Daily Bible Reading - Wednesday April 1st
I was watching a preacher on tv last night and he had a word that really struck me, he was talking about living a victorious life, prospering in the things you do for the Lord even in this economy and other situations we face he said “ I’m to blessed to be stressed" he said he confesses that all day when his day gets stressful and the Lord always seems to bless him and relax him. That short word really blessed me and made me realize that when we are blessed there really is no need to be stressed, its only satan trying to stress us out and make us lose the blessing, well Im here to tell satan that its NOT gonna work!!
Then I got to talking to the Lord about my eating habits and how I am really frustrated the last few days and things started popping into my head, dunno if I can remember it all but we’ll give it a go. There are a lot of things that we cannot control in life. We cannot control the weather, the air that we breathe and we can't control the people around us. But we can control what we put into our mouths. Many people don't realize today the reason they don't feel well and the reason they don't have any energy. They're dealing with headaches and allergies and sometimes even more serious, chronic illnesses, simply because of what they're putting into their system everyday.
And a lot of times, we're praying for God to give us a miracle. "God, I don't feel well." "God, I need more energy." And "God, take away these headaches." Well, we really don't need a miracle; we need a lifestyle change. We need to develop better habits to take care of our temple. That’s exactly what the WLS is suppose to do for us, its just taken all this time to get through my think skull.
A hundred years ago, we didn't have the heart disease and the cancer that we have today. What's changed? Our diet. We live off of much more processed, refined foods; foods that have chemicals and preservatives to make them last longer but they're not necessarily good for us.
We've developed bad habits of eating junk foods, eating too much food, and not drinking enough water. All of these things can be harmful to us.
We can learn a lot about the benefits from healthy eating from Daniel in the Bible. He knew the importance of eating a healthy diet. When he was a young man, just a teenager, the king in that region told the officials to go find the strongest, healthiest, most intelligent young men to serve in the king's court. And Daniel was chosen. The officials were instructed to feed these young men with the king's rich, fancy foods and to give them plenty of wine. The king wanted them to be the strongest and healthiest as they possibly could be.
But Daniel was a breed apart. He served God with his whole heart. Because he knew some of those foods had been offered up to idols and knew many of them were not good for him, he told the official, "I don't want to eat this food. Just give me fresh vegetables and water."
The official didn't know what to think. Finally, he said, "All right Daniel, we'll let you try this for a little while. But in a few days, we're going to see how you compare to these other young men."
Ten days later, the Bible says, Daniel was stronger, healthier, and he ended up 10 times smarter than the other young men. Yes, he had God's blessings and favor but he was also putting the right fuels into his temple. While the other guys were eating their donuts, and candy bars and junk food, Daniel was filling up on nutritious foods.
I wonder how much smarter we would be if we'd just start eating the right foods? I wonder how much more creative, more energetic, and more productive we'd be if we'd eliminate a few of the sugars and instead, start eating more fruit. Or, if we'd start snacking on nuts and raisins and give up some of the colas and candy bars. It worked for Daniel. I bet it'd work for us. This is why I am so excited about the veggie garden here, it’s gonna be so much healthier for us and not have all of those chemicals and so forth. Well I’ve rattled on long enough, I have a lot more of what God is speaking to me about but we’ll save it for another day. Sorry I got on a soap box and all this was what God is speaking to me about my own health, I just thought I’d share it. You all have a great day!! Stay dry and warm.
Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20
Luke 9:28-50
Psalm 73:1-28
Proverbs 12:10
Daily Devotional
Ephesians 4:26
“And don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry"
Do you realize how much energy it takes to be bitter or hold a grudge? We only have a certain amount of energy for each day. If we use it for the wrong purposes, focused on the negative, dwelling on who hurt us, we’re not going to have the energy we need for the right purposes. We’re not going to make the best decisions. We’re not going to be as creative. We’re not only doing ourselves a disservice, but we’re doing our family and our friends a disservice.
Remember, you can’t control what people do or say. You can only control yourself. If you’re allowing others to upset you, then you are giving away your power. The Scripture says, “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger." The reason many people have no joy or enthusiasm is because they go to bed every night with anger and unforgiveness. When you go to bed like that, with a cluttered mind, focused on the negative, you wake up with the same negative emotions. Don’t let anger and unforgiveness block God’s blessing in your life. Choose to let those things go so you can live in the peace, joy, and power the Lord has for you.
Today's thought: Today I am releasing every negative thing that has happened to me. I’m forgiving every person who has hurt me. I’m forgiving myself for mistakes I’ve made and releasing every disappointment so that I can live in Your peace and victory.
And the devotional was a little too personal....you stop that! I know you are picking these just to get to me! I'm kidding.....God knows I am studying control and this just spoke to my heart. And you were talking control in your section, also. A lot of that I studied yesterday. How much we can't control....and the things we can...and the things I try to control but shouldn't. Interesting and good stuff.
And boy, does Psalms speak of our world today? Amazing that they were dealing with a lot of the same evils we deal with now. I just think it is easier to be evil now. I won't get started on that one.
Have a great day!

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Good words... today I just don't have much to add.... I guess this liquid diet is messing with me a bit... I feel dull if you will... I know it will get better as this is day three, always seems to be the hardest.
Andy such good words the Lord spoke to you!
Peggy ~ I wish I was studying all you are I know I would gain some valuable things from it... I am going to look into it some when I get a minute... but that won't be today as I'm on my way out to "make hay while the sun is shining!" ~ha
Blessings to you both...