Joe and Andy tilled the garden up one more time with the huge big tiller...i think they have it pretty good. Now I have to get out there and lay out the rows and work on getting the grass roots out....we have to fence it all in and put in the gate... if we get it fenced in quick enough we may put the chickens in there for awhile ....let them eat the grubs and scratch and eat the grass...and poop all over it lol ........dont know if that will be possible we could make a wire tunnel for them to go thru to get to the garden lol that would be fun to do .
I am looking at Stark brothers checking out some fruit trees....having a hard time deciding what I want...peaches, apples,, pears, ????? reg size/ dwarfs /semi dwarfs. I think we are going to go with the semi dwarfs tho. Some or most fruit trees you have to have at least two. Don’t have to be the same variety but have to have 2....i think the peach trees we have up in front of Andys house we are going to cut them down...they are so bad I don’t think no amount of spray will bring them back ....last year itwas loaded down with peaches and just about the time that started gettring ripe they just rotted...dont think we should plant new ones right where the old ones were tho....
Where I got stung by the wasp yesterday, didn’t swell like they normally do but I have had a headache ever since it stung me and it is red and swollen just as bad. And itches oh my gosh....and the UTI isn’t any better, im taking lots of natural stuff and drinking drinking drinking(water) it seems a little better but still there if it is still there Monday I will call my PCP and go see her she is really good about seeing you right away...
Joe went fishing I see he is coming back wonder if he caught anything. Hope he caught a walleye....yummmy those are some great fish...well shoot, no fish, glad I wasn’t counting on fish for supper lol
POOH BEAR::::: The one that stung me just barely got me didn’t leave his stinger or anything and it didn’t hurt really but im so allergic to them . this morning it is swollen pretty big and very red and hot and itchy....and keeps gettinjg larger all the time. Ihave had a headache but I usually do when I get stung..oh well I haven’t died yet from a sting, came close a few times. I use to carry an epi pen with me all the time haven’t had one in quite a while but now that im back to getting outside all the time now. Maybe I need to get one again ....will talk to my pcp about that too Monday.
SUSAN::::::oh boy tha****ermelon was so so good..
.yesterday and to day were both pretty , now they aer saying that to.morrow is going to be up in the 70s again and the rain will hold off till Sat night....hope so we have a lot of outside stuff to do yet...we are getting there tho....tomorrow will probably do the fence for th garden and will work on getting out weeds and grass. Will probably spray it real good with some killer but don’t look for that to kill Bermuda grass. Anyone have ideas on something to do to kill Bermuda grass>??? We need to start saving all newspapers we can get hold of. That makes good mulch to keep some of the weeds down. Just have to lay it down really thick... I guess we will just stay busy for a couple of years keeping the weeds and grass out till maybe we win. Lol
SUSIE:::::I will be so glad to see you on the 23rd...i know you have really changed ...i know you don’t think so but I bet you have... lol I remember when I finally had to buy new underwear.i wore the same stuff until I bought new when from just huge sports bras to a 36 B lol now I don’t know how I was wearing the sports bras or the panties either but I was...my panties were 11s and now they are 5 or 6s...lol I even bought me a pair of Thongs just to see what they felt like and they feel exactly like what I thought they would feel like , im glad I only spent a dollar on them lol I would rather not wear anything than wear those ...that is very very uncomfortable...like your panties have gotten up in your crack lol
Oh what I do for a bathing suit is I buy a reg bathing suit and then buy a pair of shorts to wear over them...the shorts come down on my legs farther and hide the loose skin... I said I was going to bring back the Gipson girl bathing suits. You know with the fluffy leggings and the dress over the top with sleeves.. there are some bathing suits online that have legs and arms both in them you will just have to surf and find them...dont remember what they are called maybe maxium coverage..if I find them I will send the web site to you...they really look pretty modern ...
Sure was a pretty day outside yesterday again.was soo nice not to have the heat going at all for 2 day's now.sure save's on the electric.
jan if you are up in the morning before andy and i go to church i will come over and let you take some picture's of me while i am dressed up.after church we are going to see my dad.we leave around 10.00am.thank's for putting the fence around my flower's.you are right we sure do have a lot deer around here.your garden area is coming togther nice.let me know when you are planting.how is your bee sting?better we hope.
susie i do the same thing jan does buy's a pair of short's to put over my swim suit.i never did like the way my leg's looked.i wear a one piece swim suit with short's look's ok.
pooh bear how is your bee sting doing?how is nikki?
marylin i wont be in columbia till monday night or tuesday morning the 17.hopefully i will get to see you sometime.my one week checkup is on march 23 at 10.30am.
janet how is megan and the baby?we know you are spoiling her.lol.
peggy how is the farm work going for you?hope your hubby is feeling better.
have a good day everyone.we are praying for all the need's here on the board.10 more day's for me.can you all tell i am excited.lol.i told andy next sat i need to pack our bag's.i am going to weigh on sunday to see if i lost anything.it will be 6 day's by then since we started the liquid diet.the diet is going good for us.like jan said time is flying by soo fast for me it help's with me not being too hungry.plus i keep busy doing thing's around here.love ya all god bless susan
Good Morning All.
What a beautiful couple of days we have had. The guys have been working on getting the boat all up to par and spiffy .They are having a father son fishing trip the 20th through the 24th.Going down to go snagging. The boys are very excited.I won't be going till the middle of April.When it is warmer. It sure is cold flying down tha****er in the boat early in the mornings.
I have a huge tree out front and yesterday i seen the honey bees swarming. They have a home in the tree.Have been there since we moved here 4 yrs ago.They don't bother anything or anyone so i let them stay LOL.
But that nasty wasp is another story.Jan i'm like you.He /she didn't sting real hard,No stinger left behind. But boy did it hurt and burn. Still does.But guess i'll live LOL.
I got up at 3:30 again this morning,dunno whats up with that,but sure does make for along day.I take ambien to sleep because without it i'd be awake forever,And it was working good.But now i just wake up early. Maybe i'm getting imune to it.Who knows.
Nikkis guinea pig died yesterday. Broke her heart. They don't live very long anyways. But when we went and got him i made sure he was young.Because they usually live about 3 yrs. But he didn't dunno what happened. Then she had 3 hamsters. Went to clean the cage yesterday and only 2 hamsters were in there, I know it couldn't of gotton out. Gail said maybe the others killed it and ate it. They do that to their babies but didnt think they did that to big ones.The fur was there but no hamster.
Gonna go down to my sons today and dig up a bunch of iris bulbs and bring them home and plant them. Kinsey his wife dosen't like iris's so she was gonna pull em up throw them away.So thought i might as well try to plant them,and hope they will grow here.
I wanna get some dwarf fruit trees also. So ya gotta have 2 of whatever ya plant? Is that so they can pollinate each other?
Our yard is full of moles too.Any suggestions on how to get rid of them .short of putting dynomite in their holes .
Well everyone is up here now.So better get off and do the mommy and wife duties. Hope everyone has a great day,
Love and Hugs Deb
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome!!
Dennis has went from a 48-50 waist pants to a 40-42 and I think he has lost close to 100 pounds. He won't get on the scales.
On the other hand I have gained 25 pounds, It is as so I never had the surgery.
I am hungry and I can eat almost as much as I used to before surgery!!!
It feels like my stomach has stretched, but Dr. H. said the stomach would never stretch.
I have been wanting to see a doctor about if I need a revision.
Don't know who to go to, Dr. H. doesn't do revisions.
I love this pretty weather!!!
Everyone have a great day
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
I love the temps today just wish there had been some sunshine. I hope we do not get severe storms. I love having days I do not have something I have to do. I think we all need more of them.
I tried on some old swim suits this morning and may try to get away with wearing one of them. The top is a bit big but they seem snug enough. I don't know ,I guess I will see what I weight in three weeks. I like the idea of wearing shorts with it.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Boy has it been a busy week for me... the company left yesterday around noon and then came the birth of eight new daughters for Paul and I! It ended up being a WAY long journey to get them here but oh how happy the new father is! ~tee hee I'm just razzing a bit here... but we are now the proud (Paul definitely more than myself) new parents of eight female "buff orphington" baby chicks. They are all fixed in the garage under a heat light chirping away... I got so tickled at Tito... you would of thought HE was the proud new father!! He is so little and was in the back seat and the chicks in the back cargo area... Tito just jumped and jumped up the side of the back seat all the way home worrying about them back there... he was simply exhausted when we got back and sacked out right on the carpet... didn't even get up on his bed on the couch... he has been sleeping all day today when he has not been at the garage door. Just too funny.
So Paul will be like you and Jo Mimi, getting their house ready... they say these will start laying in 4 to 5 months... this brand of chicken is known to be very gentle and docile... do you know anything about them? Paul wanted that kind because he makes pets out of them for sure, he will work with them all while they are growing up... the others we had years ago where leghorns that the girls hatched at school... (GOOD LAYERS!!!) they rode on his shoulders and he fed them hot dogs for Pete's sake... I was always fussing at him because they were so expensive and not good on my budget.
These Orphingtons are fat light brown chickens. You know?.... you would think Paul would of wanted skinny chickens after living with me all these years! ~TEE HEE Guess it just goes to show! ~ha
Thursday... Paul, his mom, her friend and I went on a road trip... to the Amish Stores and had a picnic by the city lake in Tipton then walked around there... it was a simply beautiful day... a bit windy but still nice...
At the Amish store we got alot of our garden seed and at a much better price than at the local garden center... about half. Also got 10 lbs of red seed potatoes... I just want them for baby potatoes so did not need to get a whole lot.
Can't wait to get out there and get to working the ground up... I dearly LOVE to get my hands in that dirt! Our big ole rear tine tiller just makes powder out of it... I could never run the thing, it's all Paul can do to keep hold of it... but it sure does do a right fine job!
I'm looking forward to the time change and it being darker later in the evening though usually I'm so worn out by 4 or 5 all I want to do is go to bed anyway... that's just got to change! It would help if I did not wake up so stink'n early and not be able to go back to sleep and then with all the walking I do I guess it's just too much for this what feels like ole body... It sure has been nice out walking this past few mornings... I have worn short sleeves and Capri's. The birds are singing full force here lately... and the other animals seem to have a bit of "spring fever" if you know what I mean! ~tee hee "frisky" for sure. I've had to "smack" a couple of yearlings that decided to charge me... I said NOOOOO WAY! I'm not going to be scared to walk down the road... so I picked up a wispy stick and gave them a good bipp'n!!! after a couple of days they quit and have not been so "aggressive" so to speak. You know you just have to show them whose BOSS! ~tee hee
I'm thinking of Susan and Andy on the liquid diet... you know Mimi it brings a smile to my face every time you write how many days Suz has left and it is such a good memory how every day for soooo many days before I had surgery you sent me a new #! I have been so incredibly blessed to have met and come to love so many new people! You all are certainly very special to me! You all were so excited for me and that nearly brings a tear to my eye right now! I can't wait till I can post I've lost a 100 lbs! The scale seems to be moving again after a long stall.
OH YEA!!! I almost forgot to tell those of you that I had told earlier that Paul's mom said she could not tell I had lost much weight... well this visit she said she could really tell now.... so I guess it's official!!! ~ha And do you know my Paul has been telling me how pretty I am!!!! And then... I seen my brother in Orscheln's yesterday and he walked right by me and I ran after him and tugged on his shirt and told him I was not going to let him "high hat me" (family joke) and he said, "I honest to "gosh" would not have recognized you!" He said, "Damn you are looking good!" (sorry about the word but it's what he said) Boy oh boy I'm sure my face was beaming at that point! WOW! all that just in the past two days!!!! I know I'm not different but I guess I'm still human and it sure felt good to hear those things!!!! Boy as I think back to all I've been thru to get this surgery... everything before and since I'm so incredibly thankful for the opportunity the Lord allowed in my life!!! If I had not of done this I would never have met all you simply wonderful people!!! Let alone get rid of so many many detrimental health issues that was killing me! Boy oh Boy I have so much to be thankful for!
Man I have so much more I could chat on about but I better give you all a break! ~tee hee
Love you all and pray HUGE blessings to you all!