Daily Bible Reading - Thursday April 2nd

Andy W.
on 4/1/09 10:17 pm - Tulsa, OK

Reading in Deuteronomy it really struck me what they do to rebellious and stubborn sons, wow!! If a son is rebellious and stubborn the mother and father take him to the elders where they have court and tell them and then stone him to death,  my goodness, I’m so glad my mom and dad didn’t do that with me lol.  I wasn’t all that bad but still, sheesh!!  As I read on it looks as if they stone you to death for most every little thing, boy they were harsh back then, sometimes I can see that being a good punishment but sometimes man that’s just harsh but then again Im sure they made them be pretty disciplined about their lives, I know it would me.   I like how Proverbs put the word today “A hard worker has plenty of food but a person who chases fantasies has no sense"  I am finding out that working hard in the garden, or as they were back in those days the fields makes for a good and plentiful harvest.  The more I work out in the garden here the more I find out its not easy work but I know the end result will be a plentiful harvest.  I cant wait to see the fruit of our labors.  That also reminds me of Jan and how hard she works everyday in her flower gardens and in the veggie garden,  if any of you have had the privilege of seeing her gardens in person know how beautiful they are, its all the result of her hard labor in them, so  beautiful.


The devotional spoke to me this morning, telling to quite looking on my past mistakes, they were mistakes and I’ve asked and been forgiven them, its time to look ahead and move ahead.  It also tells me that God will restore everything the enemy has stolen from me and that He will make ALL things new, now if that isn’t cause to shout then I dunno what is.  What a wonderful word this morning.    

Today’s Reading

Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30
Luke 9:51-10:12
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 12:11


Daily Devotional

II Chronicles 6:1
“Please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us"

So many people today are living below their God-given potential. They’ve put their dreams on hold because of disappointments or setbacks. But God doesn’t want us to spend a single moment living in regret or condemnation. He doesn’t want us to settle for mediocrity, He wants us to make the most out of every moment of our lives. He promises to make all things new. He promises to restore everything the enemy has stolen from us.
We are the ones who have to make the decision to let go of the past so we can make the most of today. We have to choose to keep moving forward one step at a time. When you choose to walk in forgiveness, you are making the most of your life. When you reach out to help others, you are making the most of your life. When you give of your time, talent, and resources to build the kingdom of God, you are making the most of your life.

Choose today to let go of the past so you can embrace every opportunity the Lord has in store for your future!

Today's thought: Heavenly Father, thank You for the precious gift of today. Help me to be a blessing to others so I can make the most of every moment. I bless You and thank You for the good plan You have for me.

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 4/1/09 11:30 pm
Good Morning Andy...

Paul and I are setting here having a good laugh about the Proverbs...  His dad was ALWAYS chasing "fantisies" bulldozers, dump trucks, back hoes and on and on and on! He had so many businesses he was going to start and even went so far as to sink a great deal of $$$ into each for them never to materialize! ~ha and I didn't want Paul getting old and doing the same things... we both laughed about it!  

I made him memorize that verse this morning!  We went over and over and over it again!  I told him I was going to quiz him on it off and on all day long and I wanted him to be able to quote  it to me chapter, line and verse! Then you wrote about it as well... CONFIRMATION!!! MY MAN CONFIRMATION!!!!!  Just too funny!

And I was also telling Paul about that son getting taken out and stoned when he was just too naughty!   you are right WOW!!!  I've thought all along in our readings when they were told to stone all these wayward peeps that it was a pretty harsh punishment but then I bet the percentages of those doing those things were WAY WAY lower! ya think?

Any way better get outside and finish my project before it starts to rain... have a good day and I'll let you know tomorrow if Paul really did hide that word in his heart!  I'll know later in the day when I give him the quiz!!!   But I don't think I'll drag him over and stone him if he fails... I'll just make him write sentences like my momma used to do when I was naughty!  I've gotta quit this morning!!!! This no food is causing the  to come out in me!   And I'll be the one getting stoned! ~tee hee!

Have a good day!

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