Daily Bible Reading - Saturday March 7th
Can you imagine the day that the Lord comes back to take His children home? Won’t that be a day we will never forget? You know, it’s coming sooner then we realize. When we read about the signs of His coming almost everything has been fulfilled. We read in Mark where it says to watch for Him, for we don’t know when, he may come at any time. It’s almost like sitting at home while our parents are gone and we know they will be back soon but we don’t know exactly what time. This is the time to get ourselves in order, get things right with Him, with our family, with friends etc. If we are not ready it tells us what we will have to endure and I don’t think it will be easy or pretty. Vs 17 says it will be terrible for pregnant mothers, those nursing their babies and so forth. Vs 18, People who were trying to escape in the winter would find very little shelter from the weather. Food would be difficult to find. The river bottoms that dried up in the summer would be full of water and unable to be crossed. Those are days I sure don’t want to be around for. It says else where that people will want to kill themselves because it’s so difficult but they wont be able too. This sure makes me want to be sure I am ready at any moment for our Lord to come back.
It’s also amazing how the Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs all some how relate to one another. It may not seem like they do but if you read carefully you will see that in some way or another they seem to coincide with one another, you think God is trying to tell us something? Even the devotional sort of coincides with the reading today, it does that quite often. I don’t receive the devotional related to anything that we read that’s why it just amazes me how they sometimes relate to one another. God is good and so faithful to keep telling us the things we need to do to get ready for His return.
Today’s Reading
Numbers 8:1-9:23
Mark 13:14-37
Psalm 50:1-23
Proverbs 10:29-30
Daily Devotional
Psalm 2:4, AMP
"He Who sits in the heavens laughs"
Can you get a picture of God laughing in the heavens? Right now, God is on the throne. He's not mad. He's not worried about the economy. He's not upset with you and me. What's He doing? God is full of joy and laughing on the throne. It goes on to tell us in Psalm 37 why He's laughing, because "He can see the destruction of the enemy coming." In other words, the reason God laughs is because He knows the end of the story. He knows the final outcome. The good news is that you and I win. God always causes us to triumph!
Imagine you're watching the Super Bowl, but you already know the outcome. You already know who is going to win. No matter how far behind the winning team falls, no matter how bad it looks for them, you wouldn't get upset. You wouldn't be worried. Why? You've got inside information. You know the final outcome. That's what God is saying to us today. When it gets tough and things don't look like they're going to work out, we know with God, we are on the winning team! You can laugh with Him today knowing that He has favor, strength, and victory for you in every area of your life!
Today's thought: I choose to rest and trust in God. Thank You for bringing victory in every area of my life. Give me opportunities today to share Your joy and love with the people around me.
Before I write about the readings today I just want to send you an encouraging word... I want to you to know the Lord is well pleased with you! Your faithfulness to this post is simply wonderful! I am praying that the Lord blesses you way far and beyond what you can even contain!
I have been keeping up with the reading each day even though I have not been able to post... I love these words from Proverbs over the past several days:
... a man of understanding delights in wisdom!...
What the righteous desire will be granted!...
When the storm has past by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever!....
The fear of the Lord adds length to life...
The prospect of the righteous is JOY!.... Oh boy I want to be filled to overflowing with the J~O~Y of the Lord!
The way of the Lord is a refuge for the righteous...
The righteous will never be uprooted...
Don't you just love the encouraging words spoken to the righteous!!!! ("Right Living").... it sure seems hard at times to "live right" but oh what encouragement we have in Proverbs to strive for just that... because good things come to those that live according to God's plan... even to your point today Andy... for all of eternity!!! so we will be sure and make ourselves ready for that glorious day!!! Goose Bumps!!! ~ha
Blessing to all this day!