Jan C.
on 2/6/09 11:48 am - Cedar Creek, MO

Today my sister and I went out shopping around. I had to get something to cover my roots lol too much grey was showing lol.  We had lunch at Olive Garden , the soup and salad well I know better than that , I know what salad does to me lol but I ate it anyway. And yep now I have cramps and have made a path to the bathroom . I wonder how old you have to be to learn anything.

Im anxious to get home now to start planting my seeds. I usually plant about 250 Inpatients and about that many wave petunias...then I have lots of other seeds to plant this year too. lot of veggies to plant ,will need it all ready to go in the ground about the first of May...cant wait to get fresh veggies out of our garden this year. But first have to I guess rent a big tiller to tear up the ground...then will have to kill the weeds and grass.

Going to put down some plastic to keep them from coming back up too much...



Is the wind blowing really bad up there? I don’t know how we are going to get back home I cant find even two days in a row here and there that are both warm and dry. So I may have to stay here an extra day till we know we are going to have a couple of days together. Anyway let me know what they say about the weather up there for Monday and Tuesday? Ok


Andy why didn’t you come back online and add to your bible verses....i really look forward to your thoughts on the verses ...


Susie I loved your thought of the day so funny girl and so right .. lol




SUSAN::::::::::you will love Dr. Rachele, that is what she wants you to call her. Most of the time I just call her Rachele any more and that is fine with her.  She will be tickled pink to write your doctors papers ....she got mine in really fast. She said she was just learning all of what she needed to watch for with me but I guess I am her learning patient.

 Actually cant wait to get home and get started cleaning it all up down there. So all that junk mail will be put to a good use...



ZAZAMATAZ::::::: in Feb when we have the next meeting of COF I hope you will come to the meeting. I would like to meet someone that chooses a white rat as her avatar lol

Hope you will try to make it for sure. We do have some bandsters that come to the meetings.


DEBBIE   S::::::: wow girly you are really looking good , it has been a while since I saw you...hope you will come to the meeting in Feb too ....



RENEE::::::: good to see you back online. Will keep Tiff in our prayers.  There is always a danger to stopping periods our bodies are not met to be like that don’t know why or what the situation was that it was needed but it can cause some serious permanent problems. Will keep her in our prayers. ..and will keep you in prayer too I know you are really going to be upset with Kala moving away. It isn’t easy no matter how old they are or what the reason. I didn’t want to see my oldest daughter leave and move back to Tucson but that is where she feels like she is at home at. So nothing a mother can do but get use to it , they have to live their lives the way they see fit. Even tho it hurts a lot.

. Hope to see you at the meeting this month...love you all lots



JANET::::::::: there are really bad winds down here in Texas today.  Glad you had your puppy on a lease  could have been sailing her like a kite I guess.

I hate it when I have to make lots of phone calls and wait on calls too. that makes you so tired.


Yeah it probably wont be long now till you all have that baby girl ....when mama starts nesting it is usually time.  tell her we are all waiting anxiously.  


Hope you get to bring her for all of us to ohhh and ahhh over lol you know how us old grandmas are.



BEV:::::: so good to see you again. I wish there were more menus ad things for us to really go by would certainly make it so much easier wouldn’t it?

Bless your heart I know most of your story and im so sorry that things have been so hard for you. I know you have been trying so hard.   The first 18 months are the easiest for losing the weight but the good thing is that we always have the tool....im 2 1/2years out and I have been losing weight again ...i think most of it is because I am eatng more. than I was...you can always lose you will just have to work a little harder at it. You need to type out your story it might help some other people that are having some of the same problems.








Andy W.
on 2/6/09 2:55 pm - Tulsa, OK
Jan the weather for the next few days is gonna be tricky.  Saturday, Sunday is suppose to be in the 60's and pretty nice, chance of rain starting Sunday night into Monday, Monday is suppose to be in the 60's but rain, then Tuesday sort of clear and warm but Wed. is suppose to be rain and cold.  If you wait past tuesday they say the rest of the week is only in the 40's with rain off and on and thursday in the 30's i think, ugh, darn cold weather, I got all that from the KSPR weather.  Maybe I should start heading down your way with a trailer and haul the bike back so you can get home LOL

Yeah it was windy down here today, when I went walking no matter which way I went it seemed I was walking into the wind lol.

Your package you mailed from Arizona came today, good lawd what in the world did you have in that box Lol its heavy, I picked it up off your front porch and thought wowzers lolol

I did make comments on the daily bible reading, I just did it when I got up yesterday  lol was short tho.

Sure hope the weather breaks long enough for y'all to get home, I remember this time last year there we're tornado's around missouri, now this year its a ton of ice lol crazy weather.

Holler at us if ya need anything.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Shannon C.
on 2/6/09 7:29 pm - Kirksville, MO
Hi Everyone!  Been lurking the past week and thought I had better show myself...

I am also getting impatient to start some seeds and or plant something - must be the warm weather we are having.    I have strict instructions from co-workers and family that I have to make my famous salsa this year as everyone is out and they will not allow any excuses. 

Jan - we have a man come with a power tiller on his tractor to till our garden in the spring you might ask around and see if anyone plows gardens.  Shorty does such a good job on ours that as soon as its dry after the tilling we can start planting.

Got my sewing machines dusted off and that is as far as I have gotten.  I need to get 2 wedding purses made in the next couple of weeks and mailed out.  Also joined a jewelry making club that sends a kit out monthly and have gotten my 1st kit so will start that sometime this week.

Taylor - my dog seems better but the tumors are getting bigger.  I walked him over to the garden and he did ok.   He did get short of breath but he was excited about getting a cat he saw that wasn't supposed to be there.  I know the day is coming...

Ran out of my protein so I drank a "Boost" and that was the wrong thing to do - never mind that it has 15 gms of protein.  Haven't dumped in a while so I guess it was a warning that I had better stay on track.

Waiting for news that Janet's dgd to make her entrance...

Tammy - hope you are on the mend!

Everyone have a great weekend!
Hugs - Sandy



on 2/6/09 9:17 pm
I am a causality of the Ozark wind. I was out in the wind yesterday and this morning I am miserable. My sinus's are full and my head is aching. I still have the three pounds and I am not a happy camper. I wonder if I need to go back to liquids for a while. I knew one day I would stop losing and maybe gain a few pounds but I didn't think it would be this early.
If you had asked me four months ago would I be happy with a 45 pound weight loss I would have have said yes. Funny how you change your expectations after surgery. I want it off and I want it off now. Typical American attitude I guess. I know I need to be patient and stick to the plan but it is frustrating. I am retaining fluid but it won't leave,my bowels need more fiber and my head is exploding. Ok I feel better now that I have dumped on all of you. Sorry.

Reminder to all the BBF's out there and others who might be interested, Save the date FEB 28 @noon for lunch and card making at my house.

Jan C.
on 2/6/09 9:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Susie i really wouldnt go back to liquids, but do try to add maybe some more protein and more exercise to your daily routine....it is normal but if it starts going higher , the weight i mean, maybe a trip to see dr. H . or call or email Margie maybe she can help.....have you done a daily diary of what you are getting in? the lack of protein will make you not lose at all.



on 2/7/09 3:56 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Aunt Jan and OH Peeps-

How is everyone today?  I hope and pray that this post finds all of you doing well in whatever is going on in your lives at the particular moment.  There are so many prayer needs on the board-and I know that we are all keeping your needs in our prayers and I know that there are so many prayer warriors on the board banning together-so just hang in there and KEEP THE FAITH..K?

I do have a couple of prayer requests of my own right now.....first-for Kala-Renees pregnant daughter-she went to the ER last night and they told her that they think she has pre-eclampsia and told her to get with her PCP  ASAP and sent her home!  I cant believe it-thats so serious, even in that po-dunk town, that they wouldnt page her OB doc...I told Renee to have Kala page her doc and advise on what happened and let him determine what to do from here.

Then, for Megan. She is just so tired right now and sick. I know its not much longer-I am just asking for prayer right now that she will have strength and that the testing they are doing on her every week at the hospital will show that Mackenzie will be alright and can go through the labor so Megan wont have to have a c-section right off the bat! I would like her to have a chance at going through natural childbirth!

Then Renees other daughter, Tiff-she is only 18 and having some serious female issues and some of the things she is going through are hereditary-or at least in their family Renee went through some of it-and is the reason she had a hysterectomy at such a young age.

Well, Jan-would love to tell you what the weather is going to be like, but unfortunately, it has literally changed every single day this week! It started out that it was suppose to rain yesterday, today and tomorrow-then it changed to tomorrow and monday and then again on Weds-well, now they are saying sometime late tonite we will get the storms-but the light rain is starting-however, it is 63 right now and nice, except the humidity is pretty high....so, as of right now, on the dish weather channel-we do not have 2 good days in a row-Im sorry!

I got the most awesome picture frames yesterday from my secret pal yesterday!!!! One is specifically for grandparents-and I will put Mackenzies first pic with Mike and I in that-and then there is a collage frame that holds several pics-and I will put all her firsts being held by different family members in that one! The great thing, is that the frame motiff, is what I already had going in here-and I didnt have that specific frame yet!!! THANK YOU SECRET PAL! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!

Well, we just had company drop by and I dont want to be rude and keep typing away. I will try and get on here in later and finish my post. I need to post to my secret pal too!  Sandy-it was sooooo good to see you! Had been wondering where you were. Glad your good!!

Love and prayers to you all!  Janet
Susan W.
on 2/7/09 4:22 am - Tulsa, OK
Hello to all hope you are having a good weekend.the wind sure has been blowing strong here today.like andy said jan this weather sure has been crazy.we got some newspaper's here for you and joe to see of all the ice that hit everywhere.the weathe ris brought on by mother nature.i called her and told her to send us all warm weather.no more bad stuff.lol.be sure to let us know jan if you need me and andy to rent that trailer to get you all home.lol.

jan i know how you love plant's.my spider plant had some piece's come off of it with root's on them.i put them in water.if you would like to have them i will give them to you when you get home.you can start a new spider plant for yourself.

bev it was good to see you here on the board.i dont remember seeing the grape salad recipe.could you please put it on again here for me.i love grapes.i like to try new recipe's.

janet did you get all those pretty dress for your granddaughter?we are praying for megan.like jan said we are all waiting to see that sweet baby

renee glad to hear you are feeling better.how are tiff and kala doing?we are praying for them.how did your foot doc app go.

as for me andy and i are going to columbia the 24 of this month.we are praying i get  a surgery date then.soon as the office there get's the ok from my medicade card.i will have to go through the pre testing and i think there is one other person they want me to see somewhere in between there.i do have one more doctor's app on the 19 of this month i need all your prayer's for.it is another head doctor.i was supposed to go see another one sooner but my app was cancelled due to the ice storm.the head doctor i did see last month columbia did not want to accept his report.the doctor i did see is not only a head doctor but also a social worker too.columbia want's just a plain head doctor.

susie did the cold med help you any?this weather has been soo crazy people do not know how to dress anymore.

have a good weekend.make sure you all dont get carried away by the wind.praying for all of you.love you and god bless susan
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