I've been getting alot of questions about probiotics. Here is just one of the many articles you can read about them, if you google probiotics and the WLS patient You can buy them at any health food store. The ones you buy should be refrigerated. It is a live culture that requires it to be cold to still be alive. If its on the shelf don't buy it. It is a very small capsule. I take one a day I know DS patients that take them 3 times a day. On the bottle it says 1-2 per day. I have gotten results with one in the am, 30 before food with a glass of water. They are cheap to expensive, depending the brand you buy. I encourage you to google probiotics and read some of the articles. Knowledge is power. Do I think they are a cure for constipation? Probably not, although they have helped me. In the articles I've read WLS patients that take probiotics loose more weight. I've only been taking them for 3 weeks so I can't say if this is true. Again read some articles and decide what you think. Have a great day! ;) Lou
I'm Nancy G. and am scheduled for 9/11/09 w/ Dr. Hornbostel.
I am taking probiotic via DanActive Immunity. I drink one in AM. Usually found in Grocery
Store with yogurts. Must be kept refrigerated. Comes in several flavors and tasts very
good w/3 g protein and 1.5 fat(no trans fat). I'm not crazy about another pill. Having this
surgery to get rid of all meds and shots.
Hope you liked Dr H as much as I do.