Daily Bible Reading Monday March 2nd
Bartimaeus, the blind man, used the words ‘Son of David’. It was one of the names of the Messiah. It meant someone in the family of David. He would be a great king like David and he would defeat the Jews’ enemies. Bartimaeus may not have understood what kind of Messiah Jesus was. But he had the faith to call out for Jesus’ help. The people told him to stop. They wanted to listen to Jesus, and Bartimaeus was a nuisance. Some people may have been anxious about the words ‘Son of David’. If any Romans had understood that title, there might have been trouble.
Jesus stopped because he was always willing to help someone in need.
Bartimaeus was so eager to get to Jesus that he threw his coat aside. He may have had it on the ground for people to put money in. Many disciples had left their businesses to follow Jesus. Bartimaeus left his coat in order to go to Jesus.
Jesus asked Bartimaeus what he wanted. Jesus knew what he needed. But he wanted Bartimaeus to ask for it himself. That right there really got me to thinking. God knows what we need, He knows what we want, He knows everything about us. All we have to do is approach Him and ask Him what we want, that’s all He wants us to do. I guess God wants us to initiate the miracle or our need whatever it may be. How many times have we sat there and now wanted to ask someone to help? I know many time for me and whatever the need ones sometimes would go unfilled just cuz of my stubbornness. Philippians 4:6 says “God knows our needs, but he wants us to tell him about them." Just like our earthly father wants to hear about our problems so he can help, so does our Heavenly Father, He just wants us to come to Him.
The devotional sort of goes right along with the reading today, God simply wants us to come to Him for everything.
Y’all have a blessed day!!
Today’s Reading
Leviticus 25:47-27:13
Mark 10:32-52
Psalm 45:1-17
Proverbs 10:22
Daily Devotional
Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
If God simply delivered you from every hard cir****tance, and never made you grow and move forward, you would never learn to trust Him completely. Life is not always fun because it's not enjoyable to lose the "training wheels" and step out and grow in faith. But God says that He will always be with us. We just can't see the whole picture like He can. God often works behind the scenes in hard times to prepare you, train you, teach you patience, and develop your character. If you learn how to hang on through the difficult times, you'll get to see His good plan for you. Sometimes you just have to step out and receive what He has for you.
Today's thought: God, thank You for making me strong through adversity. I also thank You that because You are faithful to me, I can be faithful to You. Give me Your wisdom to make right decisions today and the strength to stand strong in all cir****tances. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Haven't got but just a second because you are going to be here at my very own house so soon... ~tee hee
Golly I have been busier than a bee in a hive this past week... so haven't gotten to post much but did want to get in here and mention something about the verse in Proverbs yesterday since it has been on my mind since I read it on Saturday... yep I was even a bit early!~ha
Proverbs 10:21
"The lips of the righteous nourish many..."
I love this concept! It got me to thinking of the people in my life that I could see this verse so very plainly working! Paul had an "Aunt Lou" she was a woman of very humble means as far as this worlds standards went but boy was she a wealth of "nourishment" for those that cared enough to get close to her! I also have another elderly friend that is the same way... we have been "e~pals" for several years now... both righteous women and have "nourished" me and many others in there sphere of reach... what better mission could there be than to influence anothers life for the cause of Christ!!!! This verse made me very thankful for all the righteous people He has put in my path... I want to strive to be that same way!
P.S. Amen and Amen to "Today's Thought" !!!