Jan C.
on 3/8/09 1:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks ahead an hour Saturday night before  bed. If you didn’t I guess you were late to church. Need to get it set if you didn’t already so you wont be late for work, bosses aren’t as forgiving as God..lol


Well wonder if it is going to rain for several days or not? So far here it is Sunday morning and hasn’t rained here yet............spoke to soon, at 9:30 am the wind begin blowing so very hard and then the rain came down like wow...it is now 9:45 and has stopped and the sun is shining lol maybe that is all of it.

Evidently it was for us. It turned out to be a beautiful day even if it was windy....some of you had some pretty severe winds according to the news. Wow a lot.


I have felt weak and sleepy today...i guess it was the unsettled weather today. When the barometer goes down I always get tired and sleepy...sometimes cant do anything but sleep...


Joe goes in the morning at 10:am for his first injection in his back ....he has been having a lot of pain lately so guess it is time again...they told him he could have them every 6 months or rather 6 months from the last shot...he says by the time he gets all 3 of them it knocks his pain down to a 4 or 5 on the pain scale. ...

I have got to call my pcp in the morning to see about my back pain to see if it is kidney infection or back pain...i have been picking up a lot and doing a lot so I might have strained something lol will call her in the morning and see if I can get in to see her in the afternoon....




POOH BEAR....YES you can plant tulips in with the iris....wont hurt any thing ..both of them being planted now they wont bloom this year probably. Tulips like a long  cold season ....but they will be pretty next year...dont dig them up this fall  , leave them in the ground. And don’t dig them up....

Hope your guys stay warm and dry...



VESTA:::::  sorry to hear about your baby getting ran over...i know she will get better soon....yes I believe God cares about all of his creatures... and he doesn’t want them to be sich or hurt. Sounds like you have a great vet. Im sure if he says your baby will be alright , she will be ok.....so don’t worry too much ok...

Yes I found some moon flowers seeds to.

After you have the cataract surgery you will wonder why you were scared it is an easy surgery and almost no pain at all...the color and brightness of everything is hard to take for a couple of days.. I will keep you in my prayers. 



BARB::::: so how is Baby ? and how are you doing? Are the dizzies getting better?be glad to see you soon...(when you come down with Peggy... I was walking around my yard today looking at all the green plants coming up...my lilies and tulips, the carnations are perking up of course they stay green all the time but they are a perker green lol there are lots of buds on the daffodils buds on the bridal wreath, buds and flowers on the forsythia...wont be long before it all starts blooming. I always get so excited every spring, you would think it is the first time I have seen all of it lol but I guess that is being a gardener..




BEC::::::you will be in that cute outfit soon , by the time summer gets here shoot for it for the first week in June when we have the picnic in the park...ok...oh would you check and get a place there in the park....hopefully everyone can come what ever week end you can arrange....would love to go to Dr. Hs. Support meeting again on Sunday afternoon...all of you that had Dr. H would that be ok for the picnic in the park?

I always bought sweet potato plants works better.

Had to laugh about  the lunch that you fixed for you mother in law. And friend...

Sour cream and cheese sandwiches???? Wow cant imagine the taste of that.


I haven’t invited you to any sort of anything that I know of lol ....maybe like your chicken salad lol no I haven’t ask you to join me in anything. So be careful about stuff like that , a friend of mine joined something on hot mail that a friend of hers had sent her and now she has an email going around to all the people in her contact list.saying she is in England and has lost her purse and needs money ....lol I called her and ask her if she was enjoying England ...she said on no you got a letter too huh////so be careful what you do  in someones name....

Yep Ozark berries are some of the very best ones. They keep bearing all summer long. Oh what I use to keep the weeds down is PREEN.....just put it down really thick and it will do a good job of keeping out the weeds for about 3 months and then you have to put more down...




LOU:::::isn’t it funny how we change our ideas once we start getting down into the normal range? Like you saying you love running now...did you ever think you would be able to run ? sounds like you might be down a hundred pounds by 6 months.



MARY:::::So happy that you decided to join us......want to know something  why do you think you will never be able to eat grapes? They are natrral sugars...you probably wont be able to eat them early out but will be able to down the road.

Im glad you are having good weight loss on the liquid diet.

Am axious to get to know you better ....come often








SUSAN:::::; CAN YOU BELIEVE 8 MORE DAYS...just 8 that isn’t long....wow...

You keep a close eye on those blood sugars ok?



BRENDA:::::; so good to see you on here again ...we have missed you a lot.  I know we all have done some things that we shouldn’t have done but you really do need to get rid of the sodas. They  make you hungry and make you want to eat things that you don’t need and they say they stretch your stomach ,don’t know if it does it or not but cant be good. ....i hope you can get something done to help you...and you can get back on track...





SUGAR:::::: so glad you got a new computer  and can be on here now....i hope you can go with us Saturday....i know you have a lot of stuff going on ...




SUSIE;;;;; well of course we can see the difference ....girl  cant you see it???? shame on you....






Susan W.
on 3/8/09 8:37 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good morning too all.hope you all are having a good monday so far.the weekend's do fly by soo fast.we did have a very quick rain storm here yesterday than the sun came back out it sure was pretty but it got just a little chilly last night.

jan thank you for taking my picture yesterday.now i can start my before and after book with my picture's and my size's.i hear the rooster talking to us already.i like taking care of the chicken's.

you and joe have a safe trip to the doctor.hopefull dr rachell can get you in.andy has to be there to see dr bridge's on wednesday morning at 800 am.reg

we have some errend's too run on wednesday.they told us at the class in columbia too get everything you need to have after surgery so when you come home it is there.the time is flying by soo quickley.only 6 day's and i have to pack our bag's.thank's again jan for being my surgery angel.

we want to stop by and see my dad again too on wednesday.i got a phone call around 915 pm last night.he fell out of his wheelchair again.he was not hurt but they still have to call me and let me know.he was trying to catch a cricket that got into his room and that is when he fell.they cannot put a belt on him it is against the rule's.when they did have one on him before he get's really mad.he think's he is being confined.the other nursing home he was in used them on him all the time.now they cannot use them any more.we are just thanking god he did not break any bone's.he will be 77 on may the 5.

susie how is the swimsuit?as for your picture's you look good girl.jan told me you will more inche's sometime's before pound's.

vesta how is your baby doing today.i know i would be a basket case if my two got hurt.they are just like kid's.i spoil them.we also spoil jan and joe's dog rebel also.lol.he come;s to our front door everyday looking for andy and tell's him it is time for a walk.lol.

pooh bear did you get your flower's?jan's garden is really starting to show a lot of green.a lot of thing's are popping up everywhere.she has a good green thumb.andy and i are looking foward to meeting you on the 17 in columbia.

bec how are your baby chicken's doing today?is tito being a mother hen to them.lol.you will be in your new outfit before you know it.i am going to start going through my clothe's and put them by size's.i know i will be able to bless someone with some clothe's soon.

mary welcome to the group.my husband andy had his surgery done by the same doctor you have.he is really nice.i am having my surgery the 17 in columbia.

have a good day everyone.hope too see a lot of you at the meeting in springfield on the 23 of march.that is my one week check up.i told andy i want to stop in to see you all on our way home from columbia.god bless susanonly 8 more day's yheeethis is some of my excrise.jumping up and down.lol


Barbara S.
on 3/8/09 9:19 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Jan and Everyone:

JAN:  Baby (my Chihuahua, for those who don't know), is doing great. She is running on her leg now. I take her to the track at school to walk and she loves it, she runs until she has to lay down to rest. LOL. She likes it that when we are alone I take off her leash and she runs free. Wish you all could see her she is so funny. She runs 90 mph I think.  She ran so hard last Friday she was limping all day Saturday. She is building her leg up so much you can hardly tell she broke it. 

My dizzies are getting better all the time. Thanks for asking. Hope I get to see your daffodils, they are one of my favorites. Baby will be so upset when I leave, she hates it when I go anywhere without her. LOL. She howls at me when I get home. Lets me know how much she missed me.

BEC...Can't wait to see how much weight you have lost. I bet we can see it better than you can.

SUSAN:  Nearly a week away! Can you believe how fast the time is going so fast, especially after such a long wait? I am so excited for you!!!!!

BRENDA:  I am there with you on the Diet Sodas...Just quit last week. I have to admit to Jan, that I do a lot less snacking since I quit. Hang in there...we can do it together!

SUGAR:  Glad to see you back even if it less.

JANET:  Guess you are busy with the grand baby. LOL    They are so worth everything we go through in life aren't they? Don't you find when you are holding her, the world just stops?

PEGGY:  Please post when your sale is, maybe a bunch of us can come. If you ever get some free time, let me know. Maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Peggy M
on 3/8/09 11:54 pm - Raymore, MO
Morning my friends....

Wowee is it cold this morning and the wind is already picking up.  Supposed to get some rain this afternoon and tonight and then colder tomorrow.  This up and down is really tearing up my head.  I have headaches constantly so when they flare it's tough. 

Today is another farm day since hubby is still off.  I would like to see the bedroom get done today.  It was the worst since the boxes were stacked front to back, floor to ceiling.  But we are 2 to 3 rows from the wall and I was shocked to see that there is a window in the back!  So I know we are getting there.  Once that room is done (it takes forever because you have to go thru each box....we have found expensive paperweights shoved in a box of tupperware!) then we just have the dining room (mostly trash and some furniture which will be ruined) and then we can empty the storage units and start staging. 

Jan....we will have TONS of stuff for you to use as planters...even plain old planters!!!  I plan on advertising but I really want people to understand....all of her stuff has been in storage so don't come expecting perfection.  If anybody is willing to pay a little and do a little work (like cleaning because I won't have time) then they will end up with some nice things.  I refuse to price high unless it is a real collectible then we may just sell it at an auction and not this sale.  I'm serious.....most of her things will be priced under $1!  I just want it gone and try to recoup some of the money I have spend on storage.  Hope Joe makes it thru his shot today with no issues and less pain.

Mark your calendars (I will post more info later about what is in the sale and where it will be) April 30 thru May 2 (Thurs, Fri and Sat)  and if you hang around until Saturday I will be giving stuff away!  Better you than the trash!

Mark will have his heart stress test tomorrow.  I would like some answers but he seems to be doing very well.  Just trying to adjust to his medication.  I keep wanting him to try the nitroglycerin just to see how he reacts but he doesn't see my point!  (just kidding!)  He wants to try it out on the cat!  Last thing I need is a passed out kitty!  (He's kidding, too!)

Barb....let me get this man back to work and I will make sure we get together.  We are too close to not grab some coffee and just relax.  I loved the story about Bab running!  Too cute...I would love to meet her.

Bec.....CHICKENS????  Girlie, you crack me up! And I can just see Tito wanting to mother them.  I so miss you and your hugs!  Hope you are getting caught up on your rest.

Susie....Wow!!!!  And Lou....Wow, too!!!  Vesta....I hope your pup is doing better...and you.  You've seemed a little down.  You doing ok?  Deb (Pooh)....where are you?  How are you feeling?  Brenda....hope you get some answers, soon.  And Sugar...have you figured out what happened to your OH account?  Mary....nice to meet you.  JANET!!!!  RENEE!!!!  Where are you girls?????

Well, he's giving me that "will you hurry up?" look so I need to get a move on.
Want to do my reading and then it's possum hunting. 

Love you all...
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Bec M.
on 3/9/09 12:43 am
Good Morning Dear Mimi and Mo!

I'm a bit sluggish this morning... I had quite a day actually a few days... and major trauma with my hair!!!

Here goes... when Susan and Andy where here the last time I walked by the mirror and seen I was BALD!!!! yes BALD... so I decided that I was going to start wearing my wig all the time... so I went into town and had it trimmed to my face and I was pretty pleased with the outcome... and Paul REALLY liked it! 

Well Paul's mom came the next day and I wore it all day, they said how nice it looked... then the next day I wore it to the pic nic and in the wind on the lake... I fought it all day and it was wearing a blister in the front where the band is... the wind was constantly messing it up so you could see things you should not see...the cap slipped off my head under the thing and started poking thru... my own hair then started coming out form underneath! I'm disgusted by this time and nearly in tears... not the worst yet... so the friend said maybe if we CUT my own hair it would help and so I let her... oh boy!  I have not had short hair for over 25 years!  So she cut it around my face and left the back long... let's just say I appreciated her efforts and care, I really did, but it did not work... any way in the mean time I get home from fighting the wind all day and set into cooking supper... you are not going to believe this but I bent down to take something out of the oven and burnt the whole front of the wig! ruined it!  I had to lock myself in the bathroom so the company would not see me and sob!  It was awful... so now my wig is ruined and my real hair in way less than desirable shape!

So yesterday a friend of many many years I had not seen for a long long time called and was in the area and wanted to stop by for a visit... she had been to beauty school years ago... she cut the rest of my hair off short and tried to blend it all together... I am still so very unhappy but know this did not all happen for simply no reason... I have a lesson to learn in this and I'm trying to humble myself and learn it! Boy it's tough when you feel like you look so bad already and then to have a mess of a head too!  Oh well I guess it will grow out... I really feel BALD now and will have to get a new wig... I think in a bit I'm going to take the wig into a beautician and ask her to cut my real hair the same style as the wig... my real hair is so terribly thin I don't know if it will work.... 

Anyway if it all would of worked out that style did have some major SASS! it flipped up all around my head and was wispy I really liked it.  Oh well....

Anyway Paul got home from work and the dear friend did not leave till nearly 10:00 p.m.  Paul had to change the paper in the new babies tub and one of the little buggers had to have some minor "surgery" ~tee hee 
The "waste" on the back side was building up to undesirable!!! So Paul had to remove that and clean her up....she did not like the water on her fanny and was VERY vocal about it! but it just had to be done!!!

So after that..  I still had not exercised... it had stormed all morning and by the time I could of gone out ... the friend had called.... so my dear precious Paul took out with me on the long trek down around the corner and down one side of "Kansas"... we did not get back in the house till 12:37 A.M.!!! I thanked him profusely and promised to do something nice for him... he had worked his 12 hour shift and was tuckered but still would not let me go out by myself.... he's a great guy!  The moon was out nearly full and the night sounds and smells were wonderful... it was very pleasant out there, I chattered his ear off I think.  I know I will be tired later in the day from all the gallivanting around in the dark!

Mimi I hope I did not do anything harmful by accepting that "offer" "you" ~ha sent... I WILL be careful from now on... it was right after they done the maintenance on Yahoo...so I figured it was some new feature they installed... now there is a chat box over to the left of the screen that says you do not have to download chat now it is just there for everyone?

Is Preen in granules?  Do you sew Zinnias like you do Marigolds right into the ground?  Do they have seeds you harvest for the next year?

I can't wait to get back out there and get busy on some work... Hopefully I'm going to get my strawberry plants on Thursday... do you think I need 25 or 50 of them? They are $9.99 for 25 is that a good price?

Well I guess I've chatted on for long enough... thanks to all of you for listening to hair my woes!  Your the best!

NeNe and Susan... how simply thrilling it will be to get to see you both on Thursday!  I'm nearly beside myself already!

Andy's Susan... I'm excited for you as well... I am praying for you and Andy every day that the liquid diet is going well and that the Lord will bless you both for such perseverance and dedication! 

Oh and Paul's new daughters are all doing well so far.. they have it pretty nice where they are... and Tito is trying his best to watch over them as well! ~tee hee

Barbara~ it is good to see you posting again! I wish I could tell you I have changed alot... while I know I have some... I still have so far to go. I'm sure not the best judge of myself!

Mimi ~ I would have to lose at least 15 to 20 lbs a month to be in that outfit by the first of June... but it is a goal to shoot for anyway.

I will have to check into the sweet potatoes situation... can you start then with seed potatoes?  I have never grown them so don't know much about them... but want some this year... are the plants expensive?

Sugar Booger ~ it's good to see you back again... what have you been doing with yourself? Do you have any "projects" in the works now?  Parties, trips?  I'm glad you got your spare room all done now will  have to see what you can get yourself into next!

Janet and Renee we need to talk about your trip up this way soon so I don't plan anything else in your place!  Thinking of both you ladies and hope all is well...

Glad to hear Marylin is home and doing well... take care of yourself Marylin.
Well man I've chattered I better get off here and get to some work today.... you all have a wonderful beautiful day!


on 3/9/09 12:46 am
So far so good as far as work is concerned today. They haven't called yet. I have gone thru clothes again and filled another bag. I have decided I spend way to much money on clothes. I cannot believe how much I have already given away and I still have several bags waiting to give away. I didn't realize I had so many. I never wore half of them more than once or twice. I guess I just love to shop. I have to go shopping now. I may head out to the thrift store to see whats new.
I think the weather is going downhill this week. I wish the warm temps would come back. At least there is no snow in the forcast.
I love yard sales and bargins. I am looking forward to seeing them start back up. We should all get together and head up to Peggys for her sale.
Have a great day everyone.


on 3/9/09 1:26 am

Good Chilly Morning to everyone, brrrr.... can't wait for the 60 -70 degree weather to come back.

Jan... I thought it said grapes were fibrous and that you couldnt have them in my lil surgery book. Maybe I miss understood, when I meet with the dietician and the million other people last week before my scope. My head was spinning and worried about getting back to my daughter, who was sick with the flu and with a friend of ours. So unfortunately my head wasnt in all of the conversations like it should have been. She is doing much better now so we should be good to go this next weekend.  

I hope you husband is feeling better soon. That sounds like horrible pain. My hubby had been in PT for a back injury, they gave him electric shock treatment on his back. He thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. They even gave him a script for one for his own use at home for when his back acts up since he has other issues on top of the injury. I will let you know what it is called.

My Mom is coming down this weekend to take care of the kids for my surgery and getting them back and forth to school on post. Thank goodness. This will be nice so hubby can be with me.

Here goes another silly question, since starting this liquid diet, I have been so cranky, but that isnt my question. Is it normal to be so tired all of the time? All I want to do is sleep, then when I go to bed I just lay there, once I do fall asleep I am out and struggle to wake up. Not sure if I need more protein or what exactly I need. I just have no energy at all.

Susan.... How great you are having your surgery the day after mine. So far I really like Dr. H, he and his staff have been wonderful.  I wish you all the best and congrats on your weight loss!!

You are all talking about your spring bulbs, makes me miss my wonderful garden back in Iowa. And to start digging up my ugly garden here to fill with an abundance of blooms and colors. Please post pictures somewhere to share when they are in full color. I just love spring flowers. I had tulips, daffodils and iris all planted together they looked great and I got a lot of compliments. I just love blooms from spring to fall.  I have noticed the plants here are quite different since the ground has so much clay. I have been trying to find somewhere to find composted dirt to add to my gardens. We have a small compost pile but it isnt going to cover everything I want in it. I cant put the yard clippings in it now because our yard is mostly crab grass. So this year we are reseeding it completely and leveling out the mole hills and other ruts we seem to have.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!



Proud Army Wife & Mom            
Shannon C.
on 3/9/09 2:34 am - Kirksville, MO
Is everyone tired of the rain and wind as I am?

Sounds like most everyone had a great weekend.  I got all my housework and laundry done friday so i did nothing productive all weekend except read and watch tv and clean up after a sick dog - just don't know what Cassie got into to make her sick.  Taylor has his good days and his bad days.  Have noticed he is being more careful jumping off the furniture than he used to as he must hurt some if he comes down wrong but other than that he is doing ok.  Yes my dogs are allowed on the furniture as they believe they are people...

Got overstaffed at 10:40 this am so here I am.  I will be glad when spring break is over and our numbers come back up.

Spent about $38 at Westakes Ace Hardware on seeds and potting soil etc... to start our seeds.  I bought a package of parsnips to try and raise.  I have never had them but have heard they are good and with the price of just under $4 at walmart for a package of 4 I thought I would try to raise some with carrots.  I did not find all the tomato seeds I would like to have so will keep on looking for some more.  I also got a package of the long burpless cucumbers to try to raise as I am paying almost $2 for 1 at the grocery store.  The price of seeds is so high compared to last year I am scared to think what the plants are going to cost at the local nurseries.  Will try the amish stores this next weekend to scrounge around somemore.

Have a great day - Sandy



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