Eatin' Good Thursday.....What a gorgeous day!
Before the farm....1 oz cheese, protein bar...did not set well...blech
Lunch....1 hotdog, 1 slice wheat bread, 1 oz cheese, SF pudding
Snacks....2 oz cheese, 2 clementines, peanut butter & crackers (I usually snack alot when we are out there....we work hard)
Dinner was turkey taco meat, some chips, cheese, black beans & sour cream.
Water is pretty good and vits are right on. My muscles are sore from all the bending and carrying. Will take Tylenol before bed and hopefully be ok in the am.
How did you all do today? Good, bad, in-between? Post away!

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
I was up by 3:30am. Out the door on way to work by 5am. Had lunch at 12:15 which was a turkey/cheddar lunchable. Supper at 6:30 slice of taco pizza. Getting ready to head to bed now. Tired as well but time changes this weekend so we all need to get caught up on sleep.
TGTIF. I can't wait even though I have to work Saturday. We are going to celebrate my birthday this weekend as we won't be able to do any celebrating on the actual day which is March 31 as I will only be 2 wks out from surgery. Hope everyone has a great nite. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. :)
Good Evening Beautiful
What a wonderful day. This weather is gonna spoil us LOL.
WEll the eating department is really boreing but here goes LOL.
Outta be coffee with protein 55 grams. I heat it up like 6 times before i can get it all in LOL
Breakfast tried and egg and applesause ,2 bites and
Supper fixed bbqd ribs for gail.Very tender and smelled so yummy,So ya know i had to try a bite,ANd of course it said noway lady LOL.
So i fixed me a single serving of s/f instsnt pudding,mixed with 1/2 c of milk.So far o good.Least it was food LOL.
Vitamines all in except calcium and i am out so am debateing on buying abother bottle from walmart or order the chewy bites. Either way we gotta take 6 a day,But choc sounds so much yummier LOL,And they are 9.99 for 60 i think.or 39.99 for 2 and get a 3rd one free.Do you think they are just as good as the citrical citraits?Gotta get more biotin and Vit D also.But praise the good lord my hair loss has slowed down alot.WHEW LOL.
Ok i'm dome boreing you.Hope you had a gret dsay.
Love and Hugs DEb
Question?....When you all eat do you feel run down...tired....and almost sick on the stomach?? I'm thinking that's the reason I fight food so much....I hate the way it makes me feel afterwards....I dont think that its from eatting too much...good lord I dont eat enough was wondering if this is a normal feeling....Its after everytime that I eat....I just hate to eat and then feel like this.....
Ok for today here is boring coming right at ya's....
Skiped breakfast.....
Lunch~~ 1oz of turkey deli meat/cheese cubes....about 4
Snack~~ Same as lunch
Dinner~~ Scrambled egg with salsa
Snack~~ SF choc pudding....
Vits....well missed a few on them....Water all most in another glass and got it....
See told ya it was
Love and Hugs...
I too get that same feeling,It is kinda like the feeling i used to get after overeating, I am tired and just wanna set on my big ass and do nothing but take a nap,Maybe thats why food hates me now,OR maybe it is why i hate food,Other than the fact it makes me physically ill.Could it all be in my mind?I dont know how to explain the feeling,Just hope someone understands what i'm trying to say.I maynot be loseing alot of weight but my mind is sure going to hell in a hand basket.Pleae someone assure me i;m not the only one LOL.
Love and HUgs Deb