Ok now the only difference between fertile and unfertile eggs is a single spearm cell and no baby in there ...has to be incubated when you pick them and use them while fresh during cooking all is eliminated...all free range chickens usually have fertile eggs. Chickens kept in small cages aren’t. there is no difference in taste or protein value or any other values...so quit being so squeamish....if you grew up on a farm you at fertile eggs and if you by organic you are eating fertile...no difference...doesnt bother me any way. Lol
I still don’t like the rooster , he may find a way to get out of the pen (if you know what I mean) don’t tell Joe. Lol
Today sure was chilly ...the temp went up higher than yesterday but it felt so much colder. I was going to go out and help Joe finish up the stuff for the coop but it was just way too cold for me...it felt like it was cutting my skin everywhere I didn’t have covering on it...i just cant take cold....i know neither can the rest of you too. but does it feel like something is cutting your bare skin? Just wondering...
So I spent most of the day in the house, and you just know how much I loved that....darn housework, glad im able to do it now but would just as soon that I would never have to do it again. if I ever win the lottery my thing would be to hire a housekeeper ...maybe a cook too. lol just let me play in the green house and in the yard all day.
The deer have been biting off my tulips, so until I can find some deer repelant I put fencing around them and then lay tomato cages all over them...hopefully it will stop them so my tulips can bloom. Love the tulips...so pretty and colorful...
SUGAR:::: The start up page, I never go to that . I have mine set to go straight to the message board itself. When you get onto the message board go up to the top of the page where it says bookmark...right click on it and it will put it on there and will make you go back to it easily....is that clear as mud???
Why in the world wouldn’t Rick like chickens...if you keep them in a pen they are fine. And the rooster well see what I wrote at the front of this. Lol
SUSIE::::::j can feel for you teaching something that you aren’t good at...would be like me teaching home ec. Now that would be funny, trying to teach kids how to sew or other household stuff.
Im waiting on the warmer weather too...sure hope it gets here soon...
JANET:::::UH-OH lol I can just see this tiny baby ruling all of these people that are in the house. And temper well is there anyone in that house that has a temper? I don’t think so is there
Did you get to meet up with Cor>? I hope so she is a joy....
Well if the chickens are good layers than an egg a day from each every chicken...i have 6 and im getting 6 eggs....
Sure hope you will be here with us more often ...we all love you.and miss you ...
VESTA::::: lol I am a country girl that is why I WILL be eating those eggs. Lol not really baby chicks there..
PEGGY::::: so how did the test go? I know there isn’t results yet but how are you feeling now after it?
I worry about all the girls that are not doing well, you included but all I can do is pray for all of you....please take care of yourselves...Peggy will be praying that what ever is seen God knows about it and will take care of it...
ANDY:::::: I know the last couple of days have been tiring haven’t they... well wont be long now for sure. How is the liquid diet going for you?
SUSAN::::::lol it doesn’t hurt my feelings that Bec got all the snow . ...dont mean to wi**** on anyone but im glad we didn’t get much ....
So how is the liquid diet going? You only are hungry for a little while so hold on you can do it. well it is 10:pm and I see you all just came in I bet you all are tired as can be...i checked on your babies about 6:30 they still had plenty of food and water...I did get Mieko to go out for about 5 minutes. Long enough for her to pee pee but couldn’t get Crissy to go......we will put our heads together abut when you go to have surgery...
I still have lots pf snow here. I hope it will melt today. It hasn't been as warm as they said it would. DH says the weather is great in Houston. Nice and warm.
I am heading up to see Marilin after school today and see hoe she is doing.She is such a sweet lady. I have meet the nicest people on this board.
Have a great day everyone.
Had to laugh about the chicken eggs, fertile or not they have never been something I liked, wish I did I know they are full of protein! Sorry to hear about your tulips, I love to see them not only because they are so pretty but because I know warm weather is just around the corner.
Thanks for posting to my mess. I hope to be around alot more now that I have computer access. It is good to hear from you too.
Really sorry to have not gotten back to you on the emails, I am terriable about those things. At last check I think I have close to 2000 of them unchecked. Rory and I go through Joplin and pass Diamond pretty often and I think of you and your family everytime I see that sign. Congrats on the new grandbaby she is so beautiful. I know that you are so excited. I now have 4 grandbabies all in Texas, I wish they were closer. Everyone sure is right when they say it is different then your own, I love spoiling them when I can!
Everyone hugs and I am glad to be hanging around.
Love Susan
How is everyone today? I hope this post finds you all doing well. This is going to be a short post-as I have to get to a couple of other sites here pretty quick and write down rentals so the kids can go and find a place....or try to anyways. Figured they can use all the help they can. I will do some researching and write down the places that sound okay.
Can you believe that I am here 2 days in a row? I cant!! LOL..... I told you I would do my best-and I am. I have really missed you guys-your like my extended family! In talking to Cor yesterday-I was missing so much by not getting on here-thank goodness she knew what was going on with everyone. I didnt know my pooh (deb) was so sick again, dang it! Anyway, she updated me on everyone.
I had such a blast just sitting and talking to her! She is as wonderful and funny in person as she is on here, even better, because I could hug her and put her beautiful face to her posts! She needs to put her face on here so you all can see how beautiful she is as well! I took the brood with me, so she got to meet Megan, Aaron, Mackenzie and Jonathan as well. Jon warmed up to her almost immediately. Well, he didnt run under the table when she talked to him-and she was sitting by him-so thats something! Shes really good with kids and babies and will be an awesome grandma when her time comes!!! Anyway, cant wait to be able to see her again in April and have more time-and next time I will have Renee with me too-so she can meet Renee as well.
Yesterday was crazy busy!!! After I finally got to the restaurant to meet Cor, Megan was going to take the car and go look at places while Aaron was at work, but she started not feeling so hot-so I drove her around to look at a few places. While we were out and about-she went to change Kenzies diaper and her sleeper was full of blood and it was all over her belly. She lost her cord the day before-but it never bled when it fell off-and Megan freaked out. Im glad I was there......to help calm her and assure her that its okay and normal. Anyway, Megan called the pediatrician and they told her what was normal and what to look for and what to do. I had the gauze and tape at home, so she is all fixed up.
I did some grocery shopping, because Weds the new ads come out-and there were things that were on such a good sale and we use-so I HAD to get them yesterday or pay a lot more money for them today-and since I had to go out anyway, decided to just get it and get it over with. So, we got done with that and came home and I made dinner. Kenzie didnt want to sleep during the night-she wants to sleep during the day-LOL....she is all turned around. Hopefully we can get that all changed around before they are out on their own, because Aaron is going to overnights starting tomorrow night and Im sure that its going to be hard for Megan to be up all night long too with Kenzie and then neither of them get sleep during the day-oh man, do I remember that-been there, done that-and so glad that MY baby time is over! There are so many grandparents raising their grandbabies these days-I dont ever want to go through that! Dont know how they do it....Well, I do-but you know what I mean...they are angels, thats for sure!
Today I have to go pay some bills and drop my rings and watches off at the jeweler to be resized and fixed. I want it done bfore the 20th.......so I have to do that and then stop at the dollar tree to see if they have anymore baby shower decorations, since thats coming up soon too. Then in the next couple of days, have to go and try to find a really cool present for Mike for our anniversary. I am having a video made-from pics from our wedding to now-and the background music is our wedding song. Its got pics of us, our kids, our families-important events in our life and things like that. I KNOW he is going to love it. Now just have to figure out something else.....
Ok, well, I have to get-oh yeah, I have to bathe my pooch today too! She needs it-she is such a country bumpkin' and lookin' a little ratty-and I cant have that!! LOL....Anyways-I think of you all often and miss ya. Im hoping Im back for good anyways-even if my posts arent as long as normal.....Just to check in and keep caught up. So many newbies and then some veterans we havent seen in forever (Susan T).....
**NEWBIES- WELCOME!!! Hang in there-Your in for the ride of your life and there is no better way to get support and answers than this site! These people are amazing! I wish you the best of luck!
**Jan-So, If I go get 4 chickens, I should get 4 eggs per day? HMMMMM.....I may go do that. Does the cost of their feed etc outweigh the cost of eggs? See, here I could sell eggs too-the guy around the corner who used to sell us his fresh eggs-they moved and so we dont have any fresh eggs close anymore. We paid $1.25 per dozen, we just had to supply our own containers when we picked them up. So, I could feed my family AND sell them to the people who cant get from the neighbor anymore-there are 3 people, besides us, who would buy from me.
I need to plant my elephant ears this month, dont I? I was thinking about that, because tomorrow and Friday are suppose to be in the 70s and so I was thinking I need to get out there now and get em planted???? We also need to get started on our garden. If I could ever get out of pain for more than 5 minutes-I would FEEL like tackling it. I Want to do this stuff so badly.....anyway-enough of my sob story. Quite sick of talking about it, really.
Take care and tell Uncle Joe hi. I need to get to the meeting this month and get those clothes to you for your grandbaby girl.
**Susan T......Good to see you!!! Well, one day when you guys pass through, call and we will meet up for a water or crystal light-LOL at Flying J-its real close......IF you want! Would love to see you and Rory again. Just give me a little bit of a notice... Take care and I hope you feel better. Have missed ya!
**Susan W-WOOOO HOOOOO....... Your on your way... How are you doing on the liquids? Hang in there, we are praying for you!
**Peggy-Have missed ya!
**Deb (pooh).....Your in my thoughts and prayers. Cor updated me on you and I am so worried. Dang it I wish they would find out whats wrong. I wish I could come kidnap you and MAKE them fix you. Love you girl.....I am MORE determined than ever to get off my *ss and get your package out that is right by my front door just waiting to be wrapped in brown and addressed! I plan on seeing you next month when we come up that way!
**Susie-How are you? Hope your feeling better and taking it easy!
**Sugar-Glad to see you back, even tho Ive been gone for a bit too-with the new baby and all-you were gone longer than me! LOL....Missed ya and glad your back. Im gonna be sending you an email and picking your brain about the baby shower....LOL
**To anyone else I may have missed.........Your all in my thoughts and prayers....Love to all-Janet
Got my monthly news letter from the Extension Center and and still don't know when is the best time to spray fruit trees. Can anyone tell me?
I love meeting my friends here from OH and just wish I could meet each and everyone of you!
These past few days I have been missing Stephanie and Jamie so much. It seems as though they are are on mind so much. I guess no news is good news so far. When they were stationed in VA at least I talked to her every weekend or 2, Now when I call the number she gave me all I get is some japanese recording... Oh well guess I will call my dil and talk with her.
Take care EVERYONE!