Jan C.
on 4/18/09 2:18 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well as pretty as it was Friday it was that nasty all day Saturday, and suppose to be like that again today(Sunday) rain , rain and more rain....coming in spurts so I was still able to get out and pulled weeds in between rains.  Weeds weeds and more weeds....all to the delight of the chickens....they stand at the fence watching me pull weeds and talking to me just waiting until I have a bucket full then I pour them over the fence...they just cluck and coo all over the place lol


Im hungry for watermelon , I ate so much of it last year , you would have thought I would have gotten my fill of it but no I didn’t and I am wanting one now too...also my strawberries have blooms and little berries on them so it wont be long before I have a good meal of them.....i have 4 watermelon plants that I have raised will probably go buy some more plants to put in tubs or garden.


Joe has been working on the wheels of the truck all day...cleaning the brake dust off of them. We have always had a problem with it ..you would think that we didn’t have any brakes from the amount of brake dust on the wheels...i told him the next time we have to replace them we are going to put the kind that don’t do that...i think they are ceramic ones.


I have tried to get hold of Brenda or Randy several times today and haven’t gotten hold of anyone yet...i hope all is ok....I guess all we can do is pray that she is ok....I am a little worried that I cant hold of anyone....has anyone else called them or talked to Randy?






SUGAR:::::: well how did your day go ? that sounds interesting and like fun.  Oh how is Melissa and Ricky doing? That wasn’t good the last time you talked ....i hope it has all worked itself out....How is Chele likeing her new house?

Well how did you like the new possible pastor?

Lol better put an iron fence around the redbuds to kee***** off of them with the lawnmower lol



SUSAN::::::: wow everyday you lose another 2 or 3 pounds , isn’t it great? As long as you do exactly as they tell you , you will keep losing...it is amazing for sure...

Hey it just isn’t my garden it is you and Andys garden too...i don’t know about the lettuce , it doesn’t look to great but we will see.



BARB::::: hey we will have a boot camp when it quits all this raining....do you all want to come down here or where would you all like to have it....we have a good place to walk here...let Joe and me get the trailer fixed and then we can have room for air mattresses at least ok

Hope you had fun shopping with the grand kids....


VESTA:::::: are your eyes ok now? I had mine done a few years ago...sure was nice to be able to see afterwards...


So let me know about the boot camp....like I said we can have it here...and between my fring and Susans we can keep everyones Protein cold and water cold......that is all we will have liquids ...protein, jello, frozen pop cycles broth and water....and exercise exercise exercise... you can go down and get in the lake if you want and we will walk and walk lol I about have my knees to where I can get with it again...i have started taking my naproxen with a pepcid when I need it so they are about without inflammation again.


Oh boy I forgot  we have some of Joes family coming tomorrow and will be here thru Wednesday , I am very sorry ...i will promise I will come next month. I will put it on both calendars and then if someone calls and wants to come I will be able to see it and know I have something else to do...please forgive me ...wow next months meeting is the 3rd Monday the day before yours so that will help remind me to not have company tooo....i remember that is Memorial day the forth Monday....so anyway I will come down to your meeting on the 19th will try to get to West Plains early afternoon and we can visit for awhile....will see if Joe wants to spend the night there , I would imagine he would any way will be there on the 19th. I promise....you all are witness to this that I promise I will go to her meeting. Lol...



TAMMY=AMMY:::::::; oh wow that 100 mile yard sale is the end of may isn’t ? when does it start? And where does it start ? in your town or where? That sounds like fun to do.

Loved all of your pictures. And your son is a very handsome boy....didnt you say he was engaged? His girlfriend wasn’t  at his graduation?


Oh my poor little Christa, she is sick a lot isn’t she? Bless her heart. Will keep her in my prayers ...

Lol you are going to have so many babies hanging onto you, good thing you had weight loss surgery so you have a big lap now..lol

I don’t know if Sugar and Janet have worked on the reunion anymore or not....will have to poke them and see what they come up with...lol

I hope Ritzy does get to come....would be great.

And I hope you are back on the board  now to start



SUSIE;;;;;; lol better watch that shopping will become an addiction .... that would be lots better than eating wouldn’t it. I started doing that buying clothes littler than I was and wound up with a bunch of things that I still cant wear. Guess I will go ahead and get rid of them I don’t thing I will ever get down below a ten... anyway oh yeah about the housecleaning .....Joe and I have an agreement , if it bothers you clean it lol ....maybe that is what you need to tell the Mr. lol 







Susan W.
on 4/18/09 11:04 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good morning to all.we got some rain here yesterday afternoon then last night we got a bad storm.thunder lighting.dont know what today will bring but we sure are ready for the sun to come around and stay.

we do have a really nice area to walk around here.andy and i walk down to the lake.there is a trail there through the wood's.any time any one want's to come down here we would be glad to go for a walk with you.now it is starting to rain again.

jan i know that is our garden too i meant your flower's are looking soo pretty.this fall andy and i want to plant some tulip's around out front of our house.edith next door said the other day that our front yard is the best she has ever seen it look.

we have not heard anything from randy or brenda.have you heard anything from becky.we sure do miss seeing her on here.

sugar like jan said you better put something around your flower's.she did and andy did too.we did not want the lawnmower cutting them down.how did thing's go at your church yesterday.

barbara how did your shopping trip go with your grand children yesterday.i know they are a lot of fun.when we would take my brother's son shopping with us he would alway's ask us to get him something.we can hardly wait to see you again.i really do feel soo much better with losing this weight.

susie hope you are getting some rest today.are you ready for your trip to see your son.i am going to try on some smaller size's today.i know i will have to get some more pant's and top's soon.i will be going to the thrift store's again soon.they have some good buy's there.

vesta how are your eye's doing today.glad to hear your two furry baby's are doing good.hope to get to see you and your hubby again soon.

tammy we hope to get to meet you someday.it really has been a great ride when i started to lose weight.just being off some of my med's make's me feel soo much better.good luck on your 100 mile sale.we are praying for your sweet little baby.

everyone have a great day.anyone want's to come down for a boot camp we would be glad to help.when andy went on the liquid diet with me it not only helped me to have someone do it with me but it helped him out also.i am doing my water vit's protien shake's and walking.when it is raining there are some thing's one of my classes showed me that i could do inside our house.my class i just went to told me that walking getting in my liquid's and my protien would help me to keep on losing weight.also getting in some more protien with cottage cheese tuna ect is very good also.catch you all later on.going to get ready for church soon.we love all of you.hug's to all.god bless.susan.

on 4/18/09 11:08 pm
Another cold wet morning here. I think I need to move to the sunshine state..........oh wait they get more rain than Missouri. I know in August I will be praying for rain but I don't want it now. The worms are trying to get into my garage. There are so many of them I wonder if any are still in the dirt.

DH and I are heading to Springfield today to meet some friends for shopping and hit the mall. I bet he gets more than I do. He has at least twice as many clothes as I do even after I have hitting the thrift stores. And I buy about twenty pieces each time I go. All of the don't work  for me so I do need to clean them out and see what I have that is really worth keeping. That will take a lot of time and I don't seem to have enough of it.

I think my miracle month is over and my weight is stopped again. I gained back one pound and I haven't seen the scale move since. I am ok with it as long as I don't stall for too long. I have way to many clothes I need to be able to get in to . I guess by the charts I have lost enough to be concidered a successful surgery but not enough to make me happy. I am still in the obese catagory and do not want to stop till I get into the normal catagory. Enough complaining.

Have a great day everyone.


L. Rios
on 4/19/09 12:12 am - Springfield, MO
Good morning!  What a great day I had yesterday.  We went with some friends to the rockin ribs fundraiser.  There were tons of people and all the money went to childrens charities in our town.  They had bands and tons of BBQ brisket.  You vote on the best one. I only sampled a couple and there was one that was the best brisket ever and of coarse they were from Arkansas.  No chance of us running there to eat.  Lucky for us we were in the ten****ching a band when the rain hit, but noone seemed to care people were just walking around in the rain.  It didn't last long and cleared right up.  We went last year and I remember it was so cold.  Then we went to Indigo Joes for dinner and watched some baseball.  I had the best mexican chicken salad.  Lettuce, kidney beans, chicken breast, corn and a little cheese.  OMG it was good.  I'm going to have to make this at home.  We came home and had a Wii bowling tournement with our friends.  We wrapped it up about 10 last night. What a great day.  Before I lost 108 lbs I would have never been able to go from morning to night with out a nap.  Life is so good.  Today I have an open house, I hope the rain quits and I have alot of people show up.  Is the meeting this Monday or next Monday?  I hope everyone has a great day! Lou =)
Bec M.
on 4/19/09 1:08 am
Good Morning Dear Mimi and All....

Boy has life been a whirl wind for me this past three weeks and not much let up in site till at least the middle of May if then.

I want to come to the boot camp but just don't know if I will be able too... but I know all that do get to go will be blessed!  That lake is simply beautiful! 

Well last week was so busy... we have been traveling back and forth to Paul's sisters putting a pergola over her deck. 

I have been riding my bike and hour and a half each morning in her neighborhood and then walking my four miles in the evening... I will not be able to do both next trip though as I have to start the painting and it will be a huge job... she is making her redwood gazebo and this new part Paul is building, white... I pressure washed it this last week and will have to prime and paint it the next couple of times... then I think we may be done.  I think she wants Paul to build a swing and plant some trees as well.

I got the blocks for my flag pole last Wednesday.... I had not seen them for less than right at $2 a piece but got them for $1.39 at the new Menard's in Columbia... and since I needed 115 of them it was a great sale!  I think Paul may be going to try and do that on Tuesday. 

We just have to get the grass mowed but have not been home enough to do it... and when we are home it rains and rains and rains.... oh well... it has poured down this morning again.

I have two peony starts to plant, two HUGE elephant ear bulbs, four cana bulbs, a whole mess of bedding plants, and garden yet to do... a flower bed to redo... and several to prep for seeds... man the work is piling up and seemingly no time to do it... I simply love that I "feel" like doing it... last year at this time I remember not feeling like doing anything and had to really push myself to do it anyway.  One year has made a huge difference!  I'm so thankful for that!

Well this week is my 6 month check up with the surgeon.  I am so excited to get to see Debbie D. and possibly Peggy if she is not too busy getting ready for the sale...sounds like she is swamped, swamped, swamped!!! I will be so happy for her when it is all over! 

Then it will be back home and on to the painting again...

Then I have two beautiful ladies coming the next week!  I'm thrilled about that! Need to do some prep work for that as well.

Don't know when I will be able to get back on... but will check in as I'm able.

The very very best to all.


on 4/19/09 8:39 am - MO
Hi Bec,
  Not sure if you are aware that Dr. Hoehn has moved to his new office. The new address is on his website if you don't know where he moved. It is easier to get to and just on the other side of the hospital parking lot.
Good luck with your 6 month check up,
Connie B.
Bec M.
on 4/19/09 10:30 am
Hi Connie...

Thanks for the heads up I was not aware that he was going to move.  Do you know the address of the website is? it's been so long I forgot it, and I've gotten a new puter since I've used it.

I sure appreciate your help... and hopefully the 6 mo check up will be good?

Thanks again,

on 4/19/09 10:52 am - MO
His website is http://www.kcbariatric.com/ The new office is the new building they built where you turned to go to Dr. Sabapathy's office. You will see it on the left as you come off I-35 & 75th street. At the intersection there by McDonald's take the Frontage road towards the hospital and it is the first right turn. The address is 9301 W 74th Street Ste. 230 Santa Fe Building. 913-677-6319. The building is a 3 story building and it looks like it is still under construction.. which it is, (they were the first tenants to move it). Clear as mud?  Let me know if you have any other questions. I was there twice last week and will be there Wed. this week.
Connie B.
Bec M.
on 4/19/09 9:47 pm
That's Right .... now I remember that web site

Thank you so much for the information!  What a great help!

My appt. is Wednesday too.  At 2:15... is your appt. anytime close to that? 

Would be great to meet you!

Thanks again for the information I sure do appreciate it.

on 4/19/09 10:48 pm - MO
Sorry but I will be his Lap Band Patient representative during his Info and Q&A Seminar Wednesday at noon at SMMC. So I won't be able to meet up with you but maybe next time, I would like to meet you too. 
  While at the new office make sure you notice the many photos they have used to decorate, they are incredible. They were purchased from some photographer's studio on the Plaza. Dr. Hoehn is from Colorado and these nature shots must remind him of home. 
Tim will take good care of you.... he is so good and such a gentle soul. Oh and they have a new nurse, Leah and she is such a sweatheart.
Connie B.
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