Daily Bible Reading - Saturday August 8th
The Church Susan and I have started going to has services on Friday nights so we went last night and boy was it a shouting time. His message really spoke to me big time about faith. He started talking about Rahab the prostitute and how her and her family were the ONLY ones to survive in the city of Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. They survived because Rahab was the only one that had faith and believed in God, she had heard of Gods mercies and goodness and when the spies came to town to scout things out they happen to choose Rahabs house to stop in and she knew they were the good guys and that if the towns guards knew they were in town they’d be killed so Rahab hid them and they were saved from being found. She then made a covenant with them that since she helped them for the goodness of God that they spare her life and her family and all of her household. To make a long story short, no matter what you’ve done in the past, no matter what your past is, if we only believe in God and believe He is good He’ll do for us what He did for Rahab. I didn’t realize it until hearing the Pastor preach on this but as it turns out Rahab was Davids great grandma, yes the David that killed goliath, she was his grandma, I never in my life knew that until I read it in the genealogy. I was like wow, if God can turn a prostitute around and give her His goodness and mercies what more will He do for us, sure has me to thinking, especially with my past and all I’ve had serious doubts that I could go into the ministry and serve God but those doubts are sure gone. God wipes out our past, once we ask for forgiveness it’s done and gone, we are the ones that keep bringing up the past, God doesn’t and won’t cause His word says so. What an awesome God we serve!
Today’s Reading
Ezra 7:1-8:20
1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Psalm 30:1-12
Proverbs 20:28-30
Daily Devotional
James 2:12-13
Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!
The Bible tells us that mercy triumphs over judgment. That means when we choose to show mercy instead of judging and condemning others, we are choosing victory. We are on the winning side!
Jesus showed mercy everywhere He went. In fact, right before He was going to be arrested and taken to the cross, He had a conversation with one of his disciples. He said, "Peter, you are going to deny me 3 times tonight before it´s all said and done." But Peter refused to believe it, "No way! I would never deny You. I´ll stand by You ‘til the end!" The Bible talks about three accounts where Peter denied any association with Jesus because he feared for his own life. Do you know how Jesus responded? After He died and rose again, He appeared to Mary who was at His tomb, and He said to her, "I want you to go and tell everyone that I´ve risen." Then He said, "And, go find Peter." Why did Jesus single out Peter? Jesus wanted Peter to know that he was still loved, valued, and forgiven. Jesus didn´t hold a grudge. Instead, He extended mercy to Peter and restored him. He extends that same mercy to us every single day!
Maybe you´ve been denied by someone. Maybe you´ve been hurt by someone. Maybe you are working through some pain right now. But remember, Jesus gave us an example of mercy. He shows us mercy so that we can show mercy to others. It´s easy to take offense. It´s easy to hold on to the hurt and pain of the past. But the best way to move forward is to give all that pain to God and show mercy and forgiveness. Start today by praying for those who have hurt you. If possible, do something nice for them in return. Ask God to help you learn to forgive and extend mercy to others. It´s not always easy, but it starts with a choice. You make the choice, and God makes the change in your heart. Remember, when you choose mercy, you are choosing the winning side!
Am so happy to hear you are so pleased with the church you have started going to... it dearly thrills my heart to hear when someone is content in their place of worship! I pray the Lord will bless you greatly there and I know He is going to use you mightily in the future in what ever way He chooses. He will NEVER waste a willing servant!
I am still working on getting all caught up on my reading... boy I said last time I got behind I was NOT going to do that again and here I am behind again! I nearly was caught up a few days ago and then I got real busy and now I have several days again... consistence Becky consistence! ~tee hee My goal is to be right back on track by the end of tomorrow!!! Amen and Amen!!! ~~ha
Loved the last paragraph of the devotion where it talks about choosing to forgive and if we make the "choice" God will make the change in our hearts! Boy am I glad for that as I seem to never be able to do it in "myself" it always takes His intervention in my heart to get the job done! but am I ever so better off when it happens!
Love to all today and be especially blessed!