Daily Bible Reading - Sunday August 9th
Today’ Reading
Ezra 8:21-9:15
1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Psalm 31:1-8
Proverbs 21:1-2
Daily Devotional
Luke 4:40
"At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who have various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them."
When God dramatically healed me of cancer in 1981, I learned how important a touch from God really is. And God´s touch is not just for physical healing. We also believe God for miracles in families, financial situations,emotional health, jobs, and any other important needs that people have. We have found, through prayer, that God still works miracles in the lives of His people.
The Bible says the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. If you would like someone to pray for and with you about a need in your life, you don´t have to wait until a church service, you can pray right now at our new Pray Together section in Joel´s new website. Here, you are able to post your prayer to thousands, even millions, of believers all over the world. Just like we pray in our services for others, let others join their faith with yours and watch miracles happen. You can also agree with others in prayer and encourage others by leaving a note of thanks to God for the victories He has done in your life.
God is no respecter of persons. What He´s done in my life, He´ll do the same for you. God sent His word to heal us and to provide life. He whom the Son sets free, remember, is free indeed! Free from sickness, calamity, disease and strongholds.
Step into the authority that is yours as a child of God, the authority that says, "Sickness, you have to leave in Jesus´ name."
A Prayer For Today: Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Word to heal us. You never change–Your Word always brings healing. I´m glad my family and I are delivered from the destructions the enemy has planned for us. I believe that You heal and deliver us daily.
Good Morning Andy...
Bless your heart! Thank you for enlarging the font! It doesn't have to be that big though if you want to make it smaller...
I went back this morning to read what I had written yesterday... short memory! ~ha and this last statement stood out to me and I then remembered reading yesterday another verse that went right along with it, then I knew I needed to pay attention to it as the Lord wanted me to "hear" it... I will have to ponder it more...?
"The Bible tells us mercy triumphs over judgment. That means when we choose to show mercy instead of judging and condemning others, we are choosing victory. We are on the winning side!"
How very true that statement is!
Then yesterday in my readings I underlined these verses in Romans chapters 14 and 15.. that tie right into that same theme...
"Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up our mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way."
Even though they are talking about eating unclean meat it sure could go for many many other issues we face.
Then in chapter 15....
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God....
The Lord spoke to me yet again how much better it is to have a sweet forgiving spirit than to be saddled with any kind of less than merciful thoughts that would keep me off the winning team!
I'm so thankful that the Lord loves me enough to continue to require me to look at myself and evaluate where I am in accordance with His will and plan for my life... because even though it may be painful I KNOW it is the best for me and I have to rest in that knowledge... and have faith that as I grow I will get better at the things I seem to fall short on. That's good news!
Have a beautiful day!
Thanks again Andy