Daily Bible Reading - Thursday Feb. 5th
You know again as I read the readings for today it seems they all sort of tie in together. In Exodus it continues with the laws of the land and what punishment is for what crime and so forth. When we get to Matthew we see He is talking about the second coming and to beware of false prophets etc. You when reading about the second coming it sure makes you believe that His coming is almost here. Read through the signs of the second coming again and you’ll see a lot of that if not all has taken place or is taking place now. I bet it won’t be long until He comes back, that’s just my opinion anyway. In Psalms it goes on talking about where the voice of the Lord is. It’s ALL over, where ever you are He is. In Proverbs we see a young man who lacked judgment and was deceived by a prostitute, in the end it cost him his life, just as we can be deceived by the enemy and it will cost us our lives.
Over all, if you think about all of today’s scriptures they really do tie into each other in one way or another. It just goes to show you how close the second coming of Christ is. Sure makes me stop and evaluate myself again. I don’t want to be left behind, that’s for sure.
***Bec*** I agree with what you wrote yesterday, I don’t think it's a coincidence at all how the scriptures flow together alot of the days. It amazes me though that how the old testament and the new testament were both written in totally different times yet when put together in one book and read like we are reading them, they all just flow. I know that’s silly but it sure amazes me.
***Peggy***I think the Lord is really trying to instill in us His proper discipline; we sure see that word almost daily in our readings. I think this year is turning out to be a year of discipline for me, I’ve never really had God’s discipline in my life or never really surrendered to His discipline until now, sure makes things flow better we I submit myself to discipline daily.
***Lana***I absolutely love Proverbs, it’s so full of wisdom for our daily living. The song you mentioned we used to sing that also, The name of the Lord is a strong tower, how awesome to have our very own strong tower to run into. I wish our church would sing these old songs like we did a few years ago, they are such an inspiration, I miss them. The songs we sing now are good don’t get me wrong, I do love the songs we used to sing too.
Today’s Reading
Exodus 21:22-23:13
Matthew 24:1-28
Psalm 29:1-11
Proverbs 7:6-23
Daily Devotional
Deuteronomy 15:5
"If only you carefully listen to the voice of the Lord your God…"
All through the day there are two voices that compete for our attention–the voice of faith and the voice of defeat. You'll hear a voice saying, "You'll never rise any higher. You don't have what it takes. You've reached your limit." But if you listen carefully, you'll hear another voice saying, "You are well able. You can do all things through Christ. Your best days are still up ahead." You are the one who gets to choose which voice comes to life by speaking it out of your own mouth. The moment you verbalize that thought, you give it the right to come to pass. When you speak faith, you're in agreement with God. When you speak defeat, you're in agreement with the enemy. God–talk brings God on the scene. Enemy–talk brings the enemy on the scene.
Why don't you get in agreement with God today? That negative voice may be louder, but you can override it. You can take away all of its power by simply choosing the voice of faith. Choose to declare favor, blessing, and increase over your life so that you can walk in the victory the Lord has in store for you.
Today's thought: I choose to respond to the voice of faith.
As I read yesterday and today I have been lent to think of the power and authority of God.
Whether I was thinking of His power in his judgments in dealing with "situations" or his power to keep his children. There is so much to be learned of Him just when I think I have it figgered out somewhat I seem to see a new dimension... I can just feel it in my spirit that the Lord wants to speak more to me on this subject...
I loved it in proverbs when it said...
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength;
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness....
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders,
the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful....
Oh how many times in our reading thus far have we seen the "power" of the Lord and in such BIG MIGHTY ways.
Yet as the song says "He is as close as the mention of His name" and with that comes all the power we need for our little lives! Whether it is thru our own words if faith as the devotional speaks of or a special "powerful" touch from His own hand. For this I am sure... He DOES want us to succeed!
I am going to be gone till probably Tuesday of next week... but I will be reading right along with you'uns... I pray the Lord will bless each as you continue on with this wonderful word of His!