Jan C.
on 3/30/09 11:03 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

It took us most of the day it see doctors and get groceries.....Joe got his injection in his back  the send one in this series this time...just one more in a couple of weeks then he will be done with them for  6 months to a year....at least he has something to lessen his pain some for awhile...

Well the knee I was seeing about , was the one that I had surgery  on already...it continues to swell and be hot and lately it has started hurting .the xrays showed no infection or any thing out of place , it all looks really good , they want me to have some blood work done to see if there is any infection starting up in there but I could tell that that he didn’t  really think so .....oh well I guess it doesn’t really hurt lol...

If it keeps hurting I will go to Dr. McCain in Springfield....

He ask me if I was going to get the other knee fixed and I told him that not as long as the one I had done already was hurting.  If I could only take something that would control all of this arthritis. I think I will get in touch with Dr. H. and see if there isn’t something I can take all the time while I am having an episode. Maybe im just being a hypochondriac , it will be ok  I know that it  will.


How about that wind ????? crazy huh...once I was trying to walk and the wind blew so badly I thought my feet were going to come off the ground...now that is a weird feeling. Lol



TAMMY-AMMY::::: so great to see you here once again....oh boy it will be so great if you can come see us next month....you know you have a place to stay with me if you want...

I know you are one proud mama about Bubba...that is great...seems like it was just a few days ago that you were telling us that you were going to have another baby around and now it is almost here. Wow. Another girl huh??? Saw a girl yesterday in the store that had 4 girls with her and they all looked just like her , I said something about she had some pretty girls, anyway she was pretty big pregnant...and she said that the new one was a girl too...i bet her hubby feels left out ...lol




BEC::::: LOL  do you know that you are the o nly person that said anything about my picture. Lol  didn’t know I had plastic surgery did you? He is a really good doctor don’t you think?

Most of the time plants that come up this early have built into that to account for this silly weather...so most survive. 

That was a neat compliment about your hinny being a lot smaller  and yes it was a compliment.

Oh your poor ole, new shoes...did they still work and were the puppies there today?

How did you do in that horrible wind today..

I didn’t mean to laugh at your problems I know they can get to be a lot of them somethings ...dont worry God does have your back...and so do i. love you




JANET:::::: well we are going to hear from you  2 times this week ? wow we will get spoiled ..

So so very sorry you are in so much pain....still haven’t heard anything from your tests?  I cant imagine being in the pain you are in...i can understand your mental thoughs on it for sure.

Yes isn’t being a grandma one of best things in the world. And being a great grandma is even better. Lol

The appointment I had today was for the knee that I already have had done..shouldnt be hurting but it does.

We all love you sweetie and am hoping that there is someone out there somewhere that can help you. Love you and am praying for you.




PEGGY;;;;; so did you find a place for the cabinet that you had? A shame the other one quit on your , was it a Plasma? People that I know that are into electronics say they don’t last too long that is one reason I didn’t buy one  of them,....i bought the other kind ? and now I cant think of what that is lol

Will be so glad when your sale happens....im excited about the road trip and staying with Bec and all of us that will be there lol ...sounds like we will have fun with it.




SUSAN:::::: I tried that protein powder and the difference in taste isn’t that much.....maybe not quite as full bodied....am going to try it in a smoothie  later today ....for the difference in price is fine so far.....



LOU:::::: was your mil supprised with your hubby coming to see her,.....that is so sweet. It is a shame that we let things get in the way of saying and doing the things we should and even want to. Seems like everyone and everything is so rushed and no time....wonder why that is? Hope he is having a wonderful time with his brothers and mom....did you say 7 sons ?????wow.



SANDY:::::: NO on the protein supplements.....we don’t absorb all that we take in remember? That is the reason that we have to take vits.....also ...6o grams is the least amount that you need.  The only thing that we really absorb fully is the whey protein shakes.... so I would say if you are getting 60 grams of food and one protein shake a day that all together might equal 60 grams of protein....remember our bones, hair, skin, muscles all require protein to thrive. ...

Hey some of those receipes sound great...

I lost as much one time doing all the things your friend has done but gained it and some more back...

I doubt if I can get into my garden to work on it today after the rain we had last night.

One day soon we will get there .....



WELL  I thought I had posted this last night but guess I didn’t.   lol don’t faint everyone....



on 3/30/09 11:47 pm - Diamond, MO

Hello Auntie Jan,
Well, I got in here to make a record and post 2 days in a row and didnt see ya anywhere...also didnt see Susan, so I thought that maybe you guys lost power after Andy did his post....so I did one too-Sorry.  LOL.....I just didnt want to leave without posting again!

Im anxious to see what happens with my ex at court today. Everyone keeps saying that he will go to jail because of his pmt history and the fact that he has eluded child support-and they can prove it-due to the last 5 times they have found him-at 5 different jobs, in 5 different places, states and towns, he has quit his job. They consider that eluding them. Considering each time, they have only been able to do one garnishment, they dont take lightly to that!

I also am hoping that maybe some of my test results will be in-will know in a couple of hours.

Jan....did Sheila get ahold of you? Just wondered. I couldnt access my address book on line last night to get her Vestas email....she had some ?s about the plastic surgeon. I told her that you had your consult too-so maybe she could talk to you as well?

Im so sorry your knee is hurting. Something is wrong. It should NOT be hurting like that and I would definitely NOT be going back to the same ortho-your right to be leary! So, you will go to Joes doc if they dont get you answers? Your NOT a hypocondriac! If it hurts, it hurts- I tell ya, Im getting so sick of pain being discounted!

One of Mikes best buds is a police officer in Springfield and he has gotten off his probation period and we get to do a ride along with him on one of his shifts. When we go to Springfield next, I have to stop at the police station and get the paperwork for both Mike and I. I am SO EXCITED.....You may not know this-but being a cop-would have been my dream! LOL....Im being dead serious-so I am excited to go..I asked him what the chances are that I can have a badge (just in case I need to show it...LOL-officer Corbett here-stick em up!) a bullet proof jacket and since I cant bring my gun-asked if I could use their stun gun......he just rolled his eyes and wonders what he has gotten himself into!! LOL....Geez, no sense of humor!  I hope its a really hoppin day/night when I ride with him!!!!

Ok-so funny story. Cant believe I am telling on myself like this. Anyway-Mom and I went to some shops yesterday-and we stopped at that flea market I spoke of, and I have been having really bad gas again-on and off. Not the painful gas-but the one that is SILENT BUT VIOLENT.....the one where you gag yourself and cant believe something that smells like that didnt kill you! LOL....I know, I know! Anyway.....Im pulling Jon up to the front in the antique radio flyer wagons I am buying, so, of course, he is behind me, and it happens..... (dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn.....) he is back there and I smell it first and I instantly start praying-"God, PLEASE DONT LET JON....and thats as far as I got-and he is back behind me and he starts gagging, like heaving gagging, and I know he wasnt yelling-but it sounded like an echo through the Grand Canyon-when he says- OHHHHH MOM....."P" "U" THATS DISGUSTTTTIN!!!!!  WHATS THAT DISGUSTING SMELL? MOM, CAN YOU SMELL IT?? (GAG) MOM? MOM? (DRY HEAVE)....(Oh Lord, just take me now!-I KNOW I am BRIGHT RED...) and Yes, at this point-"I" am trying NOT TO GAG MYSELF! The owner, 2 customers, and the delivery guy are ALL standing there-and I can tell by the color of their faces, all color has been drained from them-that they have smelt it too-and my mom-5 feet away, who is hard of hearing but wont admit it-and hasnt heard a word, or has chosen not to acknowledge us-is standing there looking at some antiques-and I dont miss a lick-I turn around and say-Jon, you KNOW that Grandma has been having a tummy ache all day-and thats why. She has bad gas today! He says to me- Go tell her next time she is going to do that, to go OUTSIDE....and everyone is laughing, even me-and my mom had NO CLUE what was said-and wondered why everyone was staring at her like that-and WHY...O WHY...every time SHE walked somewhere-they all walked elsewhere! I was laughing out loud! LOL.  She DID get me back tho-she bought Mike the ugliest home made shelve-like a Redneck one- and there are two places to hang things off of-one on each end-and guess what its suppose to be??? Deer hoofs! One on each side- flipped up so they can hold stuff-UGLY AND GROSS!!!! They are fake-but still- I told him that there was NO WAY it is going in our livingroom! NO WAY. He will have to hang it in his hobby room with his hunting stuff!

Well, I gotsta get....while the gettin is good. I have to go get my face on and get ready to go.  I hope you all have a great day!  Love, Janet

Sheila H.
on 3/31/09 12:23 am - Marshfield, MO
oh my gosh i have NEVER laughed so hard Janet  my stomache hurts and had tears  HAHAHAHAHAHA  that was so funny,,,tks 4 a good laugh i needed it cos im confused today about T.T.
 this is my 3rd attempt at trying to post here and im not gonna rewrite everything
 i just need Vesta  brenda nutt or jan to talk to me about what they found out at Dr Hawes cos they told me they dont get preapproval from medicare????? and i cant do boob up cos its 5,000.00 up front


Jan C.
on 3/31/09 12:43 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Sheila no they dont get pre approval but medicare will pay for it if it is a medical neccesity...like documented rashes , etc....that is why i go to my pcp about every 2 or 3 months to get new prescription for rashes....that documents in hr chart that im still haveing rashes under tummy area..i ask her to please do that for e so it will be documented when i get ready...
mainly it depends on past history and what the plastic surgeon puts in report. ...believe me they want to get paid too....



Sheila H.
on 3/31/09 1:05 am - Marshfield, MO
i took a letter from pcp about rashes and they didnt even wanna look at it so wonder whats up with thaT?


on 3/31/09 1:20 am - pomona, MO
Dr. Hawes took pictures of me naked (what a site) lol.....they do put little thongs on you, and made my appointment and turned it into medicare and my supplement and they paid it all, I had no problem, but my tummy was done too so they did both...if I can help any let me know....vesta


Sheila H.
on 3/31/09 6:51 am - Marshfield, MO
they did take the pics omg my gosh GROSS pics they made my appt  but said i wouldnt know until after surgery. about medicare..they said i will have 2 cuts all the way across 1 at top and 1 at bottom and 1 drain is that how they did yours? the boobs i cant get done unless i apy 5,ooo up front so just gonna do tummy tucj may 14th


on 3/31/09 8:25 am - pomona, MO
For the tummy I just had a cut at the bottom and one drain, and then cut at boobs...vesta


on 3/31/09 6:36 pm - pomona, MO
LOL Janet, one night mine woke my husband up and he jumped up and said oh my I think the sewer has backed up in the basement...lol...i just told him go back to sleep we would check it in the morning cause but I didnt smell anything....lol...love this surgery...lol....vesta


Susan W.
on 3/30/09 11:48 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good morning to all.hope the wind did not blow anyone away.lol.when i went for my second walk yesterday i thought the wind was going to blow me off of the road.the storm's woke me up about 230am.that thunder sure was loud.a little cool outside at the moment.

i am soo happy for andy and proud of him.he went to the doctor yesterday and he has not seen him in a month and andy has lost 28 pound's since he saw him the last time.jan and i have been telling andy we can see where his has lost weight.

jan we are praying the pain in your knee stop's.you like to do soo much around your garden and house to be in any pain.we are also praying that joe get's some pain gone also.thank's for getting the protien power for us.did not want to be with out it till friday.

bec how is the garden coming along.have those puppy's been around anymore?where we did live andy kept a pair of shoe's to cut the grass in and to work in the garden.he left them on the porch.the puppy's that lived next door carried them off.we never did find the shoe's again.

janet good to see you post again.how are your doctor's app going for you.we are praying you get something to ease your pain.

lou sound's like you have been a busy beaver.soo nice that your hubby can go to see his mom.i have a uncle that has 7 boy's and one girl.i come from a big family.there are 20 grandchildren and 42 great grandchildren.there may be more on the way i never know.lol.

tammy hope we get to see you at the meeting in springfield next month.

renee how are you and larry doing?are you coming to the next meeting?we won't know you.i have my one month check up in columbia the 16 of april.

lana,pooh bear how are you all doing these day's.you too cor.

everyone have a good day.i am starting to eat semi soft food's today.andy made me a egg with some shredded cheese.it is going down ok.2 week's today since i had my surgery and everything is going good.i have been getting in 3 protien shake's a day and all my vit's.i have been drinking 64 ounce's of liquid or more each day.i drink a lot of flavored water.plus andy doing the liquid's with me has been a big help.we love ya all.hope to see you all soon.god bless susan.

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