Finally got really pretty Tuesday afternoon , transplanted several things. They should be ok since we had over an inch of rain last night....that was some storm I think...dont remember hearing a lot of it.
They are saying the wind should be stronger today than was yesterday . oh my goodness some of you might need to put some rocks in your pockets ....or you will blow away...
Is suppose to get up to around 62 down here. But is going to be raining most of the week left ....dad gum it.
Monday when we went to wal-mart I bought a set of clippers and today I cut Joes hair. , did pretty good . he liked it anyway....he likes it so I guess that is good....Saturday will be his birthday.dont have any ideas what I am going to get him....he said what he needed was a day off ....cant do that lol
Anyway going to get my replies done. :
JANET;;;;;; thank you sweetie for doing the post in my absence....if it had been there when I got up I would have just posted to it but I guess we posted at the same time. lol
But anyway thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So what happened to your ex? A gentle slap on the wrist or jail?
Did you get any of your test result yet?
Yes Sheila got in touch with me about the tummy tuck ....told her what I knew which isn’t much but hope she got some better answers from Brenda and Vesta
Oh lord to see you as a cop? Hmmmmmmm don’t know if that would be right or not.
Something seems wrong with that picture lol
Oh my goodness I laughed until I was crying about you blaming your poor mother.
Im not to sure about that shelf ....that sounds a little weird but I think she maybe got you back a little with it. but I bet you haven’t heard the end of it yet....better watch your back lol
SUSAN::::: wow that is really something on Andy wasn’t it. especially since he is so far out it is hard to lose that much. Almost a pound a day .wow.
I cant wait to see what your weight is today....you can really see it coming off you.
So how did that scrambled egg settle on your new tummy today.? Just be careful eating things this week....
BARBARA S::: lol do you see my picture now? That was taken when I was 13 or 15 somewhere in there....i thought I was ugly , now I see I was pretty wasted a lot of years thinking I was ugly...
Never heard of Mobic...is it new? i would prefer something that didn’t need to have a buildup before it worked well but if it is good then that may be what I need. Thanks for the info
BEV::::: sorry about the computer , shame how attached we get to those things isn’t it? Hope the stall gets pushed by soon....
Hope you get another puter soon...we miss you too.
VESTA::::::Your new babies sound really special. And really cute.
Hey did you know that medicare is paying for gymn memberships now? And curves is one of them they are paying too.
How is your Vit D level. Too. that zappes you a lot.
BEC:::::sounds like you have a big list of things that you need doing too. Joe said he never knew anyone that could find so many things to do. Lol
I was sitting flat on my butt today picking out tiny weeds out of the flowers coming up I told Joe wanted to get a start on getting the weeds stopped...then I put Preen on that so hopefully I wont have to do it again...
Oh yuch about housework day....dont you just hate that. Lol
Keep those pups away from you ....and keep on walking.
SANDY it was funny wasn’t it?
Good morning to all.did anyone get blown away by the wind.it sure has been strong.wish we did not have all the rain coming.the pretty sunshine has been spoiling me.wi**** would stay around all the time.
i went walking a little futher with andy yesterday.we did our figure 8 plus we walked down to the lake.andy said it was a little over a mile.my knee does not hurt near as much as it did before.i drove my self to the doctor's yesterday and i have found out it is much better for me getting in and out of the car.
as for the doctor's.since i went on the liquid diet on march the 3 i have lost 30 pound's.i lost a few inche's too.i just weighed my self in while i was there for fasting lab work.i see my blood sugar doctor on wednesday should be for the last time.them my regular doctor on thursday.i should be getting off some more of my other med's.my blood sugar has been around 75 to 79.i am feeling soo much better.
i am still get my liquid's in.all my vit's.protien shake's.as for the semi soft food's the only thing that i am having a little trouble with is egg's.other wise the other food's are going down good.
jan i am ready to help in the garden.my bending is getting better all the time.i can hardly wait for thing's to start to grow.fresh veg taste soo good and are cheaper that what the store want's for them.tell joe thank's again too for fixing the kitchen floor for us.
vesta how are you and the furry babie;s doing.
barbara have you and baby got to go walking anymore togther.my mecko love's to go for a walk with a leash and collar but chrissy does not.
lou you are looking great.how did your husband's trip go with his mom.
renee you are looking good too.we are praying the pain leave's your foot.
everyone have a great day.anyone going to columbia the 16 of this month.that is my one month check up.then i will be going again around june for my 3 month check up.we love you all.praying for all the need's here on the board.god bless.susan.
Are you having trouble with your puter again? I'm sorry if you are....
Great Scotts! Do you know what my Paul did? He did liquids with me yesterday... I actually made him a protein shake for lunch and he did not eat all day till supper! I was simply amazed! Wow! And he did without breakfast today! He never ceases to amaze me! Don't know how long it will last but I'm still surprised he did it!
He got the frames made for my two strawberry beds and I got all the leaves out of my rock beds across the whole front of the house... now I have to do the east side and that job will be done...
I also found a few more lilies in a bag in the garage... I thought I had gotten them all but I seen a few little sprouts so I'm going to stick them right on in the ground... I could even go dig some up beside the road and fill in the rest of my bed too if I get the time?
I'm going to redo my hydrangea bed and put weed paper down and new mulch... just too many weeds all over in there. I was so pleased at what all I could do out there and not get winded! It was so great!
Paul opened the door to the "ladies" house yesterday and we set them out on the ground.. they pecked around a bit and then got right back in the house and spent the whole day standing at the door looking out... it was cute to watch them.
Think I will go walk at Wal~Mart this afternoon as it's to get colder this afternoon and be blustery.
Have a good day my friend!
I don't know what you looked like before but WLS is amazing, huh.
My name is Emily. I just started coming to this website.
It seems I am reading all the information I can get my hands on about it,
I am in the process of getting all of my requirements done for insurance.
I am very anxious and nervous.
It is just nice to read the blogs about what all you and others have been going through and are going through.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Have a great day,
to whom were you talking about their picture??? again glad to have you on board....
I was actually commenting on L.R.'s pic.
Although, it seems I just can't see and read enough about WLS.
I love reading blogs and hearing about what will happen, what might happen and what I hope to goodness doesn't happen.
I am very anxious to have the surgery, but obviously a bit scared too.
I had like a billion questions about the surgery, pre and post, and after reading a lot of blogs I only have about a million questions now.
So, here I am every day learning more.
Yes, I appreciate any and every piece of advice anyone can give me.
Thank you very very much in advance,