Daily Bible Reading - Thursday March 12th
I tell you what, the book of Numbers has really become more interesting then I thought it would be. When I read the introduction of it, I just thought it was going to be boring reading that would probably be hard to get through. Boy was I wrong, this book has really become very interesting in deed. Can you imagine being Moses in this day? The Lord wanting to destroy all those people and had begun putting a plague on them and Moses sending Aaron to get between the people and The Lord stopping the plague? That right there really shows you what kind of heart both Moses and Aaron has. They loved the people and did not want to see any put to death like that. You see though that in the short time Aaron went between The Lord and the people already over 14,000 people were put to death, the plague must have been moving really fast. As we see thought, The Lord was not happy at all with the grumbling of the people, they were very fortunate to have Moses pleading for their lives.
As we see in Mark our Savior has completely what He was sent to do and now sits on the right hand of the Father, we His sons and daughters are the most fortunate people on this earth. Now we have a way out of our sins without having to give sacrificial offerings because Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice ever. Our Heavenly Father loved us so much that He sent his only Son that all we have to do is believe in Him and trust in Him and we won’t parish but will have abundant life forever and ever. If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is. When I sit here and think about that Love it not only gives me Holy Ghost bumps but makes me tear up. What an awesome God.
Proverbs today gets right to the point don’t it? When a wicked man dies, all his hopes perish, all the his power comes to nothing. That pretty much says it about a wicked man.
All I can say about the devotional today is “wow". Have you put limits on what you think God can do in your life? I know I have, its time we take those limits off of any of the situations in our lives that we think are hopeless and let God do what He does best, let Him handle it. Wow, it’s so easy for us to put limits on what we think is to far gone. We think in our minds, yeah God can turn it around but deep down we really don’t think it will happen. Well STOP it, it’s time we let God totally have that situation and DON’T go back and pick it up. That devotional today really hit me hard, sure has made me think. Lets choose today to let God have it all, totally and completely.
I hope you all were as blessed as I am after reading our readings today. Bec and Peggy thank you for being faithful in your readings, your comments bless me more then you can imagine and I know they bless others that read this. It’s hard to believe we are already half way through March, before we know it we will be through the whole bible, I know so far I am blessed by this post beyond any expectations, thank you all.
Today’s Reading
Numbers 16:41-18:32
Mark 16:1-20
Psalm 55:1-23
Proverbs 11:7
Daily Devotional
Genesis 18:14, KJV
"Is any thing too hard for the LORD?..."
In Genesis, God promised Sarah that she was going to have a child. At first she didn’t believe it. She thought she was too old. She thought her time had passed. But do you know what God said to her? He simply asked, “Sarah, is there anything too hard for the Lord?" I believe God is saying the same thing to us today. “Is there anything too hard for Me?"
Do you think your dreams are too big for God to bring to pass? Do you think that a relationship is too far gone for God to restore it? Do you think you have to just live with sickness the rest of your life? Get a new vision today because there is nothing too hard for God! God is saying today, “I am all-powerful. I can turn any situation around." It doesn’t matter what things look like in the natural, we serve a supernatural God. The Amplified version puts it this way, “Is there anything too wonderful for the Lord?" The next time you think, “That’s just too good to be true," remember, God wants to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. Take the limits off and dare to believe that He has wonderful things in store for you!
Today's thought: I choose to trust You with my whole heart. I know there is nothing too hard for You. Help me to stand strong in faith and keep me close to You all the days of my life.
Good Morning Andy...
I don't have but just a minute this morning but I wanted to say how much the devotions are helping me to have hope that things that have been a certain way for simply years can still be better!
“I am all-powerful. I can turn any situation around." It doesn’t matter what things look like in the natural, we serve a supernatural God. The Amplified version puts it this way, “Is there anything too wonderful for the Lord?" The next time you think, “That’s just too good to be true," remember, God wants to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. Take the limits off and dare to believe that He has wonderful things in store for you!
These devotions are to ministering me and giving me cause to know that we truly do serve a great big God that can do just as He see's is best! If my desires are in line with His desires then I can have full confidence that He WILL see to what I cannot! That's exciting!
A good day to all.