Liquid Diet
OK, Have another question. I have my surgery on the 16th. So I started my liquid diet this week. Well been kind of struggling with it, as I think the slim fast smells like baby formula. Not to mention the options of vanilla and chocolate.
So, was wondering if you could all give me some feedback, maybe some additional ideas than what I am going to list on here. But here is what I have found to give more variety and still be within the realm of the diet from what I can gather. So please correct me if you think I am wrong.
I always throw my slim fast in the blender with ice, makes it more like a milk shake and adds nothing. That is good with the chocolate. But the vanilla is what kills me, I usually like vanilla too. Anyway, they said we could have any SF 0 cal drink we wanted. So I throw some ice, slim fast and some crystal light into my vanilla shake in the blender. Strawberry is very good, better then the slim fast strawberry. Cherry pomengranate is delicious, and the orange makes it taste like an orange dreamsicle.
My dilema is, with surgery being about a week away. I dont want to screw anything up. Has anyone else tried this insanity with the mixing?
or if you tell us who your doctosr is someone on here can probably tell you if that is ok.....
Did anyone else just crave meat during this phase. I could do without anything else. I just really want some sort of meat. Steak sounds so good.

Jody, so funny you use the term sleeps, I had a friend in Iowa who would always use that term. I had never heard it before her. It was nice to hear it again.
The jello seems to be helping, not much chewing but at least something. I tried a protein drink today. Wasnt all that bad. went to check out GNC looking for the liquid Calcium Citrate, they dont have it, the pharmacy didnt think anyone made it, but did say I could crush my caplets up. So That is what I will be doing. I have found everything else as a chewable form or can crush them. Even my thyroid medication, not that it was big to begin with.
This is exciting, I have people who have been through it to ask question to and use their experience. And 2 people I have come across now who are on the same track and same time line as I am. I am so glad I joined this group!!!