Working after RNY
My RNY is scheduled for Tuesday with Dr. de la Torre at the University of MO. My question is, how long after surgery were you able to go back to work? I work at Fulton State Hospital as a Social Worker. I am lucky that my boss is willing to let me work as much or as little as I want. As of right now I am saying I will be back in 2 weeks. Do you think that is feasible?

itreally depends on how well you heal....if most of your job is sitting you probably can but just remember that you may tire easier....the more you walk the faster you will get your strength back and drink your protein drinks....this isnt something that you dont have to do if you dont want to it is cant heal if you have no protein to do it on....remember all the rules. we will be praying for you on Tuesday....
I just had my surgery on the 16th. I wasnt able to take as much time off as I wanted. But was told a week was enough. I went back to work the following week. I did tire pretty easy and had some discomfort at the incisions. I have a desk job for the most part, unless I am teaching Army Family Classes, but even had to hold off on that. But as each day goes by I feel better and have more energy. I would ask your Dr. and see what he says.