Daily Bible Reading - Wednesday July 15th
I had everything typed out and pasted over to OH then it disappeared along with what I had on Word, weird, that’s never happened before. I gotta get out for my walk before it rains so I’ll come back and post about today’s reading when Im done. Sorry about that.
Today’s Reading
1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30
Romans 2:25-3:8
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 19:10-12
Daily Devotional
James 2:20
"…faith without works is dead"
Are you putting action behind your faith today? If we aren’t doing something that shows that we believe God, the Bible says that our faith is dead. Dead faith won’t accomplish anything. We have to give life to our faith by putting actions behind it. And, it doesn’t have to be anything big, just something that shows your faith in God. For example, I know people who are down and discouraged. They pray, “God, please. Get me out of this discouragement. God, give me my joy back. God, give me a new beginning." And yes, prayer is important, but it’s only part of the process. What really causes God to act is when you do something about it—you get back up, dust yourself off, and say, “You know what? I’m not going to stay down. This is the day the Lord has made! I am going to be happy and have a great day." That’s putting action behind your faith.
I encourage you today to let your actions give life to your faith. Show the world that you are trusting God’s Word. As you do, you’ll give life to your faith, and you’ll step into new levels of His victory and blessing in every area of your life!
Father God, thank You for Your Word that builds faith in my heart and refreshes my soul. I choose to put action behind my faith today. I choose to give life to my faith so that You can accomplish Your will in me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.