Jan C.
on 1/4/09 1:20 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sure a lot colder on Sunday than it was Saturday  wasn’t it? Saturday was so pretty  and such a nice day....Michele and I spent about half the day digging up her tulips or what we could find of them from her house in Holiday Island...we just planted them in November and boy they had already taken root really well and looked good some had already about a hold inch of green where they were going to be poking heads up thru the dirt before long. Where she moved to in Eureka has a flower strip between the sidewalk and street. Everyone along there plants them full of stuff so there will be something there all year. I told her she needs to plant some small evergreen bushes there for interest in the winter time...she could even put Christmas lights on them in the winter before ‘Christmas.

Anyway she is planting them full of tulips and daffodils for spring time and then will plant things in there for summer ...and that will cover up the dying leaves of the spring bulbs.


That reminds me I have a 5 gal bucket of daffodils that I need to get into the ground. I really need to do that before we leave this week,,,may try getting some of it tomorrow. I have daffodils all up the driveway and up the front walk and side walk so now I need to continue around the house and over to the trailer...lot of holes to dig lol .


Getting excited about leaving on our trip , I just hope we don’t get somewhere and get stuck because of pouring down rain or cold or something. I don’t like taking a big jug of protein with me so I take small zip lock baggies and put a scoop in there ...along with splenda and other flavorings. Then am ready to put it In coffee or in other drinks. No problems of what . have made up two a day for 30 days in case we stay that long. ...i am taking us about 3 or 4 nice outfits for playing in the sun in AZ I hope it is nice there ...Teresa said she had been up on the mountain playing in the snow. I told her that if we wanted to play in snow we would stay here lol but I know it is fun for them....

We may actually start spending a month or two out there in the winter later on....i know this cold and damp weather is really making me hurt...


BEC::::::: oh honey you are far from being boreing. Lol you are funny and fun to be with and that doesn’t happen when the person is boreing believe me...you don’t have much confidence about yourself but you are cute, sassy, and funny and a great friend, to so many. You have the gift of being a loving and precious  , cheerful and sassy young lady...You have the ability to be friend to and with most  everyone.


I would love to be a fly on the wall at Pauls cooking lesson. I hope there was a lot of pictures taken,  and you all might be really surprised to find out he has lot of talent for cooking??? Is that so?? Like I said we are all looking forward to pictures. Would have loved to had a movie...and yeah I can see you sitting there smilling and just waiting till you can interject a little comment here and there. Lol you elf you....

And here you talking about smacking both of them you are a mess...


Boy Vesta you need to go up and visit Bec , she is going to let you smack Paul wow , Hey Paul do you hear all of this....Maybe you need to run away from home ...


POOH BEAR::::::yeah some of the study books you can buy unless you have someone helping you are really hard to read and understand.  Sweetie Satan has the biggest reason that things are not going well...when you are trying to do right and nothing seems to go well it isn’t because of God it is because of Satan. He uses the death of your brother to keep picking away at you.  As I told someone here while back about Satan. I know it seems like he is all knowing like God but  he isn’t . God is all knowing and even knows what you want and need without you speaking it ...but Satan doesn’t know what is your weakness unless you speak it. When you speak it he says oh wow that is how I can get her....now let me see how can I use that... oh yeah she is going to church now and hubby isn’t let me see if I can make them fight....

Pooh you didn’t do any thing bad to your body....was it in perfect health before the surgery? You had nothing wrong with you before surgery?  We know that wasn’t true, we all had lots wrong before surgery , yes some things seem to be magnified after surgery , like my arthritis. I know the reason I hurt worse after surgery isn’t because of the surgery but because I have lost enough to be able to do a lot more so im a lot more active ...so then that makes my arthritis worse. ....anyway the things that you do have wrong you just need to find out what is going on and get it fixed  ..we love you and want you to be happy, and if we just mere mortals feel that way about you think how much more our Heavenly Father loves and cares for you. He doesn’t do things to you to punish you ....hope im not coming down on you I don’t mean it that way. Like I said I love you and want you to be happy. And well.  Will be praying for you ....please don’t wait a week or two to just be able to see that lady doctor ok? Just know that we all love you on here and want you to be healthy and happy.


SUSIE:::::: lol well here we have another sweet loveable person speaking of smacking and hitting lol  I think all of us would like to have some smacking gloves for our kids sometimes  lol ...

Yes I will continue to do my whats happening post all the time we are on our vacation ok? Hopefully I will be able to send pictures of things we see too.


Hope you all had a great time with Dr. H. what did you learn from him this time...I sure wish I could go to his meetings every month but it is just so far. ...we went the one day we were there for the summer picnic in Sedalia park ...hope everyone will come to that this year,....usually the first Sunday in June....we meet in the park at Sedalia about noon bringing our own picnic lunches and then go to Dr Hs. Support meeting. In the evening. It will be here before we know it that is for sure.


SUSAN::::::thanks for me not having to worry about Rebel , I know you all will see he is well and taken well care of. And when we get back he will fuss at  us up one side and down the other. He is a funny dog or sorry I forget he doesn’t think he is a dog....dont know what he thinks he is but im sure it isn’t a dog.  Lol I heard what you all did about missing Church this morning. Lol , ask Susan and Andy what day it is folks. Well on second hand maybe you shouldn’t  especially if you need to be somewhere on a certain day lol


JANET:::::hey you want to come along with us to Az....get a wagon to fasten to the trailer of our trike and you can ride outthere to the nice warm weather lol ....i know this cold wind is getting to me really fast...i hope when we come back that it will be warmer ....Well we haven’t gotten our garden broken up so I guess we will do it when we get back ourselves.  If we cant get anyone to come and plow it with their tracktors will go rent a big tiller and do it....will have to since we have to have a fresh garden this year...

I have lots of seeds ordered and will be planting seeds in my green house when we get back ...


What day is it that Megan is due ? will she have a c-section or reg labor? Lol I can just see you with you new grammy shirt on.

Cant wait for the pics after she gets here. Lets see 48 days that make it the 13th or 14th oh a valentine baby oh wow. You could make her room with all hearts lol


Lol you need to put up a different picture as your avatar... people that don’t know you think that the Picture you have up of Lana is you.....no wonder they think you have changed a lot.


Lol on the pictures in Megans room I hope you don’t do any embarrassing to Megan ...please. we want to see the baby soon but not as soon as you see her ok? And im sure Megan would just  as soon as we not see her at that in stance lol ...just kidden you sweetie.

Oh the chapters of your book that might be a downer? I don’t really think so. I think everyone should know the good the bad and the ugly of this surgery. It is a life changing experience but all of the experiences aren’t good. We all know that. And I  think there are a lot of people that have the surgery that have this preconceived idea that they will have the surgery and it will all just happen like magic and they will never have another problem as long as they live. ....we know that doesn’t happen but I really think there are those that think so.  So put all of those chapters in there it will maybe help someone else that is going thru the same thing.


Yes Joes Crab Shack on Branson Landing it is a chain restaurant, all over ther U.S.A.  really good . yes they have things like a bucket of crab and all sort of things...they have all seafood.  Shrimp, fried, peel em and eat em, crab cakes, crab dip, crabs,  different kinds of fish. And they also have steaks etc. good place to eat. And not that expensive not really ....if you want a place that has all you can eat crabs and lobster  try  Whippersnappers....in Branson. Seems expensive 21.00 a person but if you go somewhere and eat lobsters it would be that much for one. This is a buffet of lobster, shrimp, crab legs and is fantastic. It doesn’t pay for us especially but is great for someone that has a big desire for crab legs or lobster. It really is all you can eat lots and lots and lots....if you ever want to go there holler and we will meet you there. ...ok


We are hoping to leave on Wednesday and will probably only go to Jonesboro and stay all night and then get up and go on to La.  ...hopeing it warms up some for sure.


LOU::::::: wanted to tell you that you are sure looking hot in your pictures on your profile...are you and your daughter going to the gymn every day still?  You are doing great on your losing weight just keep going ........i wont get  to see you this month but by the time I do get to see you will be like wow I wont recognize you. ....




on 1/4/09 1:54 pm, edited 1/4/09 7:41 pm - linneus, MO
Post Date: 1/4/09 5:49 am
Last Edit: 1/4/09 8:59 pm

Good Morning Jan and ALL

 I will call Dr Ceismeir Monday and see where it leads.i Still feel yucky.And Can't eat.No more blood as of yet.I so hate being blown off by drs that act as if its all in my head or i dont know what i am talking about,But its my body and i know when things are not right.

Bec i got me eeyore jammies,so cute lol ,chipmunks, super soft blue snowman ones and laura got me a pair yesterday that has rudolph on them lol. also have 20 of those candles that were reg $1 but got them for 25 cents eack. i love candles. Laura bought her 12 prs of jammies lol.

. i know satan has a big part in trying me and keeping me from church but right now i just feel like i am doing the wrong thing in going if im just going because i know i am suppose to. I love the lord and try to do whats right but dosent always happen.  i still question why the lord didnt step in and help him( BILLY) . i know we are not to question god or his plan for us but it is hard not to. Billy will be gone 2 yrs the 19th of his month and i really dont think i have accepted it or really dealt with it. Gail tells me i need to get over it, well it is easier said than done.
Ok back to my whinning butt. i HURT. I have tried to eat today only a couple of bites and wham off i go to the porcelin goddess. Try to drink and 2 or three sips feels like i drank a full 8 ozs.I have gotton vitamines in barely but they are in,Just took papya tablets alil bit ago to see if they might help. Plus i have been craving O.J. so poured me a small glass and am nurseing on it, Sort of burning belly but it is so darn good.Havent eatin nothing that would count as actual food intake today,i am running a real low grade fever 100.9 so it isnt bad yet but it usually runs 96.5 or 97 so i guess for me its a lil high.i got a script of percocet from er last night but refuse to fill them because i signed a contract with my pcp not to get other narcotic pain pills from other drs or he will cancell me as a patient, like that would be a total loss anyways,but im trying to be a good patient,at least i listen to him lol.so do i need to call him tell him about er visit and take the script up to him? he has me on vicodine which is like taking tylenol but percocet is like taking tylenol also. I told them quacks in there i know a **** pain from a real pain and my pain was real;so either do something or pull this damn iv out and i'll go find me a good vet.i know it made them mad but by cracky i was huring and i didnt give a rats ass who i pissed off. Thats the problem with drs now adays they dont pay attention to their pts at least most dont.they would just rather give u a pain pill or shot and send ya home without a kiss even [How Rude}.I wasnt there for a shot or pill i wanted answers as to why i was in so much pain,But didn't get one,Well except now ya'll know i'm full of **** but my eyes are still blue LOL.Well now that ya know most of my deep dark secrets i bettr let yall gather yur wits and go to nighty nighty .I am sure after i call MOBAR tomorrow i will have more wonderful stories for yall.Oh and if ya ever end up in kirksville ER do yurself a favor and refuse DR Clarkson if he is er DR  on call,You will be better off going to the vet clinic.He is an old army DR  who believes in just suckin up the pain and/or crawling in a fox hole and either deal with it or get over it.JMHO.Have a GREAT Evening LOve ya Bunches
P.S Jan Gail does go to church and goes almost every Sun, Wed and when ever else they have it, I am the one who has a hard time going because i feel like i am being dishonest to my church family to god and myself .If i go just to begoing. I know it probably dosent make any sense to you cuz i am having a hard time explaining what i mean. I'm Sorry.
Love ya Bunches DEb
EDited cuz my computer can;t spell right anymore LOL so had to correct it's mistakes


Andy W.
on 1/4/09 9:01 pm - Tulsa, OK

Bbbrrrrr it’s cold this morning.  I was already used to the warm weather we got on Friday and Saturday, I could live with them temperatures all year around. Sunday was kind of an odd day for us, we both woke up thinking it was Saturday, how crazy is that?  Lol I don’t usually get my days mixed up but sure did yesterday lol.  We missed church and everything lol oh well, I know today is Monday, or is it?  Haha!!  Yesterday Joe finished the shelf he built for us to put at the end of the kitchen cabinets and boy does it look good, he did a great job building it,  I sat on the floor and painted it yesterday and put the antique stuff on it this morning, now I just gotta put some poly on it and it will be ready for him to install,  the kitchen is coming together and looking so nice.  We got Susans sewing machine home Saturday, today I gotta make a place for it so she can start using it and finding out what all it does.  Its an older machine but a good one, it’s a sears Kenmore, the guy showed me the receipt where his mom paid over $250 for it back in 1981 and it doesn’t look like its been used much at all,   we paid $20 for it, what a bargin.


Jan I think I know what day it is, Monday, right?  Or maybe it’s Sunday?  LOL  I bet your getting excited about getting out of dodge aren’t ya?  Don’t worry about Rebel or your plants in the greenhouse or anything, we’ll watch out for them.  I can just imagine when you and Joe make it back home that Rebel will give you the scolding of your life lol He is so cute,  of course he isn’t a dog, I think he believes he is a human  lol silly thing he is.  Tell Joe I have the shelf painted and antiqued, later on this morning when its good and dry I will put the poly on it so it should be good and dry by tomorrow,  hopefully it wont take much to fasten it in place, looks like it wont anyway, the kitchen is looking so good.  By the time you all get back we’ll have the rest of the back splash up and a few other things done.  This next week we are gonna haul off a few things out of the computer room,  I have 3 tv’s that don’t work now, gotta get them out of here lol, guess I’ll haul them over to the dump, don’t think it’ll cost all that much, then gonna finish cleaning out the corner that is piled up,  we bought some totes to put all the Christmas stuff in, next week we’ll buy some more and pack the rest of the stuff in the corner in totes, that will look so much better then the old boxes.


Well I gotta my protein shake and get some other things done,  hope everyone has a good day,  stay warm, its sure not warm outside right now, hopefully it’ll warm up a little bit.



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
L. Rios
on 1/4/09 9:20 pm - Springfield, MO
Good morning!  I can't believe its time for my daughter to go back to school.  Jan I wish I was leaving with you.  Anywhere warmer sounds good to me.  My husband Frank is going to visit his mom in Phoenix at the end of the month.  I'd like to go just for the warm weather, but he needs to spend time with her and I guess I'll hold down the fort here.  Thanks again forthe comments on my pics, I've really proud that all my hard work is paying off. I start my seasonal tax job today.  Every year I work for Jackson Hewitt doing taxes, I love it!  I work with some really fun people and we are busy.  So I won't be on much as the season gets into full swing. Its crazy for a few months trying to do real estate and taxes. I'm taking a test Saturday for a state job.  I've never asked for prayers, but I would appreciate some now.  I have been applying with the state forever and finally got a letter to test for the job.  I'm praying I get it.  It would be great. A job I would LOVE.  Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day I have to get going to the gym.  Lou (~.~)
Susan W.
on 1/4/09 11:38 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning sure is cold outside this morning wish the warm weather we did have would come back. we would not mind if it was that way all year long.jan andy and i sure got our day's mixed up we hardly ever do that we really must be getting old or something.lol.

jan sound's like your daughter has a nice place she must like flower's like you do.my mom's place looked like a green house.my dad would bring her a plant home that would be half dead and she would bring it back to life.rebel sure will be missing you and joe but we will take good care of him for you all.he is like one of our kid's.and we will take care of your plant's in your green house for you also and keep a eye on the house.

andy got the cabinet finished it look's soo pretty and will look really nice along side the dishwasher.andy is right the kitchen is looking good.with the thing's to do around here and having my sewing machine to use i will have plenty to do.how many smack glove's do i need to make lol.

hope everyone has a good day i have to go empty the dishwasher now i forgot to run it last night see my mind is mixed up for sure lol.catch you all later on god bless susan
Peggy M
on 1/4/09 11:42 pm - Raymore, MO

Wowzers.....what a cold day!  I stayed in my jammies all day yesterday but have too much going on today.  We both woke up with killer migraines yesterday and missed church.  I hate doing that because we teach the College and Career class....but sometimes it can't be helped.  Besides we are studying Revelation and they probably enjoyed having a day off.

Managed to get a lot of Christmas taken down yesterday afternoon....but I still have a lot to do.  If I ever decide to post pics you will see how much I love this holiday.  Today is busy tho.  I need to run back to the dentist, go to the license bureau (our front plate on the new car is missing...stolen?) and should try to get to the grocery store and of course the house needs to be cleaned....yadda...yadda...yadda.

Sounds like so many of you are busy, too.  Jan is getting ready to get to warmer ground....of course not til she comes by and gets me.  Not real sure where Janet will ride.  I know that Bec is probably getting ready to send her girls back to school.  Love ya girl, I know you miss those babies when they're gone.  Trust me, I so understand.  And sounds like Susan will be whipping up a bunch of new clothes for her and Andy...woot.  Course she may need to sew up a CALENDAR, too....lol.   Now Lou will soon be fort-holding and test-taking.  Praying for you, Lou.  And Janet....sigh...I feel for you and your pain.  I wish I could take it all away.  I know Cor is struggling as a new post-op and Jeanine is still out of her home and still not feeling up to par.  And Deb (pooh)....bless your heart.  I am praying you get the help you need...you are worth so much more than this crud you keep getting.  I just pray you get a decent doc...you let us know if you get ahold of the other doc today, k?  Vesta has the blahs, too.  I think we must all need a big hug party...but with Jan and Sugar always running away we can't get them to stay still.  Remember Renee, too....she's really hurting with Lee & Kala wanting to move soon.  But it sounds like the BBF's had a great get-together and safe trip home, even if Susie was driving (lol).  I also know that Shelia is still hurting, too.  Anybody heard how she's doing?  And where is Barb and Deb D?  Barb was supposed to get looked at because of the accident...hope she's well.  And Deb D's husband needs to find a job.  Stressful.  There is just so many of you that I do want to remember you all.  Has anybody heard from Sherr (Blondie) since her procedure?  I wish some would get on here and let us know if you're ok....it's hard to keep up with so many but we do worry about each one of you.

Welp, I need to shower and drink more coffee and get the heck outta Dodge.  Too much to do...

Love and hugs.

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
on 1/5/09 1:57 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps-

Good Afternoon everyone......warning: I am feeling really emotional today. Very...... I dunno why? I wish I did.  I have spent the past almost 2 weeks feeling very overwhelmed with my blessings. Very overwhelmed by so much..its hard to explain.  Why do I feel so emotional? I have no clue....my body is done with that hormonal thing it does when you are losing the weight and the fat is releasing the hormones into your body making you feel like your gonna go nuts. Maybe early menopause? Crap, I would imagine something!

Something funny: I went and got my little designer dog her flea pill Friday night....gave it to her Saturday morning... and she has been humping the boys any time she gets around them! She has never done this before....So I am calling the vet today! Yeah, I know, it makes me smile too-but its not funny! LOL.....its sad to see her doing that! They dont tell you about that! At least its  the little 8# mutt and not the 200# mutt-but enough is enough! Jon spent most of yesterday yelling GET OFF ME MOLLY! LOL... Then, Mom/Dad-what IS SHE DOING TO ME? Try explaining that to a 5 yr old.....he doesnt understand and I dont care to TRY and explain WHY my dog was given Viagra and not a flea pill that I thought I was giving her!

I am very emotional, as I stated. I am miserable. I dont WANT to move, but I dont WANT to live like this anymore. We are seriously considering moving to AZ again. I just dont see where or how we will be able to live here happily ever after.......  I dont even see with surgery where arthritis will be bearable in these winter months and since we arent retired or anything-this seems like the best option for us.  I am hoping and praying that maybe when the book is done-it will be a best seller and at least give us the jump we need-to relocate and not have to freak out about where we will live and work etc-so thats my goal.

Megan and Aaron have already said they would move wherever we go....Megan will be graduated college by then.....and be able to work anywhere really.  Im not too sure about Stephanie, but Im sure she will visit if she doesnt move too.....

Today I HAVE to venture out in this stinking cold weather and go pay a couple of bills and go to the grocery store. ARGH! I dont want to go out in this crap. They are calling for freezing rain/ drizzle tonite and yucky weather again tomorrow-so want to get that all done today so we dont have to go anywhere tomorrow....

I got all of my laundry done yesterday, which was nice, so-let it freeze, it wont affect us at all for the next couple of days anyway. Been running the fireplace more and of course, Jon has been feeling puney again-so I guess we are going to try and just run the propane central heat for the next week or so, so he will start feeling better and then get their play room (den/family room) all straightened out so he can be in there like before...... After Christmas and them getting their xbox game console and things, they were playing games with daddy on the new tv..... so Im sure Sugar was right about him and the fireplace....

Oh, I just wanted to say that Tammy and her family could still use prayer. Her mom and her g-ma are still in the hospital. So, please remember them in prayer.  Also, if you could remember Jon, Mike and now my SIL, Aaron is sick-so they could use prayer as well.  I am praying for everyone with needs on the board! I wish I lived closer to some, so I could help out more than just prayers...but I know prayer is important too-and the only thing I can do when Im this far away.

**Jan-Yes, Mike and I hv been to whippersnappers and he got his moneys worth. I didnt, however. It was before I had surgery too-but I dont care for lobster...I did hv the shrimp, but not any 22 worth!  Mike ate like 4 whole lobsters and a couple of pounds of crab legs-which my job was just cracking shells forever....I cant believe this-but right after we got back to our motel in Branson, he wanted to go get a banana split....WOW....Not sure where he puts it all!

I sure hope and pray you and Joe have a good time. Im jelous tho.  Mike and I have already said that when the last of the kids are gone-yeah, we have awhile before that happens-but we will most likely become, what do they call them snowbirds?? Where you go to FL OR AZ-for the winters and stay in your rvs? Im all for that. Love traveling-so that will be nice for us.

There will be no embaressing pics of the new baby. I will wait till she is pretty and all that-then will have Renee post the pics! I have found the most beautiful dress for her to wear home from the hospital. I am having a hard time finding the shoes I want. They have them-but every time I find them, the sz I need for her are all gone!  47 days now.  I cannot wait!! My grandparents anniversary would have been Feb 16th and so it would be kinda neat for her to be born on that day....I hope she isnt a Valentines baby...I want her to have her own day....anyway-no, no c-section scheduled-her doc (who was my OB and delivered Jon) doesnt believe in inducing OR just doing c-sections for convienence, which is rare today...Most docs will just do it for their own convienence.....

I know I need a new pic. Even the ones who know its me behind Lana-I guess Ive changed enough from that pic too-they dont recognize me.  I feel like I still look like that-but I guess that was long ago too-Oct 07'  so yeah, I need to have Renee get my new avatar pic in there....now if I can find one where Im not wearing a santa hat or with someone else....I will have to work on that, but Im not sure I can find one by myself...LOL, that arent old ones anyways.

**Susan and Andy-How I laughed when I saw that you didnt know what day it was-that sounds like you pulled a Janet! LOL... Im sorry.

I have a sewing machine like that, and Love it! I havent used it near what I would like to-but thats going to change soon! I AM going to get that all done and get to sewing all the things that I want before the baby gets here and get some other things sewed that I have been meaning to do for years now!  Have a good day and stay warm, or at least try to!

**Peggy-Im sorry you had a migraine-those BITE! are you both feeling better now? I sure hope so!  Im sorry someone stole your front plate! Maybe they got caught before getting the back one-or got nervous, you know what I mean! Gads!!! What do they do when that happens? Do you have to pay for new ones altogether? I sure hope not. Let us know!  Have a good day hon.

**Deb (pooh)-Did you call the doc yet today and if you did-what did they say? I sure have been praying that you feel better! Love you and your in my thoughts and prayers! 

**Lou-you look great!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! Congrats girl!  Pat yourself on the back-your doing fantastic and Im very happy for you!

Well, Jon and I are going to get ready to go out to the North Pole, I mean Joplin and get some stuff done.  I hope you all have a good day and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers! Love, Janet
on 1/5/09 4:14 am - Clever, MO

Hi to you all! Yes Rick and I are back home and settling in to the same ol same ol...got to go pick the boys up from school in a few so this will be short. Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know we are fine as frog hair!

Branson was good and I found some really good bargains. Bought a size 8 pair of black slacks! WOW!!! Got me a pair of tall black heeled boots and a bunch of bargains at Maurices at the Landing! 6 tops for the price of 1, now thats a bargain.

Our church voted on the new pastor and now its a waiting game to see if he accepts but said he would let us know in 2-3 days. Hes young (38) and has twin boys and a little girl. and a very sweet wife. I sure pray it is who GOD wanted!

Well, I will go but wanted to just say HI and Ive missed everyone!

Oh by the way, Rick and I are going to start the bible study and catch up with you all and do it together. A friend of mine gave me her old bible that is written in that format, so we will try tonight to catch up to where you are and then be on board for tomorrow... Love the idea! Thanks Andy!

Will catch up more on whats going on with everyone tomorrow! 


on 1/5/09 5:23 am - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone, 
 I hope everyone is staying warm, this weather has just been crazy. Nice for a couple day's and then cold, then back to nice and then cold again, come on let's get to spring already.
 I had a really nice time Saturday night and Sunday. Larry and Kayela came over and I fixed a nice dinner, and then we watched movies, and then Sunday morning while Larry was still asleep Kayela and I had a nice visit and was able to talk for a couple hours, then she played video games while Larry and I spent the rest of the day in our jammies watching movies. It was so nice.
 Tiff came back home yesterday in the early evening so she could get ready for school today, and Kala came for a visit. I sure don't know what has gotten into my girls lately but I wish they would pull their heads out and realize there's more to life then them and their guy's. Yep, I managed to make both of them mad before the night was over. LOL I'm getting real good at this it seems.
 I tried talking to Kala last night about some changes and the way she may feel right before and after the baby gets here. You know the baby blue's and stuff, but she has idea's of her own and everything I said didn't fit into her idea's so she's upset with me again. Everything I do or say is wrong so I'm officially throwing my hands in the air, and letting God take over. He has his plan's I know for her.
 I hate to cut this short but I need to get ready to go to Larry's he's making me dinner tonight. He is such a good cook.

 Jan the whole stupid mess with the kids has me heartbroke. They know it all and wont listen to a word, so the only thing I know to do now is just it to God.
 I'm so sorry I didn't answer your earlier post about Peanut, of course it's ok to see her, maybe we can get something set up when you guy's get back.

Bec I hope you still have a kitchen left after Paul's lesson. LOL I'm just kidding, I'm sure he did just fine.
 Your right it is so wonderful to have a best friend like Janet and to be able to share so much with her.........I'm truly blessed with wonderful friends now.

 Susan thank you so much for the sweet complement's, I sure needed to hear them, I was starting to feel like I had failed and they were just trying to punish me. I know sounds crazy but we can't help how we feel sometimes.

 Janet sorry I didn't text you earlier yesterday, but we were having a time. Wish I could say some alone time, but for the most part Kayela stayed in Tiff's room playing video games so it was all good.
 We for sure have alot to catch up on.
 I hope all of you are feeling better. Let me know how thing's went with Aaron today. Love you

 Pooh bear I hope you find out whats going on real soon so you can get to feeling better.

 Peggy thank you so much for the prayer request, I can sure use them right now. I know I can get through all of this with God's help and with all the love and support from my wonderful OH family. Thank you.

 Sugar it's great to see you back safe and sound. It's great you guys had such a good time.

 Lou you have a great looking family, and way to go girl on your weight loss. Keep up the good work.

 I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful BLESSED day.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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