This past week has been pretty busy for sure. After going to the support meeting on Monday we have worked daily on getting the rental house done ....have the laundry room finally almost finished. We insulated it better and lowered the ceiling. Have to yet go toHome depot and get framing kit for the back door to put the other door on there. It should help with the heating of the house some,.
Have lots of people wanting to rent until they find out how far it is out of
Oh well if we don’t rent it soon im going to see if we can sell it. will make someone a good week end house ...or retirement house.
Hopefully have a good prospect of a lady that doesn’t work she said she was on disability so doesn’t need to be in
We have the laundry room done except for painting. Joe has to change out the kitchen faucet. It just broke, must have been cheap made stuff. Changing out the stove tomorrow, and I hope to get a lot of painting done...before this lady shows up.....Please everyone pray that she be the right person to rent the house and will love it so much that she wont ever want to move. WE are trying to make it a lot nicer than it was. ...Hopefully we will be able to get some more new windows in there for her...there was 5 new ones put in when Andy and Susan lived there , if we can get the other 5 in the living room done it will be really good,
Can you believe the weather we are having and it being the first of August already? Doesn’t it make you wonder about the green house theory? Hmmm wonder what this winter will bring....will it be like last year with all the ice and cold? Or are we in for a nice warmer winter? Lets hope for the later as we really don’t need all of that ice and cold. Besides it makes me feel better when I am in Az, and I know that everything here is ok...last year I so worried about all the ice on the trees and if it was going to snap one of them and fall on our house. But thank God we didn’t have any structural damage , just lost one redbud tree and there has been a small one coming out of the roots system that remained on that...it is already about 18 ft tall lol and it is nice and straight. The old tree that was there really needed to be cut down anyway.
My red crape myrtles are in full bloom right now. I have 3 large ones and now I have about 3 or 4 smaller ones that have came up from the big ones. I am putting the smaller ones down the driveways of the three places we have.... have been transferring several of my iris...i think I had every iris I have bloom this year...they were very beautiful...and have multiplied so much that I have had to divide them ....i need to do my lillys too and especially the daylilies...
I have an appointment with Dr. Hawes on Wednesday, im hoping to get my surgery for removal of the tummy skin by the end of this month...then hopefully can have my other knee done by the end of Oct. I will be well enough from both of them to go to
AZ by the end of the year. Well that is the plan anyway....lol
Susan im sorry you don’t want to do the post right now...it is quite a commitment isn’t it?
Don’t stress out over your brother and sister in law...they are grown people and you cant change their minds about anything. Is sad but true....we see people every day that could and should have this surgery but we cant make them want it for themselves...I know that so many people have said that they didn’t think certain people loved food too much to ever want the surgery but it seems to change everyone don’t you think?
I hope that the nursing home where your dad is , is just going thru a change , maybe the same company just getting rid of a lot of people that weren’t do ing the jobs they wanted them to do. they may have been nice people but could have been not doing other things. Anyway I hope it isn’t closing that would be really bad, I doubt if it is ,,I think they would have told the families by now so they could be trying to find their loved ones new places.
Barb: when you get back will let you do some of the Whats Happening Post when ever you want to
No you didn’t miss the
Have fun in
Have fun
But I made a big batch of picanta sauce with a bunch of them the other day....i have so much trouble giving things the boiling bath..I don’t have much of anything to boil them in that is deep enough. I just haven’t went and bought a canner yet...but I guess they did ok cause I sit them on the counter and everyone of them popped as they cooled .
Joe said I sure made it hot, he tasted of it when I was fixing it up lol , told him I meant to do that lol..oh yummy I love that mixture that you are talking about it is so good with almost anything.
Jo sounds like you have the cleaning mode too. all that painting and cleaning....
What sort of pickle recipe do you want the bread and butter one? Yes Andy has it but it is basically a reg recipe with splenda in the place of Sugar. Use measure for measure..
I am trying to get enough together now to make some dill pickles...you can buy packages at the groc. Store with all the dry ingredients in there. All you add is the cucumbers and vinegar pretty neat huh?
Bec I love the picture. you look so good...that is really good that you have lost that much weight and look at all the muscles you have developed....do you have any saggy skin anywhere? I know you don’t on your legs, how about tummy hope you don’t have with all that you are doing it shouldn’t. I guess im getting too personal lol ...
So what have the girls decided they are going to do this next year....i know they are both so smart that they don’t lack for offers....
Wow that is sad about one of Pauls chickens. How awful...i hope no others do that. What color eggs do the Buffs lay? I love the black hens we have they are so big and lovely they lay big brown eggs...the two Arecondoas (sp) that we have that lay the green , blue eggs don’t lay every day like the black hens which are called Sex Links. Lol I guess anything called sex has to be good lol
I had forgotten about hens laying soft eggs. My grandma had one that did that and she could never find out which one it was . she had like 20 or 30 hens ...but you could count on at least everyother day anyway there would be a soft shell egg...and she use to get double yolks every once in awhile.
I hope to see you soon, after my appointment with Dr. Hawes on Wednesday and I get an idea when my tummy removal surgery will be will sit up appointment with Dr. Hornbostel and will try to get it on the first of the month so we can go to his support meeting too. then will see if anyone wants to meet me in the park that Sunday lol
Guess im going about it all backwards but oh well.
Cant wait to see you sweetie. Miss talking to you daily ...i just am so busy with my flowers as well as the veggie garden.
BLESSING AND LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.......All of you that are needing prayer for any situation that you have know that we are praying for you....and if you are in pain we are too and love you all.
thank's to everyone who has offered to help do what is happening.maybe some day i can help do it again.i did enjoy doing it.
jan you are right about trying to change someone's mind about having this surgery.i am just leaving it to the lord.my brother does have me worried.his health is not good at all and my sister in law will have trouble soon also.the leg my brother had cut off the end of it does not look good at all.i have seen people who have had a limb cut off and the skin was a nice flesh color my brother 's is a dark purple just like his other leg.his leg is draining again.it look's like there is no blood going through it.
colette good to see you on here again.how is your hubby doing.we sure do miss seeing you.hope we get to see you again soon.
bec sorry to hear about paul's chicken.when andy and i would walk where we did live a small fox would alway's cross the road in front of us.hope you are feeling better.
jo how is the painting and sewing coming along for you.we got about 30 to 40 minute's woth of rain here yesterday then the sun came out.andy has a recipe for apple butter i think it is a little different.just let me know if you would like it.sure does taste good.he want's to make some soon.he has not made it in a while.
barbara have a safe trip to texas.is baby going with you?have a great time.we will see you when you get back.
sandy your garden mixture sound's yummy.did you put a call out for your dishe's to come back yet.
andy has the recipe for bread and butter pickel's made with splenda if anyone want's it.pooh bear is the one who gave it to us.we love you all.hug's for
Yes, I was planing on helping when I returned from the trip. Thanks for asking. I will give it a try for awhile.
Yes, Anissa is now wearing her boots. LOL...She did smell them all the way home. JUST TO EXPLAIN...I don't have a wierd granddaughter...she just loves the smell of new leather and we had purchased her a new pair when we were visiting Jan last week...
Family gathering yesterday was wonderful. So many great neices and nephews running around. And a new neice to arrive in late October. Her name will be Graceland Rae. We'll call her Grace I'm sure.
Need to get busy so, everyone have a great day.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
I ran into Dr. Hawes a couple of days ago. His presentation is going to be great. He's going to show before and after pics of WLS patients and the surgeries he's done on them. I can hardly wait. He's such a great doctor and very sweet too. You don't find that very often.
I have to cut this short we have to take another walk. Bec you look FANTASTIC! Thanks again for the well wishes you guys are awesome! ;) Lou
Another beautiful day here. I should paint the door to the furnace closet but no painting today. I'm hoping hubby will do it. I'll be sewing this afternoon. After doing those cuffs, the rest will be very easy.
Last night I made Parmesan Chicken and will post the recips. Very good and easy to fix. Sometimes I really like chicken and other times not. Weird. I'm going to make Egg Salad and see if I can eat it. I use cream cheese instead of mayo.
I did find some recipes for pickles that are quick and easy and I will substitute Splenda. One recipe is for store bought dills and you add SF Kool-aid and Splenda. With all the cukes we have I need to use them up.
My first attempt at making Apple Butter was a disaster. I did it on the stove and didn't know it popped. I had Apple Butter on the ceiling. After that I made it in the Crock Pot.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Nothing much going on here other then me and the 2 little ones have a cold. I feel so sorry for the babies. They are pretty cranky but at 1 and 2 they don't understand why they are cranky. They both want mommy to hold them but they don't want to share me which makes it hard. I am doing good with the exercise, we have even been getting in several walks of at least a mile and a half each. We walked to the park the other day and let the kids play well we got caught in a thunderstorm on the way home. It was crazy. When all was said and done we had walked 3 1/2 miles and half of it in the rain.......we were soaked. We all huddled under a roof at the funeral home in town till the worst of it passed then we walked home as quick as possible. It was fun though we all had a big laugh.
Well I hope everyone has a great week.....