Oh my we worked hard today to get all the leaves raked up and to get all the excess wood picked up ....we all decided to cut down the two old peach trees in the front of Andy and Susans house. Will let them decide what they want in the yard now...if they want a tree there will see that they get it.
Andy, Joe and I worked and worked, Susan helped some and supervised the rest lol
She ask me if when we first started losing did we start getting cold then ...told her yes. She must have been cold cause she was outside today in sweats .poor girl , I told her it stays that way I guess forever now...i especially get cold insides stores and restaurants. When we go out to eat I always take a light jacket or sweater....i use to never wear sweaters even in the winter...now I sure do have quite a collection of them actually.
And in almost every color and style. Lol
Weather was warm and beautiful today except for being cloudy, kept lookinjg like it was going to rain all day but yet and it is now 6pm Sat afternoon....Joe is asleep on the couch don’t know when he will wake up but will be hungry when he does. Will give him breakfast for supper when he does lol
He did to much today and cant take any pain meds cause he is having injections in his back Monday morning again. there are 3 of them in a row and takes about a couple of weeks in between each one...when they are done he will pretty well be down to about a 4 or 5 on the pain scale..which he says is bareable....
We slept all night last night with all the windows in the house wide open , they still are. Will probably have to close some of them tonight...dont know what is suppose to get down to tonight , just looked on my weather bug and it says down to 60 tonight so we should be able to keep the windows open again...it got to 73 today....but they say we are to have rain for the next few days ...spring rains again...hope it isn’t like last year......
My arm where the wasp stung me is still red and swollen and itchy....i still have a headache too. I don’t ever have headaches anymore...it goes away I take a tylenol...
So not to worried.
SUSAN:::::::: 9 count them 1-2-3-4-5=6-7-8-9 see 9 more days till surgery....whooohooooot...things you will need to take to the hospital with you....soft comfortable clothes to wear home. Pillows to help keep you comfortable on trip, gas-x strips...maybe your ipod if you use it a lot...just about everything else they can furnish if you forget..i had the gas-x strips with me and started taking them the first time I got up to walk...one of the nurses saw them and said well they wont hurt you but they wont help either but they do...i didn’t ask them if I could take them I just did, you might want to wait till they do your leak test lol tho...
Im sure I will be up long before you leave for church....come over and we will take several pictures and I will print them out for you....
Keep up the good work on the liquid diet you are doing great...
POOH BEAR;;;;;sure wish I were there for the iris. Don’t know why anyone doesn’t like iris. They are a beautiful flower....im sure they will grow for you , just don’t bury the riziome , dig a small trench and the little roots growing off the riziome area what you get under the dirt. But the riziome needs to be mostly out of the ground.....they wont bloom this spring because of moving them at this time of year...but they should bloom next year. They like lots of sun and you don’t really have to water them after they take root, to get them to stand up you will probably have to cut the leaves down to about 2 inches tall.
Oh most fruit trees you have to have two but some you don’t....good to go to a good nursery to buy them if you don’t know anything about them or go online and order a Stark brothers catalog....and it in there gives you all sorts of info...
I have never had moles in my yard, lot of people use castor beans don’t know if they plant them or just put them down in the holes...but I always have several castor bean plants in my yard in different places and maybe that is why I don’t ever have the moles like others do....
BRENDA:::::: so good to see you back online...sorry you are having problems with your eating....dont know if you would have to go see Dr. H to get the referral for Columbia but you could call Margie and ask...can tell you this that if you are eating carbs it will make you hungry all the time. ....when I get off track and eat too many carbs I about starve to death , or feels like it lol ....Andy gave you some good advice about doing the 5 day pouch test ....it is just hard to make yourself do it but you can , You have God on your side ....
Are you all still at the Boy Scout Camp? Hope the newbies get to know you...and don’t be a stranger... ok?
ANDY:: im so proud of you that you are doing the liquid diet with Susan, that is what you call love for sure... That isn’t easy to do for the best but hopefully it will get you back in line as she goes along....are you going to stay on what she is on all along.???
Oh yeah I really believe that about soda too.
SUSIE:::::: just a word of warning,,,,about bathing suits that are a bit big on top.. lol they stretch when they get wet. I tried wearing one that I thought might work to a water aerobics class and the first time I jumped up I went up but the top of my bathing suit didn’t....i had to get out of the water fast lol didn’t ever wear that bathing suit again lol
BEC:::: I really thing most chickens are pretty tame..and can be made into pets....are you intending on letting them be free range ? I would with ours here but there are several dogs around there that would love eat them...plus lots of wild animals that would love to also....i have one of them that really likes to be petted so far , there will be more of them as they get to know us...Ours are already about 6 months old , I really don’t want to raise them from tiny chicks. Get to many roosters when you by them young too, I know they say they can tell and cull them but it isn’t an exact science I don’t think...there are some chickens that are fixed so that you can tell but most aren’t....yes I have seem the Buffs they are very pretty hens. That is funny about Tito...but our dog Rebel seems to think he is suppose to guard these that we have too ....i heard him out there last night barking but this morning there was a spot at the bottom of the chicken pen where it was dug out or looked like it started to be dug out and got interrupted... don’t know what he ran off but he ran off something....Joe and I were talking about how much we were going to miss him when he passed away . don’t think we will ever get another dog tho cause none could touch him for smarts ...
Wasn’t that cool when your brother didn’t recognize you Lol....neat...see I knew you could tell that you had lostweight...silly girl...wish you would post some pictures....didnt you have your daughters show you how to do that? I may send my digital camera with Andy and Susan when she comes up for surgery and someone can take a picture of you for me....
Im not even going to plant Irish potatoes, I want to plant some sweet potatoes .but since we aren’t suppose to eat reg potatoes I wont grow them....i like them too much lol
Lol me to on getting my hands in the dirt. Is relaxing and therapeutic to me...
Hey so are you able to wear those cute capris that Debbie got you last year? I bet you can...
You know you are very special to all of us too , especially those of us who have met you ..
good rainy stormy Sun to all.Least it is where we are,Lots of lighting also with lots of rain,Sounds so pretty.,
t he boys got the boat and all ready to go.Guess they are taking jasons tent,will be trying to send heavy extra blankets with them
,brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,THey wear lots of extra clothing under their overhauls and carhearts ,So they usually do ok.
I am setting here in thr house with a coat and socks on.i am freezing,
Jan can i plant tulips in with the irishs?
My wasp sting is better i kept putting ice and heat on it Stopped the pain,
Just let
let Harley and Sam out to potty sure didnt take either of them long LOL
Thank you secret pal for the cards yesterday You light up Nikkis face when she gets anything from you,thank you for bringing hr such joy,
well it is 12:44 gonna try to lay down awhile. Talk you you all in the morning.
Love and hugsDEb
I have been so busy, Sheba our sheltie got run over in our drive, she was out with Virgil and she is so protective of us, our daughter came up the drive in the company truck and she didn't recognize her and just darted out in front of her, the tire ran over the hind quarters and didn't break a bone but separated her tail from her spine and there is lots of nerves there.
we had her twice yesterday to the vet, he gives her ivs with antibiotics and pain med,he says she will be fine just gonna take time,
she doesn't get up but we stand her up and she will stand up, we have to force feed her a little at a time, I have cried so much I am a basket case...the vet is wonderful he is a christian man, we called him at home last night because she seemed so despondent, he went in to the animal hospital and we took her in for another iv for fluids..but he assures us she just needs time..and he thinks she may be a little spoiled...lol,
he will call in the morning before church, he told us he wouldn't string us along, that he is sure as anyone can be that she will be fine with a little time.....he also says prayer helps Gods creatures , so keep us in your prayers, I ha vent slept in 2 nights,,,
My plants are doing great gonna have to transfer to bigger pots..Jan I found a pkt of the moon flowers at Lowes, I have them started, they are so beautiful....they bloom in the evening and over night and there is still blooms in the morning and the vine is pretty too.
Jan I love the thongs, that's all I ever wear, never thought I would like them...lol the strings are so small they dont bother me...
I go Tues for cataract surgery, I dread that...
everyone have a great Sunday....vesta
Sorry about your dog...know the feeling. When our "Baby" wasn't eating good, our vet sold us some dietary supplement that is great. It is high calorie and she loves it. Most dogs do. It supplements them so they can heal. It doesn't take much to supplement. It is in paste form in a tube. You can only purchase it from a Vet. It made me feel so much better to know she was at least getting in vitamins.

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
You may be right about getting some roosters in the mix... ~ha Paul actually wanted ONE... it will be funny if 5 out of the 8 are roosters! When Paul went out there after work last night one of the tiny things rared up and run toward him... was just too funny! Anyway time will tell. Tito is now shaking if you hold him up to them... that dog is too funny! But he sure wants to go out there and have a look see though!
I know what you mean about losing Rebel... it's going to be a sad sad day for both of us when the dogs go on! Paul says he's not going to get another one either but just let the right opportunity come along and the old softie will give in I'm sure.
NeNe ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your baby! I will be praying that it gets better so very fast!
Well Mimi I forgot to tell you I got three types of zinnia seed the other day... it is going to be the "Year of the Zinnia"! ~ha Is it best just to sew them in the ground like you do marigolds? Do you get seeds off them to save for the next year? I got some incredibly beautiful magenta ones with white centers... stunning looking! Can't wait to get a cut arrangement of those! Do you have any advise about them?
And the lily's you gave me last year are coming up already! green is poking up... I need to do something there for weed control this year... any suggestions? I am hoping that I can get the flower beds around my flag pole this year but not sure that's going to happen... just too expensive for the blocks... will have to see.
The strawberry plants are coming in on Thursday... the man at the garden center suggested Ozark Beauties... they are ever bearing... do you know anything about them? I want Paul to make me one of those things like you have this year... oh boy so much to do!
On the potatoes... my family loves loves loves creamed peas and potatoes and green beans and potatoes. So far not getting to have potatoes has not bothered me all that much... I don't seem to be able to tolerate them too well....so I just don't care much about them....
It sure is fun to watch all the different plants grow even if I can't eat enough of any of it to pay to even grow it... I can tolerate tomatoes and that's my favorite so I'll be sure and get them in! I think this year I may have to skin them though... and I'm determined to have a beet bed some how... will have to get sand for that though... I LOVE pickled beets!
How do you plant sweet potatoes? Do you have to buy bedding plants? Start them yourself? seed potatoes? I need to plant some of them too.
We WILL get some lime around here this year! Just as soon as it's dry enough to spread it!
I will send you some pics when I look better... I still am looking just plain ole fat! It's why I won't change my avatar... I don't want to look at my own face! Some day I will not look like this... I hope. I am going to buy a digital camera here soon I think. Say! I forgot Andy did put some new pics on my profile and I forgot to post it. They were of Paul's cooking lesson at Christmas and one of me on my bike last fall, a recent pic of the girls too. You will have to go in there and take a look see... he had to re-size them to get them to go on there. Boy I'm so scattered brained...and it has been so busy around here lately. I really appreciated him doing that too! He seems to be my PCA (person computer assistant)! ~TEE HEE Thanks Andy!
Speaking of scatterbrained do you know what I did this week? I was sending lunch with my mother~in~law and her friend the day they left and I had it all fixed up... was sending them chicken salad, cheese, bread, pickles, lettuce, chips, cookies, pop... had it all fixed up and in a bag and then last night when I went to warm Paul up left overs I opened a container and there was the CHICKEN SALAD!!! oh my gosh what did I send them then? Guess what it was? SOUR CREAM!!! they had a sour cream and cheese sandwich!!!! I was mighty embarrassed and had to call and apologize profusely!!! I asked them if good intentions counted? They said they got to the nice pic nic area and started opening up all the containers and just set there and had a good laugh over the whole thing... I'm sure glad they thought it was funny and was not livid at me! oh well... I guess they will check for their selves next time and not trust me! ~tee hee Can you imagine what a sour cream and cheese sandwich would taste like? They actually said it wasn't too bad! Ugh!
Well it's nearly time for the daily trek so I better get ready... it sure is darker out this morning with the time change... we were to get rain yesterday too but nothing but clouds... maybe today?
Yesterday it popped up at the bottom of my screen about accepting you to something... I did not understand what was happening... I think it was some kind of chat thing... I want to be able to chat with all of you but don't know much about it... did yahoo do something new? Let me know...kay?
Have a good day!
Oh poop! Before I could get this proofed and sent I can now here the rain pelting the roof! I guess it will be the gazelle today?
Oh how simply wonderful this day will be it sounds like Susan is going to be at Dr. H's that day too!!! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! This is great!!!
Let me know, I'm flexible and can do anything!
Good morning to all.sure was pretty yesterday.we did not get any rain here yet.the sun is shining now.look's like another pretty day.i am not looking foward to the cold air they are calling for later on in the week.like jan said that is missouri weather for you.
i helped a little in the yard yesterday.i was feeling blah yesterday.i feel better today.i am getting that cold feeling.my liquid diet is going good for me.i am talking all my vit's and getting my fluid's in.
about 10.00pm last night i was watching the new's and i started to feel funny.i went to check my blood sugar in was down to 56.so i had another protien shake and it brought it back up to a normal level.my sugar has been doing good between 100 and 120.
i called my doctor last week and he took me off of my glizide.i was talking 10mg two in the morning and two at night.and my insulin is down to 60 unit's instead of 100 unit's.i am still on my metformin.1,000 mg twice a day.i can hardly wait for surgery as i know all the rest of those med's will be gone.yheeee
brenda hope the doctor's office in columbia can help you.i know it is along drive but it is worth the trip up there.andy and i hope to get to see you and dennis again sometime.
pooh bear did you get your iris?they sure sound like they will be pretty in your garden.jan and i both have thing's coming up everywhere.what kind of fruit tree's are you getting?
susie good luck with the swim suit.i have not bought one in such a long time.the one i do have is worn out up around the top but tight around the legg's.i will get a new one after i lose some weight.
bec how are your baby chicken's this morning?i know they are soo cute.when i lived on the farm i helped raise chicken's.i just went out to joe and jan's chicken pen to give them fresh water.i got 2 blue egg's from them.i know your tito is getting old like my two kid's.one is 12 and one is 13.it sure will be hard when they pass on.
vesta how is your dog doing today?we are praying she get's better quickley.i am soo excited about my surgery.andy has been such a big help to me.
barb,renee janet and all the rest of you all?miss seeing you on here.
i better go for now have to get ready for church so jan can take some picture's of me.i am counting the day's too jan.nine more.i got our bag's ready to pack.i got me two new pair of sweat pant's at the dollar store.they were on sale 70 percent off.i got them for 2.40 a pair.
Before i foget to tell everyone i lost almost five pound's already.i can hardly believe it.i spoke too soo we are now getting a downpour.it is looking black out there.
have a good day everyone.my computer switched color's on me.love ya all god bless susan