Daily Bible Reading - Friday April 3rd
Reading in Deuteronomy they are pretty much going over laws again, some of the laws you read get pretty harsh, but like Bec said a couple posts ago, back then I don’t think there was as much trouble as there is today, people either followed the laws or then knew the consequences and the consequences were not pretty so they would obey the laws.
We see in the New Testament about the good Samaritan, Jesus asking which one they thought was the good neighbor. You know I hadn’t really thought about it but the definition of good neighbor isn’t necessarily the person living next door to you but someone you come across that does good by you. As Jesus was telling about the parable of the good Samaritan I realized we are all neighbors in one for or fashion, just not next door neighbors. The good Samaritan was the only one that would stop and help the poor man, its like that today, its really hard to get someone to stop and help you if you are like on the side of the road and need help with a vehicle or something, every once and awhile you’ll find a good “Samaritan" to stop and help out, I always pray the Lord blesses them for their help and I truly believe He does.
Off in Palms it starts off with thanksgiving, our Pastor called last night and was talking about thanksgiving and how very important it is to thank God for all of the blessings He gives us and that is so true. That’s one thing that’s been instilled into my head time and time again and something we so practice is that we give God all the praise and honor and thanksgiving for everyone he sends across our paths and for everything He does for us. Even the little things God does for us we so need to be thankful for, I know it makes God feel good when we are truly thankful for Him and His blessings just like an earthly father is always glad when their son/daughter thanks them for something, its always a good feeling for sure.
Again the devotional always speaks volumes, I don’t know how much good word our brains can hold, I know all of the readings have been so good and I am so blessed by reading them. In the past I have been so wrong to think reading devotionals or reading the bible all the way through would get boring, but if you really dig deep and put your heart into what your reading there is always something that will catch your attention, seems that’s how God speaks to us a lot of the time, through His word.
***Bec*** Did Paul get the verse right that you were trying to get him to memorize? Haha your just to funny!!! I bet he did get it memorized, I couldn’t imagine him not getting it right with you around hehehe. You two are so made for each other!!! What blessings of God you both are!!!
Today’s Reading
Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19
Luke 10:13-37
Psalm 75:1-10
Proverbs 12:12-14
Daily Devotional
Isaiah 65:24,
“I will answer them before they even call to Me…"
Have you ever thought about something you wanted or needed, and suddenly, that need was supplied—before you ever even stopped to pray about it? God knows your needs before you even speak them. He wants to provide for you and answer the very desires of your heart. When you put Him first in everything you do, when you faithfully follow His commands, He’ll pour out an extra portion of His goodness and favor upon you.
Don’t ever think God is too busy to answer your prayers. Don’t ever think your needs are too small or that you don’t matter. He cares about everything that concerns you, and He loves to hear you call upon His name. You are very special to God, and He promises to answer in His timing, and sometimes, before you even call. Stand in faith knowing that God wants to shower you with His abundant blessings today.
Today's thought: Thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Reveal Your good plan for me and teach me to trust in You as I surrender to You every area of life.
Boy Howdy... I'm not even going to comment on the Old Testament reading this morning as I'm still blushing over some of it! ~tee hee I think today is one of those days a person will just have to read if for themselves! Ya think? Nothing like the pure "unadulterated" word of God! ~tee hee
New Testament: There is that so often quoted and now re-quoted verse: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" It does me good to REALLY stop and think of what it means to love the Lord with "heart,soul,strength, and mind," I can usually see my shortcoming so much plainer and right where I need to improve! ~ha
Proverbs: ... but the root of the righteous flourishes I LOVE THAT PART! it works up quite a picture in my mind...especially this time of year when it's time to put our hands to the dirt...
but a righteous man escapes trouble. Encouragement to strive for "right living"!
From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands reward him. Boy oh boy is that encouraging word to me this morning!!!
As I read the devotional I thought of my girls and their whole "college" experience... they both will graduate debt free! I'm so happy for them! And the reason I say that is... I could see the very truth of today's devotion so operational in there lives this past 6 years... the Lord DID meet there every need and like it said, so many times, before they ever knew they had the need! It was simply amazing how they NEVER lacked for anything! They also had to put into operation the part of the Proverbs, "the work of there hands rewarded them" as well. The Lord met so many of there needs as they dug in... and then just simply provided the rest! It was a wonderful lesson to all of us! So incredibly amazing to see how God worked in their lives and provided their every need!
I'm as you say Andy.... "if that don't excite me there's prolly noth'n that will!" ~ha
Now on Paul... that rascal made himself scarce all day! Working on the "chicken yard" and putting skids on it so he can pull it around with the lawn mower... Do you think he did that on purpose??? I'll get him today though... he'll be in the car with me and I can quiz him till he wants to jump out in front of the next car coming! ~tee hee What would he do without me? ~ha
Be blessed today!
Bec....I think we were sisters separated at birth! I laughed when I thought of Paul avoiding you and then planning to jump in front of the first car he sees today! Loved it!
I spent some time writing all the verses that God has given me the last two weeks and some of the lessons I've learned on submission/surrender and control. I'm going to share these with Shelia. I would like to say I am looking forward to my session with her....but that would be a lie. It is a battle for me to get there. I find myself coming up with all kind of excuses not to go. But I do have to admit that I manage to go 99% of the time. I have only caved in to the temptation not to go twice. For me, that is true obedience. Since the struggle starts first thing in the morning on session days. (Sometimes the day before! ha)
Hope you all have a great day! And thanks for the "word"!

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.