding time! Hope to see him too while he is home! Love you guys and be careful coming home-be safe!
Jan and Joe-I hope you have fun and stay warm-is it warm there like it is here? I hope it stays nice for you! Be careful on the trike. Your in my thoughts and prayers for safe trip. Love ya.
AS always, your all in my thoughts and prayers! Love, Janet
Hi everybody,
Had a busy day yesterday, went to my ex-PCP's office to get 5 years med. hist. for Dr. Edwards team, thought I could pick it up and take myself, but now have to wait for the Cox Med. Records Dept. to send it, which is ok, just feel like I wasted a trip to Springfield,
I am sorry I can't get to Angie's funeral, I can't even send a dime or buy a card. Right now I'm in the donut hole for my part D and have to really watch every dime. My heart is with her family and Susie I'm glad you will be there.
Jan have fun camping, that is one of my goals, we have a family campout every year and I haven't really participated since 2004. I want to be at the next one.
Been having trouble staying out of the food, getting nervous about the process of getting the RNY, I don't handle nervous well. Don't get that way often but it is one of the triggers for me. Of course HAPPY, SAD, TIRED you name it, can all trigger. That is the hardest thing for me right now is dealing with the triggers. I have read that writing about them can help so guess I will try just that.
It's a beautiful day, think I'll go try to get some of the leaves off the porch so they don't come in with my husband and sons.
I wish everyone a good day