Scary at first, then embarassing
So I called my pcp yesterday as for the past few days I'd been having excrutiating pain under my ribs and into my back. I saw her and she had me get a chest xray and abdominal xray. I was expecting the worst, ya know. Something like pancreatitis, kidney failure, pneumonia.
Guess what it was? GAS!!! She said my colon is enlarged with a lot of gas. She said it looked painful. I never knew gas could cause this much pain! Apparently it's squishing my diaphragm and causing the pain in my chest/ribs. I felt so stupid!
So now I'm on gas x to help get rid of it. Geez!

Oh, as a plus, I've lost 103 pounds! Yippee!
Guess what it was? GAS!!! She said my colon is enlarged with a lot of gas. She said it looked painful. I never knew gas could cause this much pain! Apparently it's squishing my diaphragm and causing the pain in my chest/ribs. I felt so stupid!
So now I'm on gas x to help get rid of it. Geez!

Oh, as a plus, I've lost 103 pounds! Yippee!