At least today was mostly sunny . but looks like next week will be rain rain rain rain rain. Really depressing I get sunlight deprived really quick. The sun hasn’t been around a whole lot this year. I sure am ready for some bright sunshine.
Made the rounds today with wal mart and gro. store and feed store. I meant to go to k mart while I was over in Branson but forgot it. will have to go maybe tomorrow , I want to see if the store here has those thera shoes. I hope it will help my knees and hips and back...
I found a wireless printer, copier and scanner at wal mart today for 119 dollars and wanted to check it out online. It is an HP brand got onto Amazon and it is 99 dollars and I have a 25 dollar gift card that I haven’t used yet so that would be pretty good and when I went to order it there was a deal that came up and said there was a newer style of that same all in one...that has some more things on it. for a dollar less all the way around it seems like a good deal. I sent the info to my son to see if he can tell me yes or no on it.
But he has gone to
My new great granddaughter 8pounds and 10 oz big baby girl. Her name is Lily Rose that is her mothers favorite flowers and the flowers she had in her wedding bouquet . very unusual way to pick your babys name ...what if she had liked cactus and onions lol
From the pictures I see tho she does look a lot like her mom when she was born ...she was a big baby too. , my granddaughter , Melissa , that just had the baby is 6 ft tall but isn’t fat at all. she may have to work at getting the baby fat off now but she will do it. She goes to the gym all the time , did all the time she was pregnant too. I wish Kim would or could get some weight off. She is about 5ft 10 and is very heavy...their mother is very large woman , she is 6 ft 2 in tall and weighs about 350 or more I would say more but that is what she says....anyway in the last year she has had a stroke, a heart attack and found out she has diabetes and yet she smokes and eats all the wrong things and lots of it. don’t you wonder about someone like that.Makes me think of lots of us before surgery right. For the grandkids I wish she would take care of herself.
Pixi. Oh my I didn’t know your oldest son was injured in the war. That is very sad. Is he going to be allright eventually ? I will keep him in my prayers for sure. And for you and Mike I know it has to be a strain on you both with having both of your kids there and did you say your oldest ones baby? Where is the mother? Is she with you all too ?
Isnt it sad when your kids have no choice but to come and live with you? Things are so awful and so bad right now that there is a lot of that. And I don’t think it is over yet by far. Sad to say but I think it is going to get worse. Maybe it is Gods way of getting families back together like they use to be.
Sorry I didn’t get your seeds sent off today...i had them with me and meant to stop by the postoffice and see what the postage would be and it got too late. So I will hopefully get them sent off tomorrow.
Lou you are always so busy girl , going here and there ...lots to do huh? I bought all the stuff to make the chia tea and forgot the whipped cream do you use the one in the air can? Or do you buy the sugar free whipped cream in tubs.
Bec:well I meant to go see about the shoes at the K mart in Branson ....i think I meant to do a lot of things on Friday lol
You know I had some little short ones last year that I bought and I carefully got the seeds off of them but I had no short ones this year...i guess they were a hybrid. ...there is some that are seeds that are short. There is a nursery online that is dedicated to only zinnias ...i have forgotten what the name of it is but in google just put in Zinnia nursery see what comes up...i have been wanting to do that and keep forgetting lol another thing I MENT to do lol
I have found on the balsums there is no guarantee on the color you are going to get ...dont know why but you can plant the seeds off of a brite pink one and it may turn out all together different.
Hey if you are going to be down to
I feel sorry for you about the yeast infecton I get them under my tummy all the time.
Well I cant keep my legs still so im getting off of here. And go take some meds for it.
Jan I really like Redi whip extra creamy in the can. Its low on everything and I think it has 1 gram of sugar. I put it on everything lol Makes stuff look so pretty and taste good.
Have a great weekend everyone! Lou ;)
Boy was it chilly when I went out to walk this morning... 55 degrees...it was great. I walked all the way to I~70 and back... it sure is nicer to walk on pavement than gravel... I got one of those reflective vest... the neighbor man says you can see it WAY off! So I guess it will hopefully keep someone from running over me?
Have another day of studying and then will go to church tonight they have the same service on Saturday night as the three on Sunday... kind of nice to have the choices.
They have a wonderful FULL service exercise facility... it is so nice... I sure wish I could use it more... but it is too far to go everyday... will use it when I can though... they have one of those real nice "crunch" machines... I need belly work so bad! Mimi, so far the ball is not hurting my back with the set ups... I cannot do very many at this point but I will work up to it.
Have to have dentist work done again this week I am dreading that. But the sedatives do help! ~tee hee
Mimi thanks for that e~mail on the zinnias... who knew there was so much to know about them... I remember them being in my great grandma's flower beds every year... what did I think? they just did that on there own? ~tee hee
I hope you like the Thera Shoes as much as I do... it has made a world of diff, as far as I am walking... no blisters!!!!
I sure hope that I get the balsam that I want next year... but if not I will keep after it till I do.
Jennifer ~ if you are reading this... I have not forgot your protein powder I've just been busy I will try and get it mailed this week. Love that protein caramel hot chocolate! Sure hope you are doing well and still able to keep down the food. Am going to be rejoicing with you when you are able to get that ole feeding tube out!!!
Lou had bit of a time with the chi tea this morning ... I boiled the water and put the mix in and it was gritty~! ugh I had to throw it out but then I took a tiny bit of warm tap water and put the mix in, shook it up in my shaker bottle then added it to the boiling water and it was sooo soo soo smooth! Good stuff! Still reminds me of pumpkin pie!
I have been noticing the sun rises for the past few days.... they are magnificent! But you know the really breath taking part only last a very few minutes and it is gone... I know there is something I'm suppose to get about that will be interesting when the Lord reveals it to me!
Update: I think Theo is stupid!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!