Daily Bible Reading - Tuesday March 10th

Andy W.
on 3/9/09 8:16 pm - Tulsa, OK

Quite a reading today, wasn’t it?  In the Old Testament we see the people rebelling against God, boy is that a no no and they sure find out that was the worst decision they had ever made.  Its neat how the Old Testament and Psalms chime in together isn’t it?  I love it when the books we are reading basically talk about the same thing.  I really would think by now Moses would be ready to pull his hair out lol if he even had any at this time.  Those people just don’t like to listen to what God says through him, you’d think they’d learned by now but nope, they haven’t. They could of lived in a land flowing with milk and honey and had all their needs taken care of if they had only listened to God’s instructions.  That’s about like people today, not wanting to obey what God tells them and look where it gets them, no where good that’s for sure.  I’ve been there and done that, sure don’t want to go down that road again.


In the New Testament we are seeing the prophesies of the Old Testament come to pass.  They tried and tried to find something that Jesus did wrong and really couldn’t find anything so they made up something.  You know I always wondered why Jesus didn’t defend Himself and He didn’t say anything to their accusations but I realize now that He was just fulfilling what He was actually sent to do, to be our blood sacrifice so that we would not have to go through all the things they did in the Old Testament and that we might have everlasting life and be able to live it in abundance, wow, amen!!  Proverbs was a strong word this morning, “Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath but righteousness delivers from death" that pretty much speaks for itself. 


Boy I loved the devotional this morning, didn’t you?  Choosing Gods plan is the only sensible chose for us to make, I just can’t see how anyone could choose otherwise but they do.  Even in the times our economy is messed up, God still has His ways of getting us through it all abundantly.  His blessings will flow through our lives like the milk and honey of the Old Testament if we  would only choose what He has for us, that’s all He wants is for us to make the right chose to follow Him and live for Him.  I know this year so far has been a year of blessings and its still early on in the year, He has so much in store for all of us if we only let Him live in our lives.  Today I am rededicating myself to choosing His plan for me and trusting in Him to take care of my needs according to His riches in glory.  I know there are things in my life He has wanted me to do and I’ve put them aside hoping they’d go away but that only causes us to miss out on blessings don’t it?  Like our earthly fathers our Heavenly Father only wants the very best for us so choosing His plan for us you know has to be the very very best. 


***Bec*** I know what we have been reading sure has been so interesting hasn’t it?  You’d think we’d get bored with some parts of it but for me it really hasn’t, there has been a meaning in ever word, even in the sacrifices and counting, God seems to always teach us a lesson in the smallest places of the bible.  I think sometimes He is just making sure we are paying attention to the smallest details lol I really believe God sits up there on His throne and smiles at us when we catch on to the little things, He is so awesome!!  Thanks again for being so faithful in reading, your comments bless me and others more then you’ll ever know, thank you!!


Today’s Reading

Numbers 14:1-15:16
Mark 14:53-72
Psalm 53:1-6
Proverbs 11:4


Daily Devotional

Jeremiah 29:11, NLT
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope"

What are you planning for this year? Are you planning this year according to the news reports, or are you planning this year according to the Word of God? It’s good to be informed about what’s happening in the world, but remember, God is not limited by what we see in the natural. You may be planning to have an ordinary year, but God is planning for you to have an extraordinary year. You may be planning on just barely getting by, but God is planning on a year of abundance for you.


Why don’t you choose His plan for you this year? He has a good plan for you, to prosper you and give you hope for your future. In other words, He wants to do supernatural things in your life. He wants you to be an example of His goodness. Start declaring that this year is going to be a supernatural year. Start declaring that this is the year you will see your dreams come to pass; a year when you will discover new talents and become stronger and healthier. As you put Him first in everything you do, you’ll move forward into the supernatural blessings He has in store for you!


Today's thought: I choose to follow the good plan has for me. I trust that God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I lift up my eyes from the natural realm into the spiritual realm. God me see the blessings You have in store for me.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 3/9/09 11:37 pm
Good Morning Andy....

You related my thoughts so well today on each of the readings....

What you said about a land flowing with milk and honey...made me think back to the times I have made decisions that caused me to lose that "milk and honey" experience.  For those times I have been sorry.

When the Lord said they were a "stiff-necked" people... boy did He mean they were stiff necked! I know there have been times I have felt that way about myself... then something will happen that makes me weep before the Lord for the choices I have made... and then I can feel the ever loving presence of the Lord forgiving me and setting me on a path that truly does lead to the "milk and honey"  the thing is.... sometimes I have to look back and realize that what I thought was the "good stuff" was not at all and the true "milk and honey" showed it's self in much different ways than I was looking for.... did all that make sense?

Can you imagine how bad Peter must have felt when he realized the full impact of his denial of the Lord... I can imagine if I had done that how hard it would have been to forgive myself for that!

The few words in Proverbs are so very true and powerful:  but righteousness delivers from death!  Oh how very very true this is!  If we could sum up all of the good and true things we have read so far this year... how better can we do it than these few short words?!

The verse in the devotional is one I have leaned heavily on over the years and have quoted to many who are going thru struggles.  It brings such comfort to a weary and torn soul! It gives hope in our very situations, no matter how bad things may look we can know the Lord knows just where we are at and even if our situation is brought on by our own folly... if we surrender to Him we can know He will have a plan for us... it might not be the "feel good" plan but He will forgive us and set our feet on higher ground and toward a better life for ourselves and Him!

May your day be filled with such wonderful blessings!

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