on 12/30/08 4:47 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful sunshine, it's so much better then those gray gloomy days we were having.
 Not much really going on here today except for cleaning house getting ready for the party tomorrow night. I'm not really big on going out on New Years Eve (I like going out, just not driving.), so the kid's, Larry, Fran, and Kayela are all coming here. I also think Les and Jay may come out after they get off work. We figured we can watch movies, play a few games, or just sit and visit, figured it really doesn't matter what we are doing as long as we are together and safe. LOL
 I've been thinking of special little thing's I could do for my new baby since I have to be a "part time" mema, and it finally hit. Larry gets these nice wooden boxes from work, kind of like a little chest, so I thought I can take one of those and paint and decorate it up real cute and then write the baby letter's and put small little gift's in there for her, that way when they are here visiting she can go through her special stuff and take what she wants or just leave it until she gets older (I would prefer all the letter's stay in it until she's older, but you know how that works.), I figured it would a special way to let her know she was always on my mind and in my heart no matter where she was at. Larry gave both Janet and I boxes for the babies, so I can't wait to get started on them.
 Kala and Lee are coming out to spend the night tonight, and then we are going with Larry to Springfield to do a little shopping and so Kala and Larry can have their chinese buffet. LOL I swear that's all of heard for a couple weeks now out of both of them. LOL

Jan I hope you are feeling better, and back to yourself. You should have seen Miss Peanut opening her little gift LOL, she was so excited, and could hardly wait to get hers. We got smart this year we didn't tape her paper on so she could get it off easily, and when she seen her new baby she got all excited, Kala had got her a bag of little milk bones and she kept them right next to each other all day. If her baby got moved she would move her bones, it was to cute.

 Janet Tiff is doing ok, Lee came out yesterday morning and dug Oreo's grave, and then Tiff wanted to do the rest. She got it all covered back up and then put some nice big rocks over it. She has been really throwing the love on to her other cat now. He is the KING.LOL
 I just talked to Larry and he was released from TX, so please pray he does get to stay close, that would be so awesome. We have already made a few plans for if he gets to go to Ok. City, but who knows if that will happen or not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
 Thank you so much for the great complement's, I'm trying my hardest to take them better. It's sometimes weird to get good ones, but I love each and everyone of them. I thought it was way to funny when you was checking out my butt in those jeans the other day, that poor cashier looked at us so funny. LMAO Thank you so much sweety.
 I so can't wait to see you SOON I hope. Tell Mr. Jon auntie Renee is ready to roll some more pennies so he better be ready.
Everyone says hi and that they love you and I love you.

 I hope Everyone has a wonderful BLESSED day.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Barbara S.
on 12/30/08 7:22 am - Freeman, MO
On the new baby....what I did was purchased a journal and each time my grand daughter visited I wrote what she did, things she said, everything I could think of and put how much we enjoyed her. I still write in it everynow and then. She is almost 16 now. She wants to read it but I keep telling her it is for when I am gone. I want her to have those memories of her visits. Just an Idea for you.

The box is also a good idea.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 12/30/08 12:48 pm - Purdy, MO

That is so sweet, thank you so much. I just want this baby (and I'm sure more later on) that it's Mema loves her and thinks of her. I could always do the book and keep it inside with the letter's and little gift's.
Again Thank You.


 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 12/30/08 2:54 am - Dixon, MO
Jan I am really sorry you haven't BEEN well hope this finds you all better now.  I got out and took my 4 mile walk yesterday and planning on it again today walked on my machine yesterday morning at 4 30 am and then got my 4 mile oh did it fill good i tell thta walking is good for a person made me feel so much better .  I have a hard time making myself exercise in my room by myself I like to walk with my neighbor but not in the cold.

Love Karen
Shannon C.
on 12/30/08 6:10 am - Kirksville, MO
Sent prayers for those in need!

I had an EMG yesterday and so thankful I didn't have to have the needle test, lab work drawn and today I had an MRI for my low back.  The neurologist thinks the numbness is from either my back or my lab levels and not from the peroneal nerves and I do have some permanant nerve damage but this is something I can live with...

My dog is starting to have more problems breathing when he gets excited.  I am not ready to have him put down as long as he still is relatively pain free and seems happy and in control of his body functions.  My older sis thinks I am being selfish in letting him suffer longer but I don't think he is suffering yet - I am not going to let that happen!  Ok, I am done tearing up for now.

On the lighter side I have another 4 day weekend - got invited to go to a neighbors house tomorrow evening and just hang out with them.  Trudy has lost 40 pounds by just cutting out all white flours, sugars and rice.  She is the type of person that is always "upbeat" and never has anything bad to say about anyone.  This makes you want to be around her.

I want to wish everyone a Happy new Year!  Please stay safe!



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