Daily Bible Reading - Tuesday - Sept. 15th
Bec you are totally right, there’s been some good word we’ve been reading. Like you said yesterday, the Word we read from thousands of years back we can actually apply to our lives today, it’s simply amazes me how God wrote His words and teachings and yet had us in mind all the time.
The devotional really hit me this morning, especially where it said “you can’t complain and praise God at the same time." It seems the last few devotionals have been based on thanksgiving and praise. Those two words are so important, constantly thanking Him and praising Him will cause His word to work in us on a daily basis. Praising him in the midst of trouble sure does pick you up better then complaining about it does. It’s right, complaining about a situation only gets me further down and depressed, thanking Him and praising Him picks me up and sets me up for His blessings.
Today’s Reading
Isaiah 19:1-21:17
Galatians 2:1-16
Psalm 59:1-17
Proverbs 23:13-14
Daily Devotional
"I think it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle (tent, body), to stir you up by way of remembrance"
(II Peter 1:13, AMP)
Do you know that when we dwell on the wrong things, it affects our moods? We get down, discouraged, and lose our hope. Some people today don't have the joy and the enthusiasm God wants them to have because they are constantly dwelling on negative things.
But if we want to be in the position to take hold of all that God has in store for us, we have to stir ourselves up by changing our thinking. Instead of dwelling on and remembering all the bad things that have happened in life, you have to remember all the good things God has done for you. Every time you give God praise, every time you sing a song of victory, you are acknowledging and remembering His goodness. You are causing your mind to focus on what He's done for you. And, I'm convinced one reason the scripture tells us to bless the Lord at all times is because you can't praise and complain at the same time!
I encourage you today, stay proactive. Don't become passive in your thought life. Don't let your guard down. Keep stirring yourself up by remembering His faithfulness and watch what He will do on your behalf!
A Prayer for Today:
"Father in heaven, today I choose to keep my mind focused on Your goodness. Thank You for Your grace, mercy, and loving-kindness. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus so that I can live in victory. I bless and praise You today. In Jesus' Name. Amen."