Daily Bible Reading - Saturday April 4th

Andy W.
on 4/3/09 9:10 pm - Tulsa, OK

There sure are a lot of curses to follow in Deuteronomy this morning, but back then if you didn’t follow the law to the exact you were cursed and either stoned to death or put out in the back 40 and left to live your life alone in the loneliest  place.  Back then though it seems there wasn’t as crime or people disobeying the law as there is now, of course I doubt the population back then was as it is now but still, I think people were afraid to disobey the law for they knew exactly what would happen, now don’t get me wrong there were people that didn’t care and disobeyed back then but it just doesn’t look like it was near as bad as it is these days. 


In Luke it starts off with Jesus entering Martha’s house and Mary, Martha’s sister, sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach when Martha was all distracted from the preparations and seemed frustrated that Mary wasn’t helping when Martha asked Jesus to get Mary to help but Jesus said to Martha that she was worried and upset about to many things that Mary was doing what was better at the moment.  That makes me think of many times we get distracted from doing what God has for us and instead get caught up in doing other things that life has us doing.  Sometimes we need to just slow down and look back at what God has for us instead of being busy doing other things that we shouldn’t be doing at the moment, as humans our minds seem to get distracted so easily, at least mine does, if I get unfocused in what I am doing my mind starts to wander off and before I realize it I’ve gotten off track big time. 


The devotional today kinda hit home about what to do about our dreams and goals?  Do you have any dreams and goals?  No matter who we are or how old we are, God has dreams and goals for us and whatever those dreams are He will make sure we have the ability to complete them one way or another.  That makes me sometimes step out of my own comfort zone which is really hard for ME to do, I get way to comfortable sometimes and God has to give me a big kick in order to get me out of it but when we do get out of our comfort zone the blessings that God has for us are always to numerous to count and in the end we will always be blessed that we stepped out and did what God wanted us too.


Today’s Reading

Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26
Luke 10:38-11:13
Psalm 76:1-12
Proverbs 12:15-17


Daily Devotional

Luke 8:43
"As they went a woman who wanted to be healed came up behind and touched him, for she had been slowly bleeding for twelve years, and could find no cure (though she had spent everything she had on doctors). But the instant she touched the edge of his robe, the bleeding stopped."

Are your hopes, dreams, and visions way big today? I hope so, because there are no limits for the powerful and loving God that you serve! When God puts a dream in your heart, even a big dream that seems almost impossible, He will also put in your heart the ability and the opportunity to complete it. The tough part is that you're going to have to step outside of your comfort zone, and allow God to give you what you need. The woman described in Luke 8 had a dream of being healthy, but nobody could help her. She kept dreaming and reached out for Jesus to be healed. Reach out for your dream today and watch God do the rest!

Today's thought: God, I know that You have big plans for me. Help me to let You do things that are out of my comfort zone. Thank you for Your power and for the dreams You give me.

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 4/3/09 9:36 pm

Good Morn Andy...

Oh there is that "blessed" Mary and Martha story! Hmmmmmmm  ~ha

Let's see which one of those ladies do you think I would be most like?  I bet you will have the gal come right into your mind! ~tee hee

You wouldn't EVEN believe how many times over the years I've dealt in my mind  with kind of situation!!!

I've been over that so many times I'm NOT EVEN going to comment!!!!  It's kind of my pet peeve story! ~tee hee

Athough the truth of that story is so very important and "true"... the situation it's self is so "real" to deal with if you will....

Submission Surrender....???

Pegg... there may be a little of that "Tatum" stubbornness rearing it's ugly head this morning!   ~tee hee

Let's see...have they been calling that "stiffneckedness"? ~ha

On that note I better !!! ~tee hee

Have a good day all.


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