Daily Bible Reading - Sunday March 8th

Andy W.
on 3/7/09 5:47 pm - Tulsa, OK

As you see in Mark we’re almost up to the crucifixion again.  Mark has a different view of it all which I like; it gives us a few different details that Matthew didn’t describe.  Can you imagine being Judas and betraying Jesus? Jesus said it would have been better that he never had been born; I can just imagine the guilt Judas lived with.  As I read about the last supper I sat here thinking about what kind of meal Jesus had, I don’t think it ever really says exactly what they ate, it must not of been important enough to say what type of food and such, that just makes me think about the times now and how sometimes we put importance on food when really it shouldn’t be first place in our lives.  I know for such a long time I was addicted to food, esp carbs and such, being on this liquid diet with Susan has really humbled me to the fact that we only need so much to survive on, the rest is just pleasure and sometimes I know I would get way to much pleasure out of eating.  When we are through with this liquid stuff I am believing and praying we can finally keep the food addiction under our feet where it belongs, it’s a daily struggle that we all have to deal with I know, some more then others but the reward is great when we can stay on top of it. 


Today’s devotional is really encouraging, hope, hope for the future.  I like how it states that God wants to restore what we have lost, I especially like the health part, I’ve seen so many that have had WLS have their health restored 100 times over, that’s what I pray and believe happens to all of us and it will, with the Lords help.


You all have a wonderfully blessed Sunday.


Today’s Reading


Numbers 6:1-7:89
Mark 12:38-13:13
Psalm 49:1-20
Proverbs 10:27-28


Daily Devotional

Zechariah 9:12
"Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope; this very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you."

Isn't it interesting that the Bible says that we should be prisoners of hope? A prisoner of hope is someone who has an attitude of faith and expectancy even when things are bad, because God has promised to restore what was lost . . . and far more. That's a great word of hope you can hold on to! It means your health, your job situation, and your finances may not be what you want them to be today, but they are all subject to change! God wants to restore these things to you — not just the way they were before — but with more so that you are better off than when you began. No matter where you are today, or what happened to you yesterday, God wants to give you a new future filled with joy, fulfillment and abundance.


Today's thought: God, please give me the courage and faith to hold on to Your hope no matter what may come my way today. I claim Your promise of restoration.


***Bec*** Thank you so much for the encouraging words.  I know with doing this post I have already been overly blessed.  Being disciplined enough to read His word through has brought me so much joy.  Yes I just love Proverbs gives us so many encouraging words.  Proverbs can be harsh at times and straight to the point but it always seems to be what we need at the time. 


***Susie*** I haven’t really thought much about predestination.  For me from what I’ve read and studied I believe we all have the free choice in life.  It’s up to us if we accept Chris as our personal savior and live for Him; He gives us that choice to make.  Yeah He may already know what choice we will make so I don’t know if that makes it predestination or not.   Sorry I’m not much help on that subject; maybe others reading this will have some more thoughts?


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 3/7/09 10:23 pm
Oh Boy Andy... what about that old testament story about them "rabblers"... ~ha  Can't you just imagine what a burden Moses must of truly carried with so many many complainers!  I would of just perished! I would of asked the Lord to bury me as well!!!!  Isn't it wonderful that He spread the burden among the most mature of the lot!  I'm sure Moses was relieved at best!

He (the Lord) was going to make them eat meat till it came out of there nostrils for Pete sake!  Don't you know He must feel like that about us

Oh my goodness HAIL is falling right now.... oh well I guess it was short lived... it's gone already... was pea sized and covered the porch!

all the years we insisted to eat out of control?  He just left us to our own ruin and look what happened to us!!! But oh how wonderful His forgiveness is!!! How you are right when you say when we get ourselves in line with His word and plan for our lives He turns around our lives and restores health to us!!!!  That simply thrills me!!!

No more diabetes, no more high blood pressure, no more high cholesterol, no more GERD, no more sleep apnea and on and on and on!!!!  Oh Praise the Lord!!! 

Tomorrow we are going to find out the outcome of filling them to their nostrils with MEAT!!! ~ha

When I think back on my life of eating... the Psalm today just ministered my very heart to the Lord:

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion, blot out my transgressions.  Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.  Against you, you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight...

... surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach wisdom in the inmost place.

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.

Hide your face from my sins and blot out my iniquity.

And here comes the words of the beautiful song:

Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me...

Cast me not away from thy presence O Lord, Take not your Holy Spirit from me!

Restore unto me the joy of my salvation... and renew a right spirit with in me! ( or "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me!") 


In Proverbs He talks yet again about the righteous:  the mouth of the righteous bring forth wisdom.... the lips of the righteous know what is fitting...! 
Boy with all this good stuff about the righteous it sure makes me want to strive to be righteous!  Seems I've so far to go at times but then at other times I can so plainly see where He has changed my heart and life... for all of it I am thankful!

Blessing to each today!


Bec M.
on 3/7/09 10:31 pm
Oh I forgot the devotional it was simply wonderful going along with the thoughts I wrote above concerning a life time of eating sin...

No matter where you are today, or what happened to you yesterday, God wants to give you a new future filled with joy, fulfillment and abundance.

What wonderful words of hope and encouragement... I so desperately want a future of JOY, FULFILLMENT AND ABUNDANCE of the "right" things of the Lord!!!



and Susie... about predestination... there is so many many thoughts on that subject and so many opinions ... my thought is if you are really interested in it... pray,  and really search out the word, maybe get some good reputable study helps and I know the Lord will reveal HIS very thoughts on the subject!  I find that is the very very best way to get my questions answered... hope you find what you are looking for!
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