Jan C.
on 12/28/08 7:41 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

This isn’t going to be very long im sick and don’t know what is wrong. Running fever but no cold. Slight cough once in a while but nothing serious. Muscle and joint pain and like I said fever then get hot and sweathy then freeze to death again.

I have been in my jammies all day and at time in my robe and a blanket other times sweating and hot in my p;js. Don’t know if it is just the arthritis that I got really stired up and agitated or what...but feel bad enough that this is about all of a posting im going to do for today...Im sorry I don’t really feel like answering your yesterdays post. I just don’t have the energy. ....will be ok have a doctors appt Tuesday. ....but anyway post  away for today and I will probably be back on to talk with you all tomorrow anyway...love and hugs to all of you.   


I am feeling some better this morning, I slept all night long with just my O2 on and it seems to have make my body feel better any way at least the muscle tissue. My bones and joints hurt so badly that I can barely type this .. I hope there was nothing that really needed to be answered in yesterdays post as I just cant seem to do it this morning. I love all of you and hope all is well and that you all had a great week end.




Bec M.
on 12/28/08 8:02 pm
Mimi ~

So sorry you are not feeling good.  Am praying you will be better just real soon.

Glad you see the Doc tomorrow...

Better get in the kitchen and get breakfast going before it's time to walk this morning.... boy is the cooking keeping me hopping while the girls are home.... first time in my life I am having to force myself to do it each day and my head is just not "on" about it either... sure has been a different experience that's for sure... but as always the girls are enjoying it...

Hope you all have a blessed day... so glad Jeanine made it home and Susie husband does not have heart trouble... still praying for both.

Sheila H.
on 12/28/08 9:01 pm - Marshfield, MO
Jan oh it sounds like you have what i had only i had the direahha too  so i hope u get over it fast i love ya


Susan W.
on 12/28/08 9:10 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good monday morning to all how was the weekend for everyone?sure does go fast. monday morning come's too fast but housework still has to be done,no matter what day it is.lol

jan if you need anything please let me know i will be glad to help you anyway i can andy and i will be praying you get to feeling better.thank's again for the use of the trailer to work out.i can walk longer on the tread mill without getting out of wind.i took my head set over there yesterday played my music and the time flew by.i started out with a slower speed moved it up a little each time i use it i will make the speed go a little faster.i started out at 120pm and i stopped at 200pm.my hair was soaking wet from sweat.it was nice to walk like that but i found muscle's i did not know i had lol.

cor how are you doing did you get to make some protein ball's yet?the one's bec made while andy and i were at her house were really good.there are so many way's to make them i hope you like one of them.

deb thank's for the recipe's you did post for the protein ball's i will have to try and make some of them.when i make some for andy with oatmeal he like's me to use the quick cooking kind.

jeanine soo good to hear you made it home and are doing better i know there is nothing like your own bed to sleep in.

susie glad to hear that your husband does not have a heart problem andy and i know it is a long drive to columbia hospital. that is where i am going to have my surgery.andy and i are praying i will have a date for surgery soon.i see the head doctor on friday then soon as he send's his report to the doctor's in columbia and then they send it through my medicade i will get a surgery date.i was told my doctor's surgery date's are about one month out.but i got everything else done soo quickley so we are praying for a quick date too.i am getting soo excited i am ready to be on the loser's bench.

bec i know you are spoiling those girl's of your's that is your job. you are a good mom. how is tito doing? does he like having the girl's home too.hope your back is doing good for you.

i better go for now andy and i are going to do some more painting today we did some yesterday just a little bit here and there to finish up.have a good day everyone we are praying and thinking of you all we love all of you god bless susan
on 12/28/08 9:20 pm - pomona, MO
Bless your heart hope you get to feeling better today maybe it is the 24 hour bug and that don't help the uncle arthritis. any...don't want my not so secret sissy to be hurting so much...love ya ...vesta


on 12/28/08 9:58 pm
The holidays always seem to bring some kind of flu bug,at least around my house. I sure hope you are better soon Jan. Everyone else feeling poorly eat the chicken soup and get well soon.

My son made it home safely to Dallas. It was not a smooth trip for him . He had to go to the airport very early because that was the only ride I could get him. He got to the airport about 11 ,his flight was scheduled for 3:35. That would have been a long wait by itself but noooooooo. His flight was delayed about five times and did not take off till 6:33. He says something like this happens to him every Christmas  if he flys out of Springfield. We may have to start driving to St Louis. It takes a little longer to get there but the flights seem to be on time.

I think things will be slowing down around here this week. School doesn't start back till next week so I am free to sleep in every morning. I need to pack up my Christmas decorations. I didn't use many at all this year. I didn't even put up my big tree. My son says next year I have to. I will have to get rid of some of this extra stuff in order to that. Jan you and Sugar know I need to get rid of a lot of stuff. That will be a major job.

Everyone enjoy this week, the weather is supposed to better.

L. Rios
on 12/28/08 10:09 pm - Springfield, MO
Where did the holiday go?  I can't even believe its Monday already! What the heck?  Jan sorry to hear you are feeling bad.  I hope you start feeling good really soon.  I'm happy Jeanie is home and starting to get on the mend also.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  Not much going on here.  I did get my Christmas stuff taken down and am ready to get things back to "normal" what ever that is.  I was really tired after the holidays.  Like dragging tired.  Saturday I never left the house, I slept most of the day.  I must have needed it.  I feel much better now.  Tomorrow is official weigh day.  Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Jeanine S.
on 12/28/08 10:13 pm - compton, AR
HUGS!!! Please take care of you my sweet friend, make Joe spoil you rotten!! I love you, you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!! Stay warm and get well soon!!!

Love and HUGS!!!

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