My oh my what a day.....did you see that sun? and they are saying that Tuesday is suppose to be warmer than yesterday was. Wow. We have to get the guest house bathroom done or we would be over putting in the fence for the garden and planting early crops. But will hopefully be ready to do it when Andy and Susan get back...at least we hope so....we have company coming in Thursday night, we are meeting them at a CMA meeting in Branson and they will follow us home...they are from La. They will be here till Saturday morning. So maybe we can get some of the fencing done for the garden then and planting. Monday Joe and I both have doctors appointments and then support meeting Monday night, and we are staying all night with Sugar after the meeting and going to help her do a flower bed in front of her house. Hopefully we can get it done by Tuesday evening and can get home so we can get to working on our garden some more.
I think we probably have way too big of an area tilled up for a garden but if so we will plant some berry plants of some kinds. Have room for things like garlic , asparagus bed or a beet bed..what ever.
Sandy you always have a big garden how much do you need to plant for 4 people ? like how many tomatoes, green beans, cabbage etc. ...just want a general idea....i said
I raked so much today burning leaves that im sore.....oh I just about have big red cleaned...it is cleaning up so pretty....the hardest part is going to be the burners and pans. The pans are porcelain so I cant scratch them ....i have the burners and the pilot lite and some other pieces soaking in simply green....that stuff is really good...but the surprise thing is WD40 do you have rust on your chrome bumpers? Wd40 will get it off even if it is pitted....apply it and rub and rub and rub it will come off. , I cant wait till I get this all
missing not even the cover to the pilot light. Amazing. There is 2 handles that have the chrome rubbed completely off so will need to get new ones. But not going to worry about it now.... and what stove that is almost 60 years old should have some little worn spots. Im totally worn to a frazzle tonight , I got to thinking all that I did today and good grief no wonder. Im tired. Raked leaves , pulled off the chrome trip from around the tub and took down the mirror, and med cabinet in the bathroom clean for 3 hours on
B.R.(big red_ cleaned my kitchen and washed dishes, and swept the floors...well now ive made myself more tired lol ...
Susan called me all excited , she weighed at Becs and has lost 18 pounds I think, it that what you said Susan? Wow and she said Andy has lost that much too. well that gives me an idea, I wonder if I could do it? could I do a all liquid diet for two weeks? Hmmm!!!! Losing 18 pounds would put me right where I would like to be. I may just try that....
Well good luck Susan.....i will be waiting for Andys phone call. Hey Andy don’t be forgetting your pills....yesterday was the first time in 4 years that I forgot mine....not a bad record ...lol but don’t know why I just forgot them completely....weird.
VESTA::::: so sorry about your fur baby....i hope she finally gets better soon. Poor little thing.
BARB:::::: I cant wait for you to see BR in my kitchen too.. well I hope you all catch a little green man today. Lol that is so cute.
SUSIE::::: wow congradulations on the new size , now don’t keep trying to get me to feeling sorry for you, I wear 10s so when you get there and you want to go farther down just keep at in and I will come and take your 10s. out of your closet lol
Bec:: that is how we made our chicken coop, was with just lumber and things we had on hand....has Paul put A/c in it yet? I saw where you said something about insulation lol they don’t get cold that I have ever seen lol
Well I know that you all are had a good time last night with your company.....
I cant wait to start getting my veggies in the ground too....this will be my first garden in probably 20 years....at leasta full garden other than just tomatoes and a few other things. So im excited about it. I think it will be a little better and easier sharing a lot of the work with Andy and Susan...
You might try asking your local extension center and they will tell you. My cabbage has just about grown out of the seed tray - going to have to transplant them sooner than I wanted to. Everything is up except the mini bell peppers. I am getting so anxious to get busy with the plants. They forcast colder weather again so I cannot get in a hurry here.
Have a great day!