Daily Bible Reading - Wednesday May 13th
Well the devotional really hit me this morning. Last night we had a situation come up that really had me stressed and I wasn’t happy and I really didn’t give it to the Lord like I should of right off. Now when I read this I’m like “duh" you dummy, the Lord will work it out. That ole stinkin devil always has a way of dragging you down without you thinking about it, ai yi yi!
Jan this also made me think of what you wrote yesterday about the lady in the home that always rolled herself down the hall singing and when she got to her table she’d thank and praise the Lord. She certainly had the joy of the Lord 24/7. Those older folks like that just bless your socks off don’t they? I used to get so blessed when I worked in a nursing home and you’d find that special one or two that were always happy no matter where they were and yet we’d always complain or gripe how tough we had it ect. Etc. Makes you really think how blessed we really are.
Peggy I sort of know where your coming from. For years after we stopped traveling with an evangelist and moved to the east coast I would get like that in some ways. A situation would come up and instead of letting God handle it or letting God help me through it I’d shut down and go into deep depression. I wasn’t very nice to live with back then for those few years. It was like I was in the wilderness wondering around and couldn’t find my way out of it. Eventually I just gave it all up to the Lord, finally, it’s taken from then until now to even begin to see some light at the edge of the wilderness, that’s going on 7 years. Its kind of funny, now that I sit here and think about it, we traveled for about 7 years, I was going through all that like being in the wilderness 7 years and now I’ve been 7 years coming out, I’ve never thought about it until now, maybe God is trying to tell me something ? Well anyway, I’m sure that’s quite different then what your going through but I do know the Lord has you and your situations in His hands no matter what happens or what you choose, there’s always tomorrow, you’ll get there Peggy just hang in there, the Lord performs His wonderous works in all different ways that we don’t even think of.
Today’s Reading
1 Samuel 14:1-52
John 7:31-53
Psalm 109:1-31
Proverbs 15:5-7
Daily Devotional
I Thessalonians 5:16
"Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always)"
How determined are you to enjoy each and every day? In today´s verse, notice how long we are supposed to be glad hearted. As long as people treat us right? As long as we feel okay? As long as the economy is up? No, it says, "Be glad hearted continually and always." That means we´re to be glad in the good times and in the tough times, when it´s sunny and when it´s raining. When those dark clouds are over your head and you feel like life is kind of depressing, kind of gloomy, always remember right above those dark clouds the sun is shining. You may not be able to see the sun in your life right now, but that doesn´t mean it’s not up there.
The good news is that those clouds are just temporary. The sun is going to shine in your life once again. In the meantime, keep your joy. Be glad hearted continually! Don´t let a few clouds sour your life. On the other side of every difficulty, the sun is shining! Make the decision to be glad always, and you´ll move forward in the victory He has in store for you!
Today's thought: Today I choose joy. I choose to make the most of every day. No matter what is happening around me, I choose to focus on your goodness so that I can move forward in the blessing you have for me.