Daily Bible Reading - Monday Feb. 16th

Andy W.
on 2/15/09 7:49 pm - Tulsa, OK

It really amazed me as I was reading in Leviticus today, how they have to do this and that and all that in order to bring offerings before the Lord, and that there are different things you have to do for different types of offerings.  The blood gets splashed here for one type of offering and gets sprinkled there for another type of offering and there were so many different offerings it must have been hard to keep up with them all.  Praise the Lord now we don’t have to do all that blood sacrifices or anything, we can come boldly before the Throne of God because He sent His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, isn’t that just awesome!!  I’m so glad we don’t have to go through all that just to go into the temple to worship God even though I sure would do what it takes. 


I really like reading Mark, well actually all 4 of the gospels, they give a different account of the life of Jesus and the things He went through.  It’s like reading it from a different point of view; well actually that’s just what it is.  It’s really cool though to see how others saw the life of Christ. 


***Bec*** You are just to funny lol I’m glad God gave us all a sense of humor, it sure makes for a better life when things aren’t so boring lol Yeah I bopped Susan for being a naughty wife lol Actually we had such a good time Saturday night that we both overslept Sunday morning and was almost late for Church lol


Well Im gonna get this posted.  Y’all have a wonderful Monday, stay warm.


Today’s Reading

Leviticus 1:1-3:17
Mark 1:29-2:12
Psalm 35:17-28
Proverbs 9:13-18


Daily Devotional

Psalm 81:10 "…Open wide your mouth and I will fill it"

"Do you have your mouth open wide today?" In other words, are you expecting God to fill you and increase you beyond measure? Negative thinking closes you to what God wants to do in your life. If you go around thinking, "Well, I don't think I'll ever meet my sales goals this year with the economy like it is"; or "I don't think I'll ever get promoted. I'm not that qualified"; or "I don't think I'll ever get well", then the problem is that your mouth is barely open. But Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done unto you." He might as well have said, "If you've got a cup, I'll fill you with a cup level of blessing. If you've got a bucket, I'll fill you with a bucket level of blessing."

Jesus is saying today, why don't you take the limits off? Why don't you believe for supernatural opportunities? Why don't you go out each day expecting increase and promotion? Expect favor, expect peace, expect joy. If you'll go out each day expecting far-and-beyond favor, if you'll "open wide your mouth", you won't be disappointed. He'll fill your cup until it overflows so that you can live the abundant life He has in store for you.

Thought for the day – I will open my mouth wide and expect God to fill it.

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 2/15/09 8:58 pm
Boy Me Too! I'm so glad we do not have to make those sacrifices... what was a "fellowship offering" verses the other kinds of offerings?

Paul walked with me yesterday and we seen a big herd of sheep...the baby lambs are being born now... and we started talking about an article Paul had read about how many people there are even in the K.C. area that still use the "old" method to slaughter their meat, goat, sheep etc. in religious belief... have a special slaughter house there that does it just like they want it done... we just don't think about those things being done any more... but I guess they still are.

Then in the New Testament... I can't imagine what it must have been like to see all those undeniable miracles!

The devotion went right along with that in asking why we don't take the limits off what we need?

Expecting all that God has for us... don't you think we limit so much because we don't think we "deserve" it or have a "right" to ask or believe it for ourselves.... the word says because of our precious Lord we can come boldly before the throne!!!!  We will never "deserve" it... sometimes I just have a hard time getting that in my thick head!

Let's see today if I can speak and think positive of all He has for me!

Blessings to you all today! we sure have been urged over and over this year to do so.

Peggy M
on 2/15/09 10:25 pm - Raymore, MO
Good morning....

As I read the passages in Leviticus I couldn't help but think of all the blood!  There was just so much blood and it was never enough.  They were not to approach God empty-handed.  Very sobering to think of the restrictions.  And to realize how flippant I can be concerning the sacrifice of Christ and holiness of God.

Love the urgency of Mark's gospel.  Everything Jesus did was "immediately".  And this gospel focuses on Jesus' actions more than His words.  I love the different point of view.  And Proverbs just spoke volumes.

Thanks again for your faithfulness, Andy and your points.  And Bec, I just love to see what you have to say!  It's always something I need to hear.

Have a good day....
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
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