Daily Bible Reading - Tuesday July 14

Andy W.
on 7/14/09 1:10 am - Tulsa, OK

Sorry this is late, seems the storm knocked out our internet connection for a while.  Today was really interesting in Romans where God talks about the judgment of sin.  Talking about judging others for sins that we commit ourselves.  In Romans it’s saying that God uses His kindness to help turn our lives out of sin and yet sometimes we ignore His kindness and still keep on the wrong track.  God has many ways of trying to turn us around out of sin but eventually He will stop dropping us hints and stop using His kindness to turn our lives around and let judgment come upon us.  This sort of goes along with the Devotional this morning where God expects us to not only pray for things, but also put action to our faith.  We can’t just merely believe for a job promotion and not do our best at our job, we have to put action to our faith and make sure our boss knows we deserve a promotion.  The scripture says “Faith without works is dead".  Like the devotional says, Faith and Works go hand in hand, they work together, one without the other just doesn’t work.  I know I’ve learned that many times, for whatever I am trusting and believing God for I also have to do my part for it to come to pass.  When we do everything we know to do God see’s our faith and rewards us accordingly.  Isn’t God good? 


Today’s Reading

1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17
Romans 2:1-24
Psalm 10:16-18
Proverbs 19:8-9


Daily Devotional

James 2:18

"…You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove"


We all have dreams that we’re hoping will come to pass and promises that we’re standing on. And we should always be praying, believing, and hoping. That’s all part of faith. But there’s another step that oftentimes, people leave out—you have to put action behind your faith.

Are you doing anything to show God that you’re serious about what you’re believing for? You can pray all day long, “God, get me out of this problem." Or, “God, give me that promotion." But if you really want to get God’s attention and see God move in amazing ways in your life, take it one step further and do something to demonstrate your faith. You may have an addiction, but are you going to a recovery program? Maybe you lost your job. Are you putting your resume out and knocking on new doors? That’s faith that God can see. And when He can see your faith, you’ll see His hand of blessing, provision, and victory in every area of your life!



Father in heaven, I come to You today releasing every part of my mind, will, and emotions to You. Show me ways that I can demonstrate my faith in You. Help me to make wise decisions so I can walk in higher places with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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