Well I think I am beginning to feel some better, I have been getting in all my water today which always helps and have had 2/3 s of my protein today so far. My muscles are not hurting today , the bones and joints hurt but seem to be better...just will be glad to see my doctor and get my scripts. So I can get some relief...this winter weather is horrible. I use to like for it to get cold when I was fat cause I at least wasn’t so hot all the time but now im just bone chilling cold and it really affects the joints.
Started picking up some of the Christmas decorations ...will get them all put away this week. It takes as much time to put them away as it does to put them out. I usually take all of them down and put them away the 2nd of January ...but that was before when I use to have a New Years Eve parties for friends which I don’t do any more lol ....but still hang onto the old things. Don’t know why....when in town at doctors tomorrow got to go to grocery store and get some black eyed peas and some hog jowl and cornbread mix . still have to have that all on New Years Day.
Looks like I missed a beautiful day yesterday..all that sunshine but it wasn’t in me to get out side ...just hope it is going to be as pretty today....am suppose to go over and see Michele but she is sick...dont know if I want to get what ever it is she has...but will go by there and take her some medicines. She has asthma and when she gets her lungs going she gets really sick. But she wont give up cigarettes. Don’t under stand that reasoning but im not her.
BEC::::: you sound so happy to be taking care of your girls again but yes cooking takes on a have to case instead of a want to after awhile. doesn’t it . I really don’t like cooking anymore it just seems like a waste of time lol
SHEILA::::: I don’t think it is a cold or the flu I think it is just this stupid arthritis, when it flares up this bad the inflammation that makes the arthritis hurt it feels like it gets into the muscles as well as the joints. Don’t know if it possible for that to happen but that is what it feels like ....and when I use O2 all night it seems to make the pain in the muscles disappear. Hope you are feeling better..
SUSAN::::: so you are getting
lots of use out of that treadmill huh? That is good , I started using it and then tried jogging on it and got my joints all inflamed so I guess I wont try jogging any more lol
Im glad that you are using the workout room....it will be very important to you and especially after you have surgery. You are going to do great that is for sure.
Did you all get more painting done today? I know you all will be ready for those windows to be done.
VESTA:::::: thanks for thinking of me and keep praying for me.
SUSIE:::::yeah you might have to move a few things around for a big tree but if son is wanting it is there some reason for that? Or he just wants it up? You know you ask about your weight....how much pure protein are you getting in a day, not food but protein drinks of one kind or the other? I know a lot of people don’t seem to agree but I think the food protein just doesn’t give you all of what it says it does. So if it says 10 grams I don’t think you can count it as 10 grams where as the protein drinks that are 100 % predigested whey you are getting all of what it says. ...so maybe make sure you get at least 65 to 80 grams a day of liquid protein then anything you want to add in food will help...of course I think everyone has to do what is best for them and their weight loss.
So really it has to be a thing that you have to learn what works for you to get weight loss.
Love you and want the best for you.
LOU::::::I hope that you have a good weigh day today.....yippee I hope you really have a good one. I just weight once in a while now to make sure im not gaining any and if I do I get it off but cant get back down past a certain place. But I can keep from getting any back lol
JEANINE:::::: I hope you are feeling ok today. When do you get checked again to see that you haven’t gotten that fluid back on the outside of the lungs? That must feel really badly... did your insurance agent come today?
Love all of you and all the emails I got about how I feel. I think I will live lol .
Thanks for careing
Looks like I might be the first one to post for tomorrow's What's Happening! Yippee...I get the first SF lollipop! lol!
DH had a follow up apt today with an ENT. They also did a cat scan of his nasal passages. He's still using a Nasal Rinse and Flonase. His cough is finally gone! The ENT said his nasal passages look great (no more surgery) and to keep using the nasal stuff he has been. We then went to lunch and to the grocery store. What a beautiful day it was today!
Not much going on tomorrow. Will stay at home and try to get some things done. Would like to start taking down the Christmas decorations. Then we could get ready to paint. DH isn't too excited about the painting. Especially since we just painted about a year ago. However, with our new kitchen, we really need to change the color scheme. Like I told him, we already bought all the stuff needed to paint except for the new paint and paint is pretty cheap. Our pastor's wife suggested we paint one wall at a time, that way it's not so overwhelming. I think that's what we'll do. DH and Jake have already said they will end up doing the painting while I supervise...that's usually the case. My arms just can't hold that paintbrush too long. Sad but true.
I hope we can start painting within a week or so. Will take us about 7 days to fini**** all. Then we need to paint the trim. That's an entirely different project though. I HATE painted trim, however, that's what we've got and we're going to have to keep it.
Please pray for my Dad. He has surgery scheduled for Wednesday to remove the cancer from his nose. We have to be there at 7:30am. They said to expect to stay the entire day. They even said only 1 person could be there with him and to bring plenty of things to keep us occupied. Even suggested we bring our lunches or said I could go out and bring our lunches back. Needless to say, will be a long day. My Dad is really worried about it. I guess they will be reconstructing that part of his nose as well. Please be in prayer for all of us.
Mama Jan - I'm so glad you are feeling better! Please let us know what the doctor says at your apt tomorrow. Please tell Michelle we hope she feels better soon and to QUIT smoking!! Mama DOES know best!
Jeanine - PTL you are back on the board! We have missed you! Will continue to pray for your complete recovery!
Bec - Have missed your smiling face on the board. I know you're really enjoying your girls being home. I know they love you and their Dad so much...you can just tell it! I will try and remember to email you the pictures I took of you all last week. Please remind me if I forget!
Susan - Your psych eval will be here before you know it! Then you can get your surgery date. I know you are so excited! Will keep praying for you and Andy.
Susie - Hon, just keep on keeping on. The weight will come off. Glad to hear your dh is doing better and will keep praying that he has a complete recovery.
MO Peeps - Hope all of you have a GREAT Tuesday!
Remember God Is Good All The Time. All The Time God is Good!
Debbie D.
THANK YOU so much for sending the pics... Renee sent me a pic where Mimi was pinching me and boy was it a terrible pic! But was kind of funny... I was under severe protest at the pinching and the person taking the pic caught it right as it happened....
I am so happy to have the pic of my three angles! I will most certainly treasure it! At some point when I set down I'm going put together my scrap book... I need to do it before I forget what all happened.... I am going to go thru all my post and "paste" together my journey... that will be quite a project.
Anyway thank you so much again for sending the pics when you have time.
Sure do love you!

peggy how are you doing these day's i know your family keep's you busy.
barbara how are you and that sweet baby doing i sure would like to meet her sometime when we get to see you again please let us know how your doctor's app went today for you.
debbie my doctor's app is this friday at 10.00 am in branson like andy said he could tell them i am nutty but i told andy i could tell a lot of thing's about him too lol.we will be praying for your dad debbie and all of your family if we could sit up there with you we would but you all will be in our thought's and prayer's.
andy and i dont have any new year's party's but we wait until the new year to take our christmas tree down.we did not get to paint any yesterday but we did some other thing's around here. while the weather is nice and warm we might try and paint some more today.since the weather is going to turn cold again and friday we have errend's to run and sat take down all our christmas thing's.we hope too see you all at the next meeting in springfield.have a good day everyone is in our prayer's god bless susan.

ps. if you all have a secret pal exchange going again this next year please let me know.i would like to join. i did a secret pal at the church where we moved from and i really liked doing it.thank you susan.

All is still asleep in my household so thought I would get on here and chat a bit before I go out to walk... I could not sleep past 4:00 a.m. so have been cleaning up the kitchen and straightening up things around here... boy is there a difference when it is just Paul and I and when I have the full house... I LOVE IT!
Will be serving Debbie D.'s "consumers choice" for breakfast this morning... it's time to clean up some left overs before I get busy on a whole new batch of recipes...~ha
My washer broke... I'm disgusted as it would have to go out right when I have a WHOLE bunch of laundry with everyone here... Paul tore it apart and took a part in only to find out they needed to test it "on" the machine... so he will be taking the machine in today... I've been told several times to hold on to that machine as long as I can since it is the last of the "belt driven" machines made... I don't know but I sure hope they get it fixed FAST!
I sure have enjoyed the girls being home... they seem to be relaxing and that is good... they are so very very busy when they are in school...
Crystal is going to help me clean out my closet and take out all the clothes that don't fit and organize all the sizes that people have given me... they need to be organized so I'm sure to get the use out of them...
We are playing Bingo and some other games tomorrow night for New Years Eve... I'm fixing Taco Dip and burritos... Crystal is fixing some type of German Chocolate Cake...
Paul will have his cooking lesson this weekend. He has talked about it for a month now... poor Crystal that is going to have to be his tutor! ~tee hee I have this image of how it is going to be in my mind... he will not see the importance of mixing the wet ingredients BEFORE you add the dry... he will just say chuck it all in the bowl and throw the mixer on HIGH ... if you put enough WATTS to it you won't have to mess with all the foo foo steps! Will be fun to watch... Crystal will deserve some type of award for sure! ~ha
I'm so glad to hear Jeanine is doing better! And Vesta's daughter too! Susie's husband not having heart troubles... will pray they find out and are able to fix what it is that is causing him problems... praying for continued healing for others that have been thru so much!
Better get back in there and finish my kitchen project before I head on out to walk... they are saying it is 19 wind chill out there right now... will have to break out the long handles! ~ha Boy I sure did enjoy the sunshine out there yesterday... it was so refreshing! The day before I got in 5 miles... I walked three in the morning and then another 2 in the evening... the girls went out to ride there bikes so I just walked while they did that... it sure does my mind good to get outside, not just my body.
A very good day to you all.
Debbie where do you get the 70% cocao? I wanna to make some as it is really a chore to get down my protein unless I use the vials..
hope this finds everyone doing better this am, I just never saw so much different flu and colds going around, this has been a really bad year for this, I'm ready for spring, oh well the days are starting to get longer that gives us a little hope...
Jan I have this little room just down stairs before you go into the basement it stays warm there but not hot, it has just a small window, I was wondering if I could start my seeds there, don't they have growing lights or what lite could I use? It might not be light enough, I have allot of seeds to start this spring...tks to you...all the flowers I have are the ones you started me out on....I cant wait to see them I planted last year to start coming up, I cant believe how good they done considering how hot it was when I put them out, but I really watered them and took care of them..so we will see how many will come back up, I covered everything with heavy coat of straw... whew I feel better talking about spring and its still Dec. ( barely)...lol
everyone have a nice day....vesta
I use isopure protein so I will drink all my protein today,I was able to get my vitamins in this morning.
Stay away from sick people and I hope no one else gets this.
Hey girl hope you get to feeling better.
Angie and I both would like to go to Sedlia meeting maybe we can all car pool , I vcan meet youngs at Iberia And Angie could meet us at Eldon as we go thur there I hAVe a van if i need to drive i can or if you have somethingwith enough room thats fine give me a call or let me know on here what time and if thats ok.
Love ya karen
Been busy and havent had much tmie to get online....Had a few seconds while I was having my coffe and thought Id jump on and see how things are going with everyone...
I am so ready for the Holidays to be over with....And things to get back to normal...
My two weeks with Bubba are almost gone.....He had to go back Friday....I noticed on the news the other night that we might be getting some snow Friday and I figure if we are getting it down this far south then it's probably going to be worse as we go north.....So we are going to head out early so we can take our time and have plenty time incase the roads are crappy up that way....If yall will please keep us in your prayers....
Well just wanted to drop in and say Hi and let yall know Im still kicking....I hope everyones doing ok and had a great Christmas....My new years plans are still in the air at the moment...Probably end up keeping the girls lol lol.....
Hope thing settel down soon so I have more time to be on the board....Miss you guys...
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday
God Bless each of you
Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hello Auntie Jan and OH Peeps,
How is everyone today? I hope that this post finds everyone doing good-great even! I sure have missed being on my regular "morning" schedule to get on here and read and then post, but to tell you the truth, I wouldnt trade this past week and a half for anything! After the year that this household has had-this has been, to me, the reward for everything all year long! I am almost scared, its been so nice and so enjoyable, so much laughter and relaxation, waiting for that "other shoe to fall" feeling wants to stay in the back of my mind! Damn the devil-Im not letting him rob us of our happiness-no way, no how!
We had a rare day here Sunday, and one I cant ever even remember us doing before! Mike had asked what I wanted to do-since it was his last day off from work for awhile. I said, well, I think it would be nice to pray with the boys and count our blessings and say what we are thankful for-and then stay in our jammies all day long and just hang out-playing with our new toys or doing whatever. Everyone was game for that! We had the best day!! The boys-when it was their turn to talk about what they were thankful for.....they didnt talk about their Christmas presents (almost 6 yrs old and almost 15) and they said they were thankful for us as parents and Jon said that he was happy that he got to see Santa and hear him say Ho Ho Ho! And that everyone else liked their Christmas, it made him happy to see us all happy. Mike and I BOTH had tears in our eyes! He also said that he was sad that his daddy didnt have his daddy anymore, but that grandpa was with us and happy for us. Dang it child, stop talking before I choke on my tears and my throat! WOW....
So, we just hung out all day long. Doing nothing but bonding and hanging out. I played on and off on my laptop, which I can be on in the livingroom and the boys-all 3 of them, played with their new video games. It was just a perfect day. The boys and Mike said they dont ever remember seeing me in my jammies past 8 am, unless I am sick or running real late-LOL.. I always feel unaccomplished (just for myself-not meaning anyone else) if I am not up and dressed and ready for my day ASAP....
Yesterday, had planned on just staying home and getting some of the stuff organized and getting presents put in their places and such, but I got a call from Steph and she asked if we could do my b-day lunch yesterday and if I wanted to go to the mall. I had to return a video game to Hastings, which is right by the mall, so I said that sounded good. Megan picked up Steph and they met the boys and I at the mall. We walked with Megan-around the mall and we did it outside since it was so nice. Megan has been hurting so badly, that I thought maybe loosening up her hips and lower back some, may help. She never complained, but had to take a couple of breaks and she was miserable. The next 6 weeks are going to be rough on her. I pray that she will get through it with the least amount of pain and agony that she can. Poor thing. She is bigger and bigger every time I see her!
We are having all our kids here tomorrow night. We are playing games too. Guitar Hero and racing...we also have a board game or two. Cranuim and Trivial Pursuit....we will be doing mexican food as well. A taco bar, and then I am making the mexican cheese dip and setting it out in the crock pot so it will stay warm and we dont have to keep re-heating it when someone wants it. Stephanie and Aaron both have to work, so Aaron will be picking up Steph after she is off work and they will head out this way, megan will be here all day, Aaron is going to drop her off on his way to work.
Its going to be so fun. We are doing our blessings box New Years Day. Everyone is writing their blessings down and what they are thankful for-and putting it in the box, and then we will read them New Years Day when we are all together. We will read others tho, and not our own. I think if I had to read my own, I would bawl like a baby, but I may do that anyway-anyone who knows me, knows that-LOL.... We had been asked by Mikes parents to go to the casino with them, but we decided against it, because they are just going to be so busy and to be there for the good drawings (start at 1 pm-will be giving away 2009.00 every 1/2 hr till 9 pm) you will have to be there by 7-8 am at the latest or end up on an expensive machine or one you dont like-so we decided against it. I still have my credit there for my bday...but wont be using that one this year. LOL....
So, let me say....Mike was looking for a Santa Suit for Christmas morning. We called to see about renting one when we couldnt find one to borrow-and they wanted $45-75, depending on the quality of the suit-BUT...that didnt come with the shoes, the hair or the beard. So, that would have had to be purchased seperately. Thats a lot of money for one morning and 10 minutes tops, right? The hair wig and beard wig would have been almost $30 to buy....so I was grocery shopping at Dillons on the 21st or 22nd, cant remember which, but I was over by their Christmas stuff, and it was 1/2 off-and I looked down and there were 2 complete Santa suits-for 1/3 of the price-and they were 29.99! The ONLY problem was-I didnt have that much money left on me. I called Mike to see where he was-no where around Joplin. I called the kids-they had the money to come and get it and when dad got home, he could pay them back. YAY! So, they went and bought the suit!
Mike had made sure and let the boys (mainly Jon) know that he would be out in his tree stand Christmas morning, but as soon as I called him, he would come in-so that took care of WHY Mike wouldnt be in the house when Santa was here.....so....Mike had all his camo on, under the santa suit...he had his bells, and walked between the bedrooms (little hall there) and said Ho Ho Ho and rang his bells and jetted out the front door to the Morton building....Jon had actually bounced up and saw the back of Santa as he was leaving! I dont think that childs feet even really hit the floor-it was like he was running on the air-and his eyes were the biggest I have ever seen them! WOW....I was standing there and we ran to the front door and the windows and Jon turned on the porch light-he was trying to see if he could see Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer out there eating (we always go out and feed the reindeer-we leave reindeer food all around the house on Christmas Eve). Mike had taken off the suit and came running in the house and told Jon that he was in his tree stand (it was still dark-5:50 am) and that he heard some noises and then looked over and saw Rudolphs red nose and saw them flying over the woods!! Jon was on a cloud. To top it off, Steph was in on the whole thing, since she was up and in the family room-where Santa had to walk through to get to the front door. It was amazing! That child just couldnt believe it-he was AND still is, on a cloud-and he has told everyone, that seeing and hearing Santa, was his favorite part of Christmas! He will remember that, for the rest of his life. I am so excited for him! Then, when he doesnt believe anymore-grandpa will have the santa suit for our little grand-daughter! How fun is that going to be?
I would like to take a moment and ask for prayer, for Megan. She has so much going on and I have this nagging feeling that she is going to end up on total bed rest before its all said and done. Which is okay, I will let her stay here with us, so that we can keep an eye on her while Aaron works. But, she is in a lot of pain and just plain sick. We are going to wait until Mackenzie makes her appearance into this world, to have the baby shower-because Megan is so sick all the time, and the further she gets, the worse she is-and she just doesnt think she will be up to until its all said and done-and I really dont think anyone will mind having to pass that little one around while we are having the baby shower-do you? They are going to be doing some xrays or something on Meg on friday, they think her pelvic bone is worse and seperating from her ??? which is part of the extreme pain she is having. Anyway, prayers will be greatly appreciated.
Then, there is my mother. We had a very long talk about it yesterday, because the girls spend much more time with her than I get to-and they said exactly what I have been thinking-and she has just given up. They said that she never gets out of bed, unless she HAS to, and she has already decided that her complications are her final destiny. She doesnt want to fight, she has just given up and thats what she says to them all the time-is that they dont know HOW sick she is and that this or that is the ONLY thing that keeps her going. ARGH. This upsets me so much, that she is just giving up and NOTHING we do or say is making her care to fight or care. I know she isnt doing it TO HURT us-but it does. It hurts me a lot, that she doesnt care to fight and be around for all of us. She WILL DIE IF she doesnt change some things and take this seriously. She is suppose to be starting her dialysis and all of that sometime in the next week or two-and she isnt even making the calls she needs to make to get that all taken care of. Dammit, this frustrates me so badly!!!! So, I ask that you lift her in prayer too-and that maybe when the baby is born, she will WANT to fight. Thanks.
Well, I could prob go on and on this morning, but I am going to get my responses done and then get some things done around the house. I hope and pray that everyone is doing better. Jeanine, Susies hubby, Vestas daughter, Linda, Jan, Jans daughter Michele, Sheila-and everyone who has been sick or is sick now-I am praying for all of you and I Pray health and happiness for ALL of you!!!!
We are missing some of our regulars-does anyone know where or whats up with Peggy? Cor? (have texted her and not heard anything) Deb(pooh), Sandy, and Sug (is she still gone?) I am hoping and praying that you gals are all okay. Please at least get in here and say hey-were ok. Am getting worried. Love you guys!
**Jan-I have been praying for you and your pain. I am so sorry. I could feel your pain through your post yesterday! I know that happened to me too-where it felt like it could be the flu-but it wasnt. Didnt get sick vomitting or anything, but that chill to the bone and that pain-it literally feels like your being eaten alive, doesnt it? I know! I am so sorry and I pray that the doc gets you all set up today and that you are on the road to recovery QUICK-like yesterday! I love you and please keep me posted. Hugs to you and tell Mr. Joe I love him too-OH, and by the way-I have some blackmail pics of Joe-in that silly hat and playing that unwrapping game-OMG! You will not believe them! I laughed my rear off when I saw those 2 pics in there! LOL... Will send them to you sometime today or tomorrow. Am also praying for Michele. I hope she is better soon and I know you dont like her smoking, but at least its not alcohol right now OR drugs-so just hang in there, maybe one day she will quit the smoking too! I hope and pray she is better soon and DO NOT CATCH what she has! You dont want or need that on top of everything else!
**Deb D-Ok, where are MY PICS? Bec got hers and you forgot me? (sniff, sniff-frowning....) I am going to email you today and beg you for them.. I have some to email you too.....so PLEASE email them to me...LOL..I wanna see them!
So glad to hear about Davids appt with the ENT, what good news! YAY!!! I will pray that it stays that way..
I will be praying for your dad and then whomever is the only other person who can be with him. Can you guys take turns back there, so you guys can get a break-OR are you the only one who will be there? I pray that all goes well and I also pray that whomever ends up there all day, has strength. It will all be okay! We are claiming that, in Jesus' name!
Good luck on the painting, suppose you could send the boys this way to paint my place when they are done with your place? LOL....I cant wait to see those pics too! I love the kitchen and what you have done to it-and I am excited to see what is to come with the colors! DO you already know what colors your painting now?
**Susie-I am praying for you, and hope you are feeling better ASAP. Was glad to hear it wasnt hubbys heart and will continue to pray for his total recovery with whatever it is! Please keep us posted!
**Bec-I could just invision Paul and Crystal-it sounds like how Mike is in the kitchen, unless it is HIS recipe. He really is one of the best cooks I have ever met-IF its something HE wants to cook and/or bake! LOL....Do you have a camcorder where you can tape it? LOL...You could get years and years of laughs off of that tape! LOL...
Hey, did you ask the girls to download the pics they took at the party so you can get them sent out to us? Are they going to do that?
I am so sorry about your washer! They sure dont make em like they used to-do they? I remember the first brand new one I bought-an Amana big washer and it lasted 15 yrs-and the next brand new one, 5! How awful is that? I am praying that they get it all fixed for you and that its simple and back in the laundry room asap so you can get it all caught up-I HATE it when I get behind on the laundry-you know? I know you do!
I am so glad your enjoying your babies! I knew you would! Just have fun with them and take pics so we can see them later.
How is your back doing? I have been praying that its all good! I love ya! Am sending you some of the pics from the party here in the next day or two!
**Vesta-So good to hear Linda is good! I know she is prob in pain, but praise God that it all went well! You doing ok? Been thinking about you a lot lately.
**Barbara-I am hoping and praying your test comes out good and that its just recovery process from the accident and nothing serious. I am so thankful little baby is good! YAY! I was also so glad to see you had a good Christmas since I know you were having a hard time with that-the feeling or whatever you want to call it. Take care and keep us posted.
**Jeanine-SOOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU!! You have been missed more than you know! We love you so much! Praying for your complete recovery and NO MORE Pneumonia! We are claiming it! Keep us posted sweety and your in our prayers!
**Deb (pooh)-If we were close enough, I would drive over to give you a big old high 5! I am so proud of you.....Hope all is well with you and keep us posted, let us know how your doing. I am hoping that when renee comes for one of her check ups, up there, that we can get up and see Bec, but also come over and see and meet you! How fun would that be? love ya!
**Tammy-I will be praying for your mom. Please keep us posted! Its always something, isnt it? If she is having problems because of the house and the mold.....then maybe its time to make them get that fixed! ANyway-we are praying that your mom is doing okay and everything is alright. Love ya.
**Sheila, you have been on my heart alot. I wish we lived closer so that we could hang out and talk more. I am praying for the kids and hope and pray it all works out! Love you sis!
**Sandy-I am so thankful you and your son made it home safely, even if it did take you forever to get there! LOL....I am glad you had a wonderful time with your family in Springfield, you deserve it! Please keep us posted on what happens with your dr appt....take care and have a good day!
**Renee-I am so sorry about Tiffs cat! Darn it! Wish I could be closer to help out!
It was so good to see you on my bday! What a hi-light of the day! Thanks so much
Have fun with Larry! Wouldnt it be nice IF he didnt have to go back to TX, but also that he could stay here close enough (like Topeka or wichita or wherever) that you can go and see him every other weekend or whatever? Thats what I am hoping for!
Keep up the good work on your weight loss! Your looking F I N E!!! YAY! I can tell each time I see you, that you have lost more-and its so exciting! I just love it! Those jeans look kick butt on you and soon, so will the rest of them-all my favorites-and you will see why!
Love you sis and will see each other soon, Im sure! Say hi to the rest of the family for me. See ya soon!
**Lou-Keep up the good work! I am so happy for you! You and Renee are pretty much right in the same frame, weight loss wise-so its exciting to keep up with you surgery sisters! Good job and congrats!
**Susan-I bet your getting really excited, arent you? Just another week or so, huh? that you get to go get that appt out of the way and then you get your surgery date! I am so excited for you, Susan!
Good job on the excercising too! All of that relly helps pre-op too-it helps so much with your recovery! Keep it up and keep us posted!
**Andy-How are you feeling? doing alright? Hope so-praying for you and Susan and hope all is well with both of you!
Well, Peeps, I am getting off here and will talk to you all later! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers! Love, Janet