Jan C.
on 3/31/09 3:50 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Finally got really pretty Tuesday afternoon , transplanted several things. They should be ok since we had over an inch of rain last night....that was some storm I think...dont remember hearing a lot of it.

They are saying the wind should be stronger today than was yesterday . oh my goodness some of you might need to put some rocks in your pockets ....or you will blow away...

Is suppose to get up to around 62 down here. But is going to be raining most of the week left ....dad gum it.


Monday when we went to wal-mart I bought a set of clippers and today I cut Joes hair. , did pretty good . he liked it anyway....he likes it so I guess that is good....Saturday will be his birthday.dont have any ideas what I am going to get him....he said what he needed was a day off ....cant do that lol


Anyway going to  get my replies  done. :



JANET;;;;;; thank you sweetie for doing the post in my absence....if it had been there when I got up I would have just posted to it but I guess we posted at the same time. lol

But anyway thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So what happened to your ex? A gentle slap on the wrist or jail?

Did you get any of your test result yet?

Yes Sheila got in touch with me about the tummy tuck ....told her what I knew which isn’t much but hope she got some better answers from Brenda and Vesta

Oh lord to see you as a cop? Hmmmmmmm don’t know if that would be right or not.

Something seems wrong with that picture lol

Oh my goodness I laughed until I was crying about you blaming your poor mother.

Im not  to sure about that shelf ....that sounds a little weird but I think she maybe got you back a little with it.  but I bet you haven’t heard the end of it yet....better watch your back lol



SUSAN::::: wow that is really something on Andy wasn’t it. especially since he is so far out it is hard to lose that much. Almost a pound a day .wow.

I cant wait to see what your weight is today....you can really see it coming off you.

So how did that scrambled egg settle on your new tummy today.? Just be careful eating things this week....



BARBARA   S::: lol do you see my picture now? That was taken when I was 13 or 15 somewhere in there....i thought I was ugly , now I see I was pretty wasted a lot of years thinking I was ugly...

Never heard of Mobic...is it new?  i would prefer something that didn’t need to have a buildup before it worked well but if it is good then that may be what I need.  Thanks for the info


BEV::::: sorry about the computer , shame how attached we get to those things isn’t it? Hope the stall gets pushed by soon....

Hope you get another puter soon...we miss you too.



VESTA::::::Your new babies sound really special.  And really cute.

Hey did you know that medicare is paying for gymn memberships now? And curves is one of them they are paying too.

How is your Vit D level. Too.  that zappes you a lot.



BEC:::::sounds like you have a big list of things that you need doing too. Joe said he never knew anyone that could find so many things to do. Lol

I was sitting flat on my butt today picking out tiny weeds out of the flowers coming up I told Joe wanted to get a start on getting the weeds stopped...then I put Preen on that so hopefully I wont have to do it again...


Oh yuch about housework day....dont you just hate that. Lol

Keep those pups away from you ....and keep on walking.



SANDY it was funny wasn’t it?






on 3/31/09 6:29 pm - pomona, MO
I willcall again I called about 3 weeks ago and they said they werent paying yet. I know some insurance does my my supplement just pays what ever medicare does, but I will check again, it is called SILVER SLIPPERS......vesta


Bec M.
on 3/31/09 6:48 pm
Boy Howdy did that wind howl today! It's a wonder we did not see damage from it... I used to love the wind but this spring it seems to irritate me... better check into that it's not like me... just sounds so mournful out there.

Got quite a bit done yesterday in spite of having to sleep off a head ache... Mimi that's funny about Jo saying that... if it's not cooking him something to eat or "if he can't eat it" my Paul thinks it's "silly work" ~ha

I forgot Paul has to go to town today... don't know if I will go and walk in town one of the times today or just let him go by himself... I wanted to get all the leaves out of my rock beds since it is to be the only nice day for awhile... rain rain and more rain they are saying... I sure have enjoyed all the little low water bridges I go across when I am walking and stopping to listen to the running water... that sound is just simply music to my ears!

Susan ~ I must of missed that about Andy... how much has he lost now since he's been doing liquids with you?  I'm so happy for the both of you! Keep up the good work!  But I bet he is glad it was egg day! huh?

Renee ~ It was great to talk with you yesterday as always!

Hope you all have a good day...

Susan W.
on 3/31/09 9:08 pm - Tulsa, OK


Good morning to all.hope everyone is staying warm.we got frost here last night.at the moment it is only 39 with a wind chill of 37.burrrr.they said last night on the weather we were under a frost warning.i am soo ready for the warm weather to stay around.

jan how are you feeling today?better we hope.did the doctor ever get back to you about some pain med's.i asked joe yesterday if he was feeling any older he said no but sometime's he does.if he is going to be 45 on sat that mean's i am a little closer to being 45.i am feeling a lot better since i started to lose weight.

bec andy has lost 28 pound's since he started the liquid diet with me.you won't know him when we get to see you again.it really felt good to him too be able to buy a pair of jean's from walmart.

peggy hope you are feeling better.before you know it the sale will be here.did you see anymore critter's at the farm.

vesta how are your furry babie's doing.they sure do sound sweet.i sure could spoil them.i bet you are.

sugar how are you doing?hope you get your computer fixed soon.miss seeing you on here.

janet how did your doctor's app go for you?you sure do know how to make a person laugh.hope you did not get anymore bad storm's.

my egg's and cheese went down ok yesterday.i had some cottage cheese for dinner.it went down a little better for me.still getting my protien shake's in and all my vit's down.

i better go for now have to leave soon for town.i have to go warm the car up.look's like a giant frosted pop cicle.lol.it does not like to move when it is cold.getting old like me.lol.have a good day everyone.love ya all.god bless.susan.

on 3/31/09 10:57 pm - pomona, MO
Susan they are already spoiled...lol... glad you are doing so good and Andy too...love ya ...vesta


Susan W.
on 4/1/09 6:26 pm - Tulsa, OK
Hello vesta we are supposed to spoil our kid's.that is the fun part.they love it.they know where we keep the treat bowl and when they are good they got right to where it is.chrissy will keep on barking at us till we give her a treat.andy and i are doing great.i am really starting to feel a lot better.love ya too.have a great day susan.
on 3/31/09 10:56 pm - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 Sorry I haven't been on much lately, about the time I think it's going to slow down thing's get busy again, and pulls me in different directions.
 I had a small foot surgery about a month and a half ago and thing's were going well and it seemed like the surgery was going to work great up until weekend before last and then I started having the worst pain I've ever had in my foot. I couldn't touch it even lightly with my finger tip, the only way I can walk is if I walk on the side of my foot. I called my doctor and of course he was on vacation for the week, so they called me in pain meds for the wee****il I could see him. When I went in Monday at first he started giving me the run around and of course I started right back at him, and it turns out I was right all along, I have bone trying to push through the bottom of my foot, so Tuesday I will have yet another foot surgery. Could you all please keep me in your prayers that everything goes right and that this one will fix the problem.
 OK all the bad news out of the way.......WooHooo.
 I made it to my 6 month goal of 100 lbs gone yesterday. WooooHooooo........HECK YEA!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, this is the best I have felt in years. Now I'm only 35 lbs away from hitting my finally weight loss goal and I would love to do that by my birthday in July.
 This past week Tiffany handed me some really awesome news, we are invited to a special dinner where she will be receiving an award for her academics. I am just so very PROUD of her. She has made such huge positive changes in her life and it's so awesome to see her rewarded like this.

Janet can I please be ungrounded now, I promise I will TRY to do better. LOL
 I'm hoping Larry and I still get to come up Saturday, but he maybe packing that day. If things go right he will be leaving Monday.

Bec I enjoyed our phone visit yesterday, I hope we are able to visit in person soon. I sure do miss you.

Susan it sounds like you are doing awesome.....way to go girl....keep up the good work. It also sounds like you have inspired Andy to.

I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful and BLESSED day.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Peggy M
on 3/31/09 11:50 pm - Raymore, MO
Morning all....

I love to get on here and see how everybody is doing.  I about died when I read how ornery Janet blamed her mother for the stink bomb!  Too funny!

I have been having such a lazy week.  I really need to work at the farm but I can't until we get stuff from storage.  Then I will be able to start cleaning.  But now it looks like hubby's union will strike so if that happens we will manage to get tons done out there.  If they don't, then I will be flying to try and get it all done before the 30th.  But it WILL get done and I will be a new woman.  Time to visit some of you all and par-tay!

My son is coming to borrow the truck this morning.  A customer wants to get rid of a couch and he jumped on it.  He sure is his father's son!  But it's a Lane and only a couple of years old.  The only thing is that it is green and I just can't see him doing green.  He's a black or grey kind of kid.

Janet....I know you are planning on a sale soon.  I want details!  I LOVE stuff and it sounds like you are having good stuff.  Plus hubby loves Coke, especially from the 50's and 60's.  That's when his grandpa ran the local pool hall.  We have a clock and menu board that used to hang in there.  So I am always on the look out for stuff for him.  Pleeeaaase??????

I need to get my reading done and a shower and all that good stuff.  I should get out and run some errands but I don't feel like dealing with people.  Some days I just hide in this house and that's ok....
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Susan W.
on 4/1/09 6:18 pm - Tulsa, OK
Hello peggy just wanted to see how you were doing.we know you have been busy.how is your hubby?before you know it dance night will be here.fun time.when we do get to see you we will party for sure.lol.have a great day.god bless susan.
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