Jan C.
on 3/5/09 7:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO






whew Got the garden area tilled up today....really good looking dirt but am trying to find a truck load of pretty hot chicken poop...no I don’t have enough ...read on orgranic gardner that putting hot chicken poop and will kill a lot of weeds and grass...but by the time we need to plant things it should be ok....Joe and Andy took turns pushing that huge tiller...i though I could help but no way lol I seem to think im bigger and stronger than I am lol

Can plant cold weather crops in about 2 weeks at the most 3 weeks..


I got stung by a wasp today but he didn’t get me really good. , is red and swollen but not like they usually do...i ran in and put some sting away stuff on it...i guess it works pretty good cause it isn’t the size of a grapefruit...


Susan told me that it was going to get cold again I didn’t want to believe her lol sorry

UTIs...doesnt make a lot of sense does it.?  I know I get enough water in . this makes the 3 one in about a year...i hate to go to the doctor about it because she told me the last time that she would send me to a urologist the next time If it was close to the last one. Guess im goinmg to have to go tho  since I can barely walk at this pointl




SUSIE::::Yes people don’t realize that they don’t have to be treated a certain way when they go to the doctor or the hospital....you can demand and get respect ...and if they don’t give it to you report them...that doesn’t mean be hateful but after all it is your body , your charts, your life  not theirs.

Hope you get to come to the COF meeting on the 23rd...always the 4th Monday of the month.  Hope we get to see you.



SUSAN:::::: wanted to thank you for the watermelon. It was so so good.  Have eaten most all of it already lol

Will gladly take some pictures of you to put in your photo book...it really helps to be able to see where you have been. ‘[when I first had surgery I had Joe take my picture about every week then after the first month I had him to take it every month...havent taken one now in quite a while...need to find my book and get a new one in there I guess.

I am so proud of you with your liquid diet, you are doing great.. just keep an eye on your blood sugars that they don’t get too low, that can be dangerous.

Wont be long now ..11 days wow....you go girl....this is exciting isn’t it?



PEGGY:::: lol yeah wouldn’t be a bad job to not be right a lot. And still not get fired. Cant you just see me being a nurse and giving someone the wrong shot oh well it was because the wind shifted lol ...

I am keeping you and hubby both in my prayers. Just remember that God is in control and knows all about where you both are.

Yes I would like to know what all you have for sale  ok? Would really be interested in any old stuff that would make good flower containers. While im thinking about it ,,,anyone have any old picket fence they don’t want ....old pitchers , pans, tubs any of the stuff that most people throw away....i use stuff like that to plant things in...looks really neat in places especially in my shade garden...

I have April 30th written down on my calendar. Lol













on 3/5/09 7:46 pm, edited 3/5/09 7:46 pm - linneus, MO
Good Morning All.. Jan must be a wasp thing because one got me on the shoulder yesterday,And It did hurt,Real bad but then again i'm a wuss.Havent ben stung by  a wasp in forever,My arm hurts and is still red and its hot to the touch.But guess i'll live LOL.
goodmorning-1.jpg good morning image by guapa220
LOve and HUgs to all DEb


Shannon C.
on 3/5/09 9:45 pm - Kirksville, MO

Jan - I read some info on keeping deer out of plants and an other idea was to place chicken wire down on the ground around your flower beds as deer do not like walking on it or tie a dog up near the flowers.  It also said that placing black plastic around the beds was supposed to work also but not always - LOL.  As soon as the garden is dry enough Shorty will till it for us and it always comes out so smooth if I can keep Dad out of it long enough for it to dry after the power tilling for a day or so.  We also spread ashes from the wood stove that we save this past season on the garden before the tilling.

The gal that gave me the mineral tubs is going to call me when she has more ready for me to pick up.  I am going to do some heirloom tomatoes and pepper plants on the patio with them.

Anyone going to be in Columbia next Friday?  I have a dr's appointment and have the day off.

Have a great weekend Everyone!



Tammy H.
on 3/6/09 1:34 pm - Holcomb, MO
Sandy......Every year my step dad puts human hair around his garden to help keep deer, coons & etc out .....So far its done fairly well for him....You might try it and see how it does......You can probably get any beauty shope to bad you up some....
Good luck...Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
Susan W.
on 3/5/09 9:56 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good morning to everyone.sure is a pretty morning already.yesterday was sure nice.wi**** would stay this way all the time.jan i tried to get the cold air to stay away for you but it just would not.lol.we are glad you liked the water melon.i love them too.

i just wanted to remind everyone to set your clock's ahead before you go to bed this saturday night.

jan you are going to have a nice garden.we can hardly wait for thing's to start growing.glad your bee sting did not get any bigger.

i just went for a short walk.i did not have to stop as much this time i am going to go a little more each day.i am also going to do a workout here in the house also.my liquid diet is going good andy has been such a big help to me doing it also.i have to call my doctor today.my sugar is still dropping.this time too low.he said he may have to cut out some more of my medicne.last night it dropped to 62.

pooh bear sure was good to see you here on the board again.how is your bee sting now?i would be a big baby too if i got a bee sting.lol.

peggy how is your hubby feeling today?i know the farm work is keeping you all busy.we are praying for you all.

susie hope you have a good day at school and a good bunch of kid's.

everyone have a good day.we are thinking of you all.jan is right 11 more day's tillmy surgery.i am soo excited.the time is flying by soo fast.god bless susan

on 3/5/09 11:22 pm
SUSAN  your liquid diet should start getting easier now. I found after day five I was pretty much over the hunger stage. As long as I stayed busy I was ok. Things are going to start moving fast for you.

I plan to come to the meeting on the 23rd as of today. Unless something big happens I should be there. I can't wait to see how skinny some of you are now.

I am only working half a day today Yippee. I know I could say no but its hard since I like to spend money. I would just sit and watch tv if I were home even though I have a million projects to do.  I did go thru the closet again yesterday. I needed to see if I could match up outfits. I have bought miss matched pieces instead of outfits. I also cleaned out more stuff. I am really gonna miss some things but everywhere I go people keep telling me I need to buy some clothes that fit. I even broke down and bought new underwear. I had been holding out on that for some reason. I guess I figured no one could see it but it was bunching up because it was so loose. It was time. I still have a lot of stuff I am trying to get at least one more wear out of before I give it up. I really do not want to buy cold weather clothes now because I hope I will be smaller next fall.

I have a dream vacation coming up and I am going to have to buy a swimsuit UGGHH. I hate that but I am getting in the ocean this time. I may never have the chance to be there again and I want to enjoy it. I will wait until a few days before I leave to get the suit but lordy I am so flabby even if I am smaller I look horrible. I almost want to get a wetsuit instead of a swimsuit. It will be the hardest thing to buy because I know none of them are going to look good.

Enjoy the beautiful weather today


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