The forth yesterday was Joes birthday, Granddaughter ,her hubby and the two great grand babies came down to visit and brought him a gift and cake and ice cream...how sweet. I wasn’t even going to make him a cake lol He enjoyed the babies. They are really sweet kids. Little imps and love to make people laugh but not mean kids. They are so much fun to watch and see their little minds working. Mikaela is so nosey, she will see something and ask , what is it mommie. What is it ??? so funny how she says it ...cute as a bug. Love to be around them . you should have seen them singing happy birthday to Joe Joe , they put their whole little beings into it.
Was a wonderful warm , sunny day, before the kids got here I pulled a lot more weeds and dug some starts of different things up and potted them... a neighbor came over and wondered if I would give her a start of some of my daffodils...so dug some up out of an area that I haven’t cleaned out yet....she was thrilled. ‘
Yesterday seemed like Sunday so I guess this week will have two Sundays
Well are you all ready for this freeze that we are suppose to get? The only thing im really worried about is my Lady Banks rose...it is loaded with buds. And it only blooms once a year. But is so so beautiful when it blooms.
Not real sure about my fancy lilies but I think I have enough pots to cover most things. Hope so anyway....will get Joe to help me cover things.
BEC:::: im getting worried about you and this liquid diet, how long do you plan on staying on this? You know you aren’t getting enough calories to run your body , especially with all the exercise you do...just be careful...you can get run down really quickly ...
Hopefully I haven’t gotten the lilacs mixed up , I have white ones and purple ones so intend to bring you one of each...they aren’t that huge but ive gotten them potted up and they are doing well.
Oh yeah some of the newer Hydrangeas are made a certain color and they wont change color did you know that? Bea Balm is a really pretty bright red plant that likes the sun and doesn’t like to be too wet. It spreads well too.
On the Cyclamern you don’t have to dig them up , because they bloom very very late in winter ....Hope you got lots of mulch yesterday. I need to go get another truck load....
No don’t have Big Red hooked up yet will have to take down cabinets and move them over about 6 inches, will also have to take the shelves from over my stove down and replace them with longer shelves. Joe says he may have to reinforce the floor under where we will put the stove at...lol it is a very heavy stove...and then we will have to get propane tank installed and lines run to the house . so quite an endover....am anxious to get to cook on it....
I hope you had lots of fun with your friend.... that is fun to see people that we haven’t seen in a while isn’t it...have fun and take care of yourself. Be careful with the liq diet.
SUSAN::::::: cant wait to see you in the morning , come over and I will take your picture for sure....
Lol I know I have too many things going at once but I do that so I wont run out of stuff to do lol....things to do in hot weather , rainy weather, cold weather etc ....just cover all the bases and you don’t know the list of things that I have that we need to do...i still have a list of stuff that we need to finish on our house , don’t know when all of that will get done. But when planting comes around as far as I am concerned all else goes away and the planting takes center stage .
LOU:::::: silly girl you tickle me to death... you are just too cute. Hopefully when the junk up front goes away the butt will reappear.
Isn’t it neat to see baby pictures of the hubby? I got a few of Joe back a few years ago and he was adorable.
I really cant help you much on new foods , im a creature of habit , I have gotten hooked on the protein soufflés , I love them and eat them almost daily....i have so much trouble eating meat I have to devise new ways to use the protein powder so I can get my protein in. ...
RENEE::::::: hey so glad to see you on the board. Even if it is hard to get on here sometimes it is so so slow ....i think it is because they keep adding more ads all the time.
And all of that flashing that they have on here makes everything slower....i have a high speed computer and high speed connection and it is fast on everything else but this site.
So you have never met your sister Crystal? So how is that possible?
Tell Tiff that we are really proud of her and her awards...
Sounds like you will soon be an empty nester before long.
I am really glad that Kala is doing well. And is liking where she is .
Let us know what all you did this week end. Did you see Janet?
PEGGY:::::: yeah I saw on t v. news tonight about AT&T were going to strike...so does he still get a pay check during strike time or since you all suspected this for awhile , you all prepared?
Glad that you all got some of the stuff out of storage. Furniture? There is old furniture? Oh my maybe I might have to rent a trailer before I leave there lol
I love old furniture....i am looking for a older style couch , you know that you see the wood legs or wood trim on the arms or back ...i will find it one day ..Im glad that your hubby will be off to help you get the sale all fixed up....take care and be sure take something with you to eat that will keep the blood sugar levels up..
BARBARA S:::::::::You may think your boreing but we don’t,...we love to hear about you and Baby. So how much money did the granddaughter take you for ???lol we grandmas are funny aren’t we?
Hey when you come down to my house you can bring your Baby with you....no problem..
Anyway wanted you to know that your not boreing at all. No way.
Good morning to all.did anyone get any of this cold air they are calling for yet.it did not get as cold here last night as it did the night before.we dont mind at all if the cold air stay's away.lol.
i was putting away some laundry in our closet yesterday and decided to try on some clothe's a friend of mine gave me while i was working in farmington mo.i fit into some of them.yheeeee.
i have a really pretty dress to wear next sunday for easter and a nice top to wear today with my black pant's.i was wearing a 24 size dress and top's but now i am in a size 22.the dress is just a little big so i know i will be in a size 20 before i know it.
andy and i walked to the lake again yesterday.i am getting where i dont have to stop as much to catch my wind.lol.we cleaned the house top to bottom yesterday dusting and all.that was a workout in it's self.we are ready to do some planting now.
jan sound's like joe had a good time yesterday.andy and i are praying that this weather stay's nice so we can get some plant's in the ground.just let us know when.fresh veg are sounding soo good.i will over soon as i get ready for church.thank's for taking my picture.
lou we saw your new picture's.you are looking good.we know you do feel soo much better.you are right it is the best thing to do have this surgery.it change's your life.a good change.
bec did you get your mulch?hope you are doing better.your blood sugar has not dropped any more has it.we can hardly wait to see you again.
renee good to see you on here.how was your and larry's trip to joplin.you are looking soo good.hope to see you and janet at the meeting in sprinfield.
peggy hope you got some rest.you have been a very busy beaver.before you know it the farm work will be done and the sale day will be here.looking foward to seeing you again.
barbara how did your shopping trip go with your granddaughter?did you spoil her?that is what grandparent's are for.just remember you are not borning.how is baby?when you do get to come see jan please do bring baby with.we love to meet her.we could spoil her too.
everyone have a great day.i have to finish my protien shake and finish taking my vit's.then get a shower later on and get ready for church.have a busy week ahead.doctor's app in forsyth and brason later on in the week and then next thursday we go to coulmbia for my one month check up.we are looking foward to see all of you that can make the meeting in springfield.we are praying for all the need's here on the board.love ya all.god bless.susan.
The Granddaughter's shopping date wasn't too bad this week. We found the cutest dress for her to wear to a family wedding next month that was regularly 80.00 for 12.50 can you believe that? I will get a picture on site for everyone to see. Actually we bought the youngest granddaughter her dress for the wedding too. It was on sale also. It was regularly 60.00 for 20.00. Another great buy! Jeans are another thing.....yuck! hate shopping for jeans! She wanted a pair that was on sale for 39.99 and I refused....they had holes in them!!! LOL...I know that popular but not to me. Told her she would have to gig someone else in the family for those. LOL Did get her some shirts she really liked. All in all she was happy. Total cost of shopping trip just under 150.00....fun time with granddaughter....priceless!
Baby is getting better. Her little toes looks better today. She is getting so bad about not wanting me to leave her. Again yesterday, when I got home she was so excited but, I had to sit down and hold her as close as I could just to keep her from shaking so hard. LOL It's cute but, I need to find out how to stop this or not be as bad. Don't think I will always have a couple of hours to spare. I think maybe when the weather gets better and we can walk together more often she will be better. I just think she needs to go with me more often. It's just been too cold or wet to take her.
Today is laundry day again. Never ending job!
Better get started, it just won't do it by itself...LOL

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.