Jan C.
on 4/3/09 2:43 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Bec I guess you are the only one that reads what I put in here lol no one else said a word about the post on Wednesday and Thursday

I was so sleepy Wednesday night that no telling what I did to the post I had done...we will never know what words of wisdom I had for everyone now will we? Im sure it was the best post I have ever done.


Friday and the sun has been shining most of the day....Joe went out to hunt mushrooms Came back with 3 little ones lol I told him that was justenough to make you mad...then he went fishing. Boy I ddint get any work out of him today lol told him well now you are going to have to work next week in the cold . he said he would go over in the trailer and put down flooring. Lol .well that is good, maybe he will get some of that done before we start having company this spring...


I spent most of the day weeding. I was again doing the tiny little weeds in the flower beds that are just coming up , most of them are just like ½ tall except for the crab grass , that stuff is hard to get up and out...i had a wheelbarrow load by the time I got done. And im still not done. But just about have the one bed done that really gives me trouble all summer. I thought if I do them early and put down the PREEN now that maybe they will be ok or do better....now if I just had the other 20 or so beds or spots weeded lol anyone want a job? It doesn’t pay much ...but you could learn a lot about gardening lol



SUSAN:::::well according to the weather forecast we might need to get out the snow blowers instead of the lawn mowers. 

If you see me over here putting blankets on all sorts of things , im not insane just a crazy flower lady .

Looks like it is going to be the middle of the month before we get our plants in the ground  . if we put them in the ground now we will have to find all sorts of things to cover them for a few days. And I don’t think I have that much to do it with....if you need the room at your house for the plants you bought today bring them over and we will find a spot in the greenhouse.; ok?



BEC::::::we do have a tendcy to get anemic or low on iron.

I have been putting together some flowers to bring you....bee balm, lilac bushes, lilies.

I will look for some of the seeds for the holly hocks. , some times they don’t even come up the first year that you plant them but will come up next year. When you plant them all you need to do is scratch the dirt some and throw them down and then pick up some dirt in your hand and sprinkle that over them....i usually step on them to mash them into the dirt so they wont get washed away...im happy for you that the pretty lilly is coming up...

Cyclamen are the weirdest things...they are a big flat round bulb...top side is concave and that is the part you plant up...they are almost black in color...really weird looking bulbs.

I will see what else I can pot up for you ...am really getting excited about coming up there at the end of this month

Oh yeah I have wished that lots of times, that we didn’t have to eat at all. Would be a lot easier. Lol but guess that wont work.



PEGGY:::::::::well did you warm up yesterday, if not surely today will warm you.  Is suppose to get to 70 here today...im upset with the bad weather too. so you aren’t by yourself.

Oh wow yes I can imagine you will be so ready to get rid of all of that stuff...im getting anxious to get to go thru it all lol ...i just know I am going to find some neat stuff...

I just hope this freeze they are talking about doesn’t bother too many of my flowers. There is no way I can cover it all...too big of an area. And too many flowers. Lol



LOU::::::: I know you were anxious to see your hubby last night. Yes I think about the women that have a husband in war and away from home for as long as a year at a time.

I cant imagine how lonely they must be can you?

Well how did your son do in the competition? Enjoy your day off today...



BARB :::::: Hope you have good luck in selling your stuff. I would think that everyone would be doing badly right now in flea markets.

Did Babys foot get better? Sure hope so.

Lol you are no more boreing that I am so go ahead and post .ok

We love to be nosey and see what everyone is doing. Ok?



Bec M.
on 4/3/09 7:14 pm
Good Morning Mimi... and Mo

Well it has been quite a week for me seems like a very very long one in some ways but then in others the Spring is just flying by...

Oh stink about that cold cold weather!  I'm going over tonight and get those mineral tubs and put them over my hydrangeas and hostas, seedum, and that lily.  That's about all I have to protect this year.

Lilac??? Oh Mimi that will be fantastic!!!  I've wanted a lilac since we first moved here!!! Oh boy I will have to pray over it so it makes it... I did my hydrangeas and they do just real well!  I want them to be blue and I put the chemical on them to change the color when I planted them but guess I did not get near enough... so when I redo that bed here next week I'm going to really douse the chemical on the ground around them so they will change color... they are pinkish purple now and while that color is ok I really what them that rich blue color.  I am forever pulling something out of that bed ... the dumb dandelions are all over... I need to get some preen as well... for the lily bed.  Mimi what is bee balm?  That sounds interesting?  Do you have to dig up the cyclamen every year and then replant them in the Spring? I will be so excited for what ever you bring me!

Well I'm on my way to Sutherland's to get Mulch... it is on a good sale this morning for just four hours... hate to put that mulch in my newer car but guess I will put something down and do it any way... Paul will look for a hitch for it tonight when he gets off work, so I can pull my little trailer with it for just such occasions.  Seems like I'm always hauling something around?

Say Mimi... have you gotten "Big Red" all hooked up and working?  If not I bet you are excited to get that done, huh?  And if so how did you like it.. have you baked anything in it yet?

I'm going to see a long time friend today and we are going to take a bit of a road trip to see another lady I have not seen in years... sweet lady for sure!  I have not done anything with my (long time) friend for a long long time...

I guess I will walk in the park today before I go. Also I have two very beautiful special ladies  coming at the end of the month and I need to find a bit of "supplies" for that "garden" party!

Well better get my scripture reading done here ... it won't be long before it's time for Paul to get up and get ready for work... and can you believe the mulch goes on sale at 7:00 a.m.??? I must be crazy?  All this hoopla for mulch! ~tee hee

Well now Barb... you can see I am boring as well. ~tee hee who gets on here and chats about mulch! ~tee hee

Have a good day everyone and enjoy the temp today for tomorrow we pay!!!

Susan W.
on 4/3/09 9:20 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good morning everyone.hope you all are having a good weekend so far.anyone get any frost last night?we got some here.our car is frosted over.it was friday morning also.we sure are not looking for that cold air to come.supposed to be down to 26 degress by monday morning.burrrrr.this is supposed to be spring.where is our nice sunny warm air.

sure was nice yesterday.andy and i had a lot of errend's to run.we sure did a lot of walking.you can sure tell branson is getting ready for all the people to come to their town.the traffic was really backed up through the whole city.

jan we know you are ready to do some planting.wish we could send this cold air somewhere else.lol.we have a table out in the laundry room.we put all the plant's we bought on it.if you think it will be too cold out there for them please let us know.

we know you are ready to get that stove in your house too.you have soo many thing's going you have to decide what to do first.a woman's work is never done.lol.

bec you are up before the chicken's.lol.but like they say the early bird get's the worm.i have had my blood sugar drop like that too.i just get some juice to drink.100% pure.so there is not too much sugar in it.when i have fasting lab's done i carry some with me then also.after i have my lab's done i can have something to drink.your sugar might drop again for you then too.

lou bet you were glad to see your hubby.we know he had a good time with his mom.i really feel for these woman who have husband's in the army overseas.they don't seem them for along time.enjoy your day off.

barbara you are not borning.we love to see you post.hope baby is doing better.we know what you mean about it is hard to believe that your sister is almost gone a year.it seem's just like yesterday we lost my mom.it will 13 year's memorial day weekend since she passed on.we miss her soo much.

have a good weekend everyone.have something's do to around here today.hopefully it warm's up enough to go out and get some fresh air.only supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow.love ya all.god bless.susan.

L. Rios
on 4/3/09 11:10 pm - Springfield, MO
My boyfriends back and there's gonna be trouble! Hey La Hey  La.  YAY Frankie is home safe and sound.  First thing he says is damn girl where is your butt.  LOL you're only gone a week, it left long before you did.  There's something on my list to buy a bootay.  I've lost mine, flat like a pancake.  I saw in the store you can buy some panties that have padding in them to make you look like you have junk in the trunk if you know what I mean.  But here's the problem, i have junk up front i.e. my stomach.  I guess I better wait to pad the bac****il the pad in the front leaves or I'll look like Momma from Momma's family.  ;)  Frank brought home all these old pics of him when he was a baby.  I never saw him as a baby and my daughter and I was in awe of how much she looks just like him.  He looked like little Ricky on I love Lucy, so freaking cute. Gage doesn't have his results until Monday, I hope he did well.   I'm board with food, we need to have a recipe exchange, nothing sounds good, I need some new ideas to eat.  It seems like I eat the same things day after day.  Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day!  Mine is better I finally got a good nights sleep, everyone is home where they are supose to be. 
on 4/3/09 11:34 pm - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 OK, this is like my 3rd try at posting here, so if it doesn't go this time I'm done. I've also been having trouble getting my mail from here, so I'm not sure whats up. Anybody else having trouble with the site?
 Larry and I are going to Joplin today to watch Mike race. I so can't wait to see Janet. Both here and I have been super busy lately and it will be great just to hang out with her. I MISS HER.
 Something really exciting happened this week. My sister Vicki found my sister Crystal. It is sooo great to talk to her after many many years (we haven't wrote since like 92). She is talking about coming down in May. I so hope she can make it, I would love to meet her.
 Tiffany's dinner went really good, and I will post pictures of her excepting her award (letter) as soon as I get some time. I'm so very proud of her. She has started moving stuff to Chris's house, and plan's on living there as soon as she's out of school. Thank God she's not moving far away, I'd lose my mind.
 Kala went to the doctor yesterday, her and Noah are doing good, the doctor said everything looks fine. She goes back in two weeks for her lab's, and then will start going weekly until Noah gets here.
 She is loving Cali and enjoying all the new thing's (the beach). I talk to her everyday, and that helps a lot, but I still miss her and wish she was closer.
 I hate to cut this short but after trying to post so many times I'm really running late so I better get off here and get in the shower.


I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful BLESSED day.

Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Peggy M
on 4/4/09 12:25 am - Raymore, MO
Morning all...

Thank you so much for the responses to the Eatin' Good thread.  I love doing it (most of the time...lol) and I want it to be helpful and I think it is to most of you.  So never, never feel guilty for not posting....that wasn't my intent!  I just needed to make sure it was helpful and not a pain in you all's hiney!

Today is farm day....whoopee.  Honestly tho I'm glad he has today off.  I thought they would make him work.  So we are planning on moving storage while the sun shines since the weather is turning stinky later.  Yes, Jan....I am so tired of the ups & downs.  And it helps to know a lot of you are sick of it too.

Looks like the man is going to strike.  Missouri is a forced union state so he will be walking picket.  AT&T and the union (CWA) really have orchestrated the whole thing.  Supposed to last 2 weeks to a month.  The company will save money and the union gets what they want.  The one issue is that they will be working TONS of overtime when they get back.  But I'm glad I will have him to help me get ready for this sale.  I hope to start the listing tomorrow and figuring out the easiest way to price.  We also have an order to get a 40x100 tent and tables.  We will probably have to put the furniture and things outside but we can put those on pallets and cover them with tarps.  We are also thinking about camping there a couple of nights in order to protect things.  Plus we need to burn the trash pile and at night would be the best in order to keep the county from seeing the smoke.  Our county tends to be overbearing.  So will have a 'bonfire' one night and roast weenies.

I have a miniature lilac that Mark's aunt gave me last year.  It's actually budding and I am so excited.  I have to say that lilac (even miniature) are one of my favorites.  LOVE them.  My roses and peonies are growing like crazy.  I just wish I could take the time and get the rest of the beds cleaned and planted.  One of these days.....

Hope you all have a great day.  Enjoy the sunshine while you can...we're not supposed to get much snow but we will see.  Take care!
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Barbara S.
on 4/4/09 12:37 am - Freeman, MO
Hello Everyone!

Baby's foot is still swelled and she licks it all the time. It looks so sore. If it isn't better next week, I will revisit the Vet. She is getting more and more attached to me, I mean I went to my oldest Granddaughter's first track meet yesterday, I was gone about 6 hours and my hubby said she looked out the window the entire time watching for me and when I came in she was like on me the entire night! LOL It is so nice to be loved! I just don't know how she will handle me being gone to go see Jan this year.

I am waiting for the granddaughter to get ready and we are going shopping. Bye, bye money...LOL
Then to the grocery store and then to get my meds.  See I told you it was boring.

Well, I better get going and will check in later. You are all always in my heart and prayers.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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