Daily Bible Reading Sunday March 1st
In Mark we start off reading in verse 13 the disciples thought that children were not important. And they thought that the children would not understand Jesus’ words, Jesus was busy and they wanted to protect Him from these interruptions. Jesus was very angry. Christians ought to be angry as well, when adults are unfair to children. Christians should also be angry when adults do not show children any love. Children are very pleased to receive a gift. People cannot cause God to forgive them by things that they do. They must accept it as a gift. Children trust people and accept their authority. People should trust God in the same way and obey his authority as their king. Jesus took young children in his arms and he blessed them. That is one reason why Christians began to baptize young children. But many Christians believe that this incident is not at all about *baptism. Jesus blessed the children. That is a sign of the joy that members of God’s kingdom can have.
In Verse 17 Mark wrote that Jesus was on a ‘journey’. He probably meant the journey that ended in
The man believed that he had always kept these commandments. He was a citizen who obeyed the law. He had never done anything wrong to other people. We should not do wrong things. But goodness is more than that. He could have been generous with his money. That would have helped other people. But he had not done that. And he had forgotten the first commandment. His first duty was to be loyal to God. Jesus was honest. The man’s wealth was preventing him from living his life as God intended. And Jesus knew that. ‘You cannot serve God and money’ (Matthew 6:24). So Jesus told him to sell his possessions and to give the money to poor people. Then he could be a friend of God. Eternal life begins on earth and it continues in heaven. Jesus invited the man to follow him. The man had asked Jesus what he should do to enter the kingdom. But nobody can earn eternal life. It is a gift from God. The man’s possessions were so important to him that he could not follow Jesus. So he could not receive that gift. He gave up the true happiness of eternal life for the temporary pleasures of wealth. He went away sad and disappointed. The man thought more of his possessions then of entering the kingdom of heaven. What a shame really, the man would rather keep his passions, just think of what he is going to miss out on. That really makes me think of the few things we have, how important to I think my possessions are compared to the kingdom of heaven, doesn’t that get you thinking?
Well I’ve rattled on here enough; don’t want to bore you to much lol. You all have a very blessed Sunday, stay warm and remember to be a blessing to someone.
Today’s Reading
Leviticus 24:1-25:46
Mark 10:13-31
Psalm 44:9-26
Proverbs 10:20-21
Daily Devotional
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
You make a conscious choice about what kind of attitude you will have each day. If you choose to have a good attitude every morning and remember that each day is a blessing from God, then you'll set a positive tone for the rest of your day. The apostle Paul chose to be happy and content no matter what kind of cir****tances he found himself in. Whether you have much or a little, choose to be happy and decide to serve the Lord faithfully with a vision of victory. God wants your joy to be full no matter what comes into your life!
Today's thought: God, thank You for your countless blessings and continued faithfulness every day. Give me the strength to get up every morning declaring Your blessings and Your favor. Help me to win the victory You have for me today.