Well im beginning to wonder if we are ever going to have spring.i like to froze to death I went and dragged out the sweats again. don’t know if we will ever get to put them away. And I don’t put my light jackets and light sweaters away as I am like the little tiny old ladies that always carry a jacket with them in the summer...the air conditioner in most places is so cold and it doesn’t pay to go anywhere without a jacket lol
I was outside yesteday walking around picking up things and stuff and I think I tripped over a tree root and fell flat on my face. Now my back is killing me. I guess I pulled something . I have the heating pad on it . and if it isn’t better in the morning I will go to the chiropractor. And see what she can do for it. usually she can fix me right up.
We got the yard all mowed again, got a lot of spring clean up done too. and hopefully got everything burned. Just doesn’t seem like we ever get things really done. I guess that is the pride of home ownership lol
Got the livingroom thougly cleaned yesterday was to cold to go outside anyway most of the day...and started on the kitchen... got two cabinets cleaned out. Will do the rest of them this morning early maybe. My lower back is hurting so bad and is really sore. That’s stupid I didn’t fall on my back but my front side. Oh well old ladies need to watch what they are doing more lol
So far they are calling for a pretty week end...high here in the 80s and sunny. Wow yesterday was 65 and today suppose to be 80 that is the Ozarks isn’t it? Hope all of you have a good week end planned...we are suppose to have some company from
SUSIE::::: wow
If a snake isn’t poisonous then what is the need to kill it ...a lot of them eat and kill rats and mice . I don’t know why so many people are afraid of them...they aren’t cold and slimy...i really think the fear of the snake came from the Bible calling the devil a snake. And I think it is just an fear that most people don’t even know why they fear them.
Now poisonous ones don’t know why they were made to be poisonous? I know it was as protection but why ? why would God want to give those snakes protection and not the others? Too deep of thoughts here this morning , too early can barely think at all . lol
POOH BEAR:::: that sounds like either hot flashes from menopause or low blood sugar.
Ive done that and it is miserable ...is so hard to get cooled down. Has it just started happening? Or has it been going on for a long time? have you told your doctor about it?
I know it is awful when it is going on....the next time it happens get up and go make a protein shake and see if that helps if so it may very well be that your sugar is dropping too low at night. You might try eating something before bed time if that would be the
I know some people have high vit b 12 levels normally. Doesn’t make sense does it. but we are all made different aren’t we ? Thank God the doctors would be out of business if we were all the same wouldn’t they? Lol You could go and then tell me what was wrong with me and I wouldn’t have to go .
Looks like Nikki is going to have a great day for a field trip today....give her an extra hug from all the cyber mamas and grandmas today.
LOU:::: well today you get to wear summer clothes or at least that is what they say for the weather. We will see huh? I think the reason all of us complain so much about the weather is the fact that we get so cold so easily, well that and the fact that I hate to be inside. That is the reason I would love to live in a warm climate. And can stand a lot warmer weather than I use to could without sweating like a pig.
How long does the a jug of click last you? Do you just mix with water? Hot or cold or can you do either? Is the protein in it Whey Protein Isolates? That is the best kind for our systems and insures us that we are getting all of the protein it says ...
I guess if I order some and don’t like it I can sell it to you.lol may order some of the wafers too. if they are that good tho I would eat too many of them.
Glad that you are doing well in your job. Is it regular new homes that you are closing on or is it people buying up repossessed homes? I wish I had the money to do that. Some good bargains out there right now.
JO:::::isn’t that how it goes you take off work to get things done around the home and it rains the whole time. so sorry at least they are saying that the week end is suppose to be pretty.
It seems like you aren’t alone with the fear of snakes and mice. I wouldn’t want to have either one in my car and me discover it while driving.lol it would certainly cause an accident for sure. Startle reflex .
Glad you got your painting done but sorry it irritated your sinuses. A lot of chemicals and smells do that to mine too. I really have to be careful...the next time you paint there is a paint out that doesn’t have all those bad smells and stuff in it. good for the environment too. it does cost a little more but is worth it in the long run since it doesn’t make me sick. I bought some for the trailer when I was painting the red wall and I was really surprised I didn’t have to have a fan going and all the windows open. Was great.
Jo on the Click how much sugar does it have ?
Better get this posted for everyone....hope you all have great plans for the week end.
Love you all so much.
Good Morning Everyone.
Sheesh didn't think Friday would ever get here. Been a long week I think.
Nikki is off to school all excited about her field trip.And Gail is gone to work.I will be going to the thrift shop dollar a bag day buy 2 get 1 free. Then may hit a yard sale or 2. Gail hates Fridays amd Saturdays LOL.He says I have enough junk.I agree but still gotta go LOL.
Went out yesterday and put bug powder on the plants . Something is eatting the crap out of my green bean leaves GRRRRRRRRR.
Going to walmart and stock up on chicken bullion{sp} cubes,s/f popsicles and G2 and s/f peach jello. I am going to get down to 130 lbs if i have to die trying LOL.S/f peach jello is only kind i can stand the rest taste like yuck LOL.And I will do protein shakes also.I bought some fresh peaches yesterday not sure if we are suppose to have them but the one i ate sure was goooooooooood.
I saved the seed gonna try and start a tree from it.Hope it grows.
Jan i was haveing those weak dizzy and hot flash spells during the day but they stopped . never had them at night till wed.I had a complete hysterectomy in Feb 2007. Took hormone pills for a month then my reg dr said they do more harm than good so i quit taking them.
I have done fine without them. So am not sure whats going on.
Well i need to get dressed so i can go play.Hope everyone has a great day.
Love and Hugs Deb
Good morning everyone.sure hope it warm's up a little.sure was cool here yesterday.was foggy some this morning but now the sunshine is out.hope it stay's that way.21 one day's from monday is the first day of summer.i think we are all ready for it.
jan did you ever get warm?hope you are feeling better.sorry to hear about your fall.
pooh bear how is nikki liking summer school.my brother's son is going and he love's it.have fun going shopping today.i will have to go to some thrift store's soon to get some more pant's.
susie when do you all leave for your trip?we know you will have fun.
lou how is the closing coming on the house?it sure does keep you busy.is your daughter out of school yet.
jo when i was working it alway's rained on my day off.how is the painting coming along for you?sure will look prety when you are done.
everyone have a great day.hope to see thoses missing in action on here soon.god bless.susan.
I went in last night to take my calcium and an actifed and picked up the lasik instead. I didn't get much sleep last night. I did lose about five pounds overnight but I know they will be back today. I feel stupid but they were about the same size and color. I will be much more careful from now on. I will read the label first. Other than arthritis I am good. My right hip is going downhill fast. I hate the thoughts of replacement and promise to wait as long as possible. I am too young for this. I already have two joints replaced. If the weather would stop changing it might help.
Jan I am not going till September. Hope you get better today,watch those roots.
Jan, the paint didn't have any smell. I used Valspar. It was the paint remover that I think started my problem. I went to the clinic at Walgreen. I have Strep Throat and a sinus infection so I'm on an antibiotic and a nasal spray. Feeling much better today. She said the paint remover might have caused some irritation but I was probably getting the infection anyway.
Here are the nutrition facts for Click:
2 scoops = 120 calories
1.5 gram of total fat
carbs = 12 grams
fiber = less than 1 gram
sugars = 7 grams
protein = 15 grams
You can drink it hot or cold but I prefer it cold. I only use 1 scoop per serving. Way too strong for me using 2 scoops. I've tried the recipes for making a drink that tastes like Click but I've not found anything equal to it.
I have some sewing to do today. Have several items to alter for a client. I have had to replace my patterns with smaller sizes. I have a pattern for a dress I hope to make for me. I have a cabinet full of fabric.
I still need to rearrange things on the wall in the living room and touch up where nails have been. I'm going to put a mirror over the couch!! I've always been an expert at avoiding mirrors and my reflection. Now I don't avoid that but sometimes I hardly recognize myself. Used to be if I got a side view of myself I would be depressed for days just thinking about it. Trying on clothes in a store was not something I did very often. Just hated those mirrors especially the dressing rooms with mirrors on 3 sides. I find I still have that feeling when go in the dressing room but remember I like how I look now.
Have a great ladies and gents if there are any.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Got my bike out and ready to ride. After getting it out and all set to go I decided I was to tired to ride.
Has anyone ate a totally boring meal of having the right amount of protein & veggies and it not sit well at all? After about 6 bites I got sick. I chewed well, small bites and took my time. The meat was moist and the steamed mixed veggies were done to perfection - I don't know what caused this episode. I can usually tell if I eat to fast or don't chew it well or over eat. I just wonder what caused this... I called this meal boring because I really wanted pizza and talked myself out of it knowing it was just "head hunger remembering the friday night pizzas".
You all have a great weekend as I will be hitting the garage sales in the morning and spending the afternoon on the end of the hoe handle to get the areas the tiller did not reach. I hope to take some pics of the garden soon so you all can see our hard work...
Hugs - Sandy