Gastric Bypass or Lap Band?!?!

I was like you I was getting the lb and that was that, no way was I going to have the rny it was just to dangerous. Thank God I changed my mind I love my rny.
My doctor told me I wouldn't lose enough weight with the lb and it would take me a long time to reach my goal weight if I did at all. My health started going faster and faster and my pcp told me I really needed to lose as fast as I could so I switched to the rny. It's the best thing I ever did.
I had a friend do the lb a couple months before my rny and she wishes now she would have went with the rny for many reason's but mainly because she can still eat whatever she wants, she hasn't lost as much, she is out all that money for each fill (which they have trouble finding the port every time making it painful).
Really the choose is up to you, nobody can tell you whats best for you because this is life changing (for the better). Please know which ever you do we are here for you.
Love and Hugs

Nikki, I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I was all about the lap band, it was easy to do, not a big surgery, no big deal. Heck Dr. De La Torrre invented the procedure to put it in. No way was I having the RNY, that's scary. But then I went to Dr. Suttmoler and he talked to my husband and I and was like you need to loose 160lbs to be a normal weight. With the lap band you might loose 50% of that in 3 years. With the RNY you will loose 80% in the first year. I know people that have the lap band and love it, and I know people that hate it and had to have it out. Its the same with the RNY. Some people have trouble and some never do. I don't know why this is the case. Its a totally personal choice. When we left that day I got in the car and said to my husband.....what the hell just happened? I signed up for the RNY!!! I told my mom when we got home and she cried, she was upset, but after we did some digging, Dr. Sutmoller was right for ME this was the best option. You can go on this web site to get info too. There is a lap band forum and also a RNY one too. At my last appointment I thanked him for helping me make an informed decision. Like I said its what's right for you. ;) Lou
on 4/3/09 10:57 pm - MO
I would settle for NOTHING but the DS! One main reason is that you can take NSAIDS after DS and not after the RNY Gastric Bypass. If you have ANY joint trouble, you will suffer after RNY. That's only ONE reason. I have hundreds.
Good job asking! Happy researching!
PS You should visit the DS board here at ObesityHelp.
if you have a lot of weight to lose and want it off quickly and get on with your life then the RNY is the one...if you dont care about how fast you lose and dont have a lot to lose then go the lap band. and it is a false statement that if you lose 150 pounds slowly that you wont have as much wrinkling and sagging ...not true....if you exercise exercise exercise daily for about 2 hours and all it might help some, but it wont keep it all from happening no matter how slowly you lose it.
my main reason for not doing the lap band was the fact that i didnt want something like that inside me and to have to go back and go back and go back to have fills and now they charge you for everyone of them....can get expensive and insurance doesnt cover those. and i wanted the fat gone and gone i could walk and move around.... hope some of this helps you decide afterall it has to be your decision. my surgeon has quit doing lap bands because he says they arent worth the money people have to pay for them and they dont get the results they wanted.
My only regret was not getting it done sooner.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
Duodenal switch (DS) produces the greatest weight loss of any procedure, but with a significantly higher risk of complications both short-term and long-term. I tell patients seeking DS that they need to plan on moving to the city where they have their DS so that they can be followed carefully long-term. DS is currently not available (to my knowledge) anywhere between Chicago and Denver in the midwest. Oh, and the complication profile for bypass, at a center of excellence (including Roger's program in Columbia, mine in Sedalia, and the two in St. Louis) is almost identical to that of gallbladder surgery. You're in good hands with Roger, and will do well with a bypass. Best wishes! Sincerely, Phillip M. Hornbostel, M.D.