I have the greatest friends!
I was toooooo tired to post after I got home last night, but just wanted to let my friends know that I am doing fine. Got good meds to come home with and am taking them just like before. I thought they had changed my meds when I got home and I was really worried about that first part of the night but I slept and I am doing fine. Karen you are so sweet and have a heart of Gold, and Susie poor girl I know she was so tired after a day with the kids and still stayed late with me. I did fine on my own after it was all said and done. Oh! and for those of you that thought Bothwell was a bad hospital don't go to Osage Beach. The little pink lady was afraid to let go her wheel chair cause someone would steal it. She meant the nurses, I wasn't ready when she came for me and she was afraid to leave it in the hall in front of my door. Now we got 80 yr old wheel chair police.!!!
And Angie girl if you hadn't been there a time or 2 they would of been giving me the wrong meds. So if your family doesn't know how to take care of you, be sure to have good friends. I will never be able to do enough for what you all have done for me. I am coming down this week on Friday, so far but I am sure that I am going to need to come sooner to get drains out. I came home with both. That would be great if I lost them both this week. Meaning that I don't need them, don't want to hurry them. Dr. Duff said I didn't need to see him if I didn't want to come that following up with Dr. Huang was all I needed to do he made me bullet proof. I have hurt a little here and there and it was really bad right after surgery, I fight it, but they made sure I didn't hurt. My stitches look great, very nice job.
Raynetta, I will be thinking of you and I am so sorry. I wish you the best.
Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and prayers for me. Karen you are the cutest little thing,....and you look great. Thanks for praying with me, it really did made a difference. I am just up to take pills and I am off to bed. I hope to see you all this week, and of course I went shoppin before I went home. Just 2 places and Wally world don't count cause I was going for meds and they didn't have any. So I only went to Children's Place and it was a very small store. Ladies if you have gran kids, buy now and save till Xmas, they were $2.99 for sweaters and those little short shirts, I bought so cute stuff of course it won't be long they won't need pull overs but xmas pj's were $3.99. So there you have it my journey home. Thanks again friends and there will be a special place for you all that put up with me,....God knows you gave him a rest when he needed it. Just know in my heart that I love you all and am very humbled by such caring people that love me in return.
Love you all Marylin
BTW--- Wilson weighted in at 7 lbs. we could of went bowling with him, and I have lost 17 lbs with all this swelling.
And Angie girl if you hadn't been there a time or 2 they would of been giving me the wrong meds. So if your family doesn't know how to take care of you, be sure to have good friends. I will never be able to do enough for what you all have done for me. I am coming down this week on Friday, so far but I am sure that I am going to need to come sooner to get drains out. I came home with both. That would be great if I lost them both this week. Meaning that I don't need them, don't want to hurry them. Dr. Duff said I didn't need to see him if I didn't want to come that following up with Dr. Huang was all I needed to do he made me bullet proof. I have hurt a little here and there and it was really bad right after surgery, I fight it, but they made sure I didn't hurt. My stitches look great, very nice job.
Raynetta, I will be thinking of you and I am so sorry. I wish you the best.
Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and prayers for me. Karen you are the cutest little thing,....and you look great. Thanks for praying with me, it really did made a difference. I am just up to take pills and I am off to bed. I hope to see you all this week, and of course I went shoppin before I went home. Just 2 places and Wally world don't count cause I was going for meds and they didn't have any. So I only went to Children's Place and it was a very small store. Ladies if you have gran kids, buy now and save till Xmas, they were $2.99 for sweaters and those little short shirts, I bought so cute stuff of course it won't be long they won't need pull overs but xmas pj's were $3.99. So there you have it my journey home. Thanks again friends and there will be a special place for you all that put up with me,....God knows you gave him a rest when he needed it. Just know in my heart that I love you all and am very humbled by such caring people that love me in return.
Love you all Marylin
BTW--- Wilson weighted in at 7 lbs. we could of went bowling with him, and I have lost 17 lbs with all this swelling.
Marylin we all have been following your progress from .your friends. they are a great bunch to be friends with i would say....Glad you no longer have to carry Wilson around...and wow 17 pounds gone that is amazing. know that we all are so glad that you are home ...take care of yourself and get better really quick....
Dear, dear Marylin
I am so glad to see that you are doing good after Wilson. I am so sorry that I have missed out on everything here lately. I promise that when things slow down I will be back in the swing of things. Our internet gets hooked up today! Yea!!! Anyway, you said you have the best of friends?!? Well it's because YOU DESERVE THEM!!!! You are a very special lady and I miss seeing you. We will have to get together soon! Love you!
I am so glad to see that you are doing good after Wilson. I am so sorry that I have missed out on everything here lately. I promise that when things slow down I will be back in the swing of things. Our internet gets hooked up today! Yea!!! Anyway, you said you have the best of friends?!? Well it's because YOU DESERVE THEM!!!! You are a very special lady and I miss seeing you. We will have to get together soon! Love you!
Just know I am up taking pain meds and I am off to bed after a good movie,..........I am thinking of all of you and keeping you all in my heart.
you will see little post so I don't want you all to miss out and I don't want to feel like I need to spend hours doing this,...and rememeber if it ain't spelt right it's cause I am on good drugs.
Love yu all, and God Bless.
you will see little post so I don't want you all to miss out and I don't want to feel like I need to spend hours doing this,...and rememeber if it ain't spelt right it's cause I am on good drugs.
Love yu all, and God Bless.