Daily Bible Reading - Thursday Jan. 29
Reading this morning in Exodus really brought to mind how much God loves us and how many chances He gives us to what He asks us to do. As you see He gave Pharaoh chance after chance after chance to let the Israelites go but his heart was hardened every time. How many more times does God give us chance after chance to do what is right and to follow Him to the fullest but our hearts get hardened towards the things we know we should do and don’t. Now I’m speaking of myself only here, this is an area I so desperately need to do better in. Listening to God and doing what He wants me to do and doing the things He has for me to do seems easier said then done. I sometimes wonder why we get like that, why we refuse to follow the rules and continually break them. I guess its like we’ve stated before in other posts, the flesh has a way of taking over and is sometimes hard to defeat. I’m here to tell you though that with God on our side, anything and everything is possible. I strive from this day forward to not be like Pharaoh and harden my heart towards the things I need to be doing. This year is going to be a year of doing and not a year of just getting by. Saying all that, when I read the devotional it really goes right along with today’s reading. I like how it started off, “Your words of faith will activate the promises of God" wow; it’s OUR words of faith, OUR words that will activate the promises of God. Boy that really hits home this morning. Then it goes on “ I will say" and “He will do" If I will declare the promises of God in my life, He will do them, isn’t that just awesome? I know for myself that again hits me hard. What have I been declaring all along? Have I been declaring the promises of God or just declaring whatever? That really makes me think what I have been confessing in my life. From now on I’m sure going to confess and declare the promises of God for my life. He really does want each and every promise to be a part of our lives. What a wonderful and awesome God we serve. Amen!!!!
Hope you all are as blessed as I am reading this mornings Bible and devotion time. God is so wonderful over and over again to us. You all have a blessed and warm day.
***Bec***Thanks again for posting yesterdays Bible readings, you’re the best. Hope your staying warm because its really really cold out this morning.
Exodus 8:1-9:35
Matthew 19:13-30
Psalm 24:1-10
Proverbs 6:1-5
Daily Devotional for Dieters
Psalm 91:2
"I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust".
Your words of faith activate the promises of God. What are you saying of the Lord today? In other words, what are you declaring that God will do in your life? The next verse in this passage says, "And He will cover me, deliver me, and protect me." Notice the connection. "I will say" and "He will do." What a wonderful promise! On the other hand, if we’re not saying anything, we´re not releasing our faith. So you could read the passage in the reverse, "I will not say of the Lord and He will not do."
It says in 3 John 2 that God wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health. You can take that promise and say, "God, You said You want me to be healthy. You said You want me to be prosperous. So I say of the Lord, ´You are my Healer. You are my Provider. You are my Vindicator. You are my Victory.´" Remember, when you start "saying of the Lord", your faith-filled words open the door for Him to move on your behalf. Before long, you’ll see His mighty works, and you’ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store for you!
Today's thought: I choose Gods promises for my life today and everyday.